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Old September 23rd, 2010, 08:51 AM   #1
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Recording to Nano & SxS Question

Just received my Nanoflash and am wondering what happens when my "onboard" Sony EX1 SxS cards get full. Will that force all recording to stop with the Nanoflash triggers via the timecode ? Also, what are people doing with both the Nanoflash and SxS files. Are you saving both sets or just the Nanoflash files ? Thanks.
Eric Savetsky is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 23rd, 2010, 09:16 AM   #2
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If you have set the Nano to trigger via timecode, it should stop recording when timecode stops.
Obviously, if you know this is going to happen, you could trigger the Nano via its record button or via a remote, thus it would continue recording until you stopped it.
Conversely, the SxS cards can be continuously hot swapped to continue recording across numerous cards (though the longest I've ever recorded personally was 5 continuous cards without stopping rolling, I believe.) Thus as long as you continue to have SxS cards, your timecode-triggered roll should continue.
Personally, I keep all data, both Nano and SxS. But then I'm a 'backup' nut... I even maintain backups of footage delivered to clients - with their consent, of course - for a period of time to make sure they are backed up (one less thing to worry about when going to sleep at night.)
Dave Sperling is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 23rd, 2010, 01:21 PM   #3
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Hello Eric,
Dave said it absolutely correct! It is a very good idea to trigger recording on camera and NF separately ( I do record to NF that way)! Many things could go wrong and you would know about it when is too late. That way camera and NF recordings are absolutely independent from each other. Run time of day on both and that would give you a fairly similar time code on both units.

On other hand, I do not understand why people are saying " recording to NF for redundancy"???? I do record to my camera (PMW-EX3) for redundancy. Most of the cameras are at 35-50Mbps wile NF could record way higher bit rates then that, ready for edit strait from the unit.
Luben Izov is offline   Reply

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