nanoflash + SDX900 SD + Final Cut workflow - Page 2 at
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Old January 18th, 2010, 01:33 PM   #16
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Well turns out the softness issue was my failure to render - Duh.

Where do I find:
"Always scale clip to sequence" to uncheck it?

At any rate I do find that FCP is cutting off the extra lines properly. This does allow just dragging the IMX 486 file into a ProRes 480 timeline then and it works.

However Client also complained that last time they kept having to re-render while doing changes so it would be better to somehow transform the 486 IMX clips to Pro Res 480 clips so all could be done in 480 with no rendering neccessary.

I tried exporting a 720x480 sequence ( with a 486 clip in it) using Quicktime export as a ProRes 422 file and it came back as again as a 720x486 clip. There are no choices for exactly what size the Pro Res SD exports are. Is 720x486 the default Pro Res NTSC frame size?

Any simple way to turn the IMX 720x486 file into a ProRes 720x480 file?

Maybe I'm just overdoing trying to simplify this for my client though and making things more complicated than necessary.
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Old April 6th, 2010, 11:11 AM   #17
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SD Shoot tomorrow

I am going to try out the Nano on an SD shoot tomorrow. I'm using the HDX900 and want to be sure I get the settings right. Client originally requested Betacam 16x9 (UGH!, you kidding me!?) but I am not renting that cam for the shoot. Time to make the nano pay for itself.

I would expect that editor will want something approximating DVCam 16x9 footage.

Here is what I have read for setup:

-HDX900 video out switch set to "SDI" out for SD downconvert in camera. Might run into missing timecode embedded into video stream. I will run a test later today.
-Nano set to 16x9 aspect ratio
-Nano set to IMX 50Mbit

-checking to see if MOV or MXF is preferred by post

Any thoughts? Any caveats? Am I missing anything?

I see some have problems in post with Final Cut and the timeline renders, etc. Anyone have a bulletproof workflow yet? Want to share?
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Old April 6th, 2010, 01:43 PM   #18
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Augusta Georgia
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Dear Scott,

We know that certain cameras, in (SD) SDI mode do not output timecode (or at least not as we expect it).

One option is get one of our timecode input cables, then you can record timecode as output from the camera's Timcode Outputs (usually on BNC connectors). - Free World Wide FedEx Express Shippingwith purchase of nanoFlashOrder online or email usually stocks these cables.

Using Internal Timecode on the nanoFlash is another option.

It appears to me that your plan is fine.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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