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Old November 25th, 2009, 03:43 PM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Hobe Sound, Florida
Posts: 213

By the time most broadcasters/cable producers move up to 140+ LGOP or 220/440 I Frame, our EX's and Pdw-800's will be done with the job they are expected to do. Provide bit rates that work today.

IMHO, 4k is on the way as a common acqusition and delivery tool, but remember 2K will be around until every dog on the chain has had years of profit making. And profit making is not a bad thing. We all need to make a profit!
Common day 4K will be the next best thing, but a lot has to evolve before that happens. I have HD monitors in my suite, and 4 HD monitors in my camera packages and I have been testing and using HD since 1998, but I just got around to adding a HD TV to my family room.
As I write this

Sony has made some big announcements today including:

1) Camcorder for life: New SRW-9000 ships today at affordable price point and with future upgrade path to 35mm sensor and memory recording.
2) Open and Efficient File-based Workflow with MXF and SR Lite
3) Workflow Benefits with EDL data and color correction using CDL files
4) Delivery of new SR memory as media of future
5) Strong tape archive strategy and realignment of media pricing

Read Abel Cine Tech's blogs on the news here: http://blog.abelcine.com/2009/11/25/...proof-roadmap/

And also check out our hands on review by Abel's Andy Shipsides and Jesse Rosen here: http://blog.abelcine.com/2009/11/25/...-the-srw-9000/

Finally read the Sony Announcement Here: Sony : Sony reveals HDCAM SR strategy to revolutionise high-end production and widen market appeal : United Kingdom

Mitch Gross
Applications Specialist
Abel Cine Tech
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Old November 25th, 2009, 03:57 PM   #17
Major Player
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Location: Hobe Sound, Florida
Posts: 213
Official Announcement

Sony : Sony reveals HDCAM SR strategy to revolutionise high-end production and widen market appeal : United Kingdom
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Old November 28th, 2009, 08:02 PM   #18
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Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 98
Even though everyone seems to want higher rates, I never see ex1 footage that's been roughed up beyond simple color corrections and contrast tweaks. The Image quality of sony cams could blow people away if shooters would just take adavantage of the dynamic range and resolutions these camera's are capable of. Yet all the footage I see from the ex1 are flat and untouched.
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Old November 30th, 2009, 06:25 AM   #19
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Yeah, saw the updated announcements regarding the SRW-9000 and it looks to be a brilliant replacement for my F900. I've had my eye on the development of that camera since it was first shown at NAB last year but the announcement of B4/PL mount interchangeability floored me. The new solid state recorder that you can convert the 9000 to so use the 1TB RAID5 SxS cards that will be made for it is a great upgrade path. The camera is starting to ship now but all the option cards are still six months behind. The option boards enable 4:4:4 dual link HDSDI output, picture cache for long exposure timelapse/in camera speed ramp/over-under crank, 4:4:4 in camera recording with S.log mode.

The Nanoflash will end up working well for me as a bridge between clients that haven't yet upgraded to SR or as proxies with a baked in Rec.709 LUT.

...too bad that beast is eating 57W without any cards installed.
Paul Steinberg
DP, Toronto |+|Canada
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