xdr mounting on a xl-h1 at DVinfo.net
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Old March 12th, 2009, 11:47 AM   #1
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xdr mounting on a xl-h1

Are there any pictures out there of somebody fixing the XDR on a Canon Xl-H1?

My plan is to extend my camera with a gold mount from Anton Bauer and somehow maybe build something to fix the XDR on the battery mount..(if there is a soultion i can buy..thats better) then the XDR and the camera would get powered by the same battery and also it would (maybe) lead to the main weight resting on my shoulders ( and not in my right hand as it is at the moment).. is this plan making sense ?

also ... is there a remote control beeing delivered with the xdr? and if it is..how big is it..


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Old March 12th, 2009, 03:52 PM   #2
Major Player
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Convergent-Design is coming out with exactly what you are trying to work up.

A mounting bracket for the XDR to XLH1 and battery setup.
Suggest you contact Dan Keaton. It may save you a lot of trial and error.
I am about to do the same thing.
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Old March 12th, 2009, 04:03 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Dear Phillipp,

We have designed and built a custom mount for the XL H1.

It attaches to the three Canon provided screw holes.

One piece attaches to the two lower holes, and small strengthening and stabilizing arms attaches to the upper hole.

The lower piece can stay on the camera. Then there is a quick release mechanism for the Flash XDR and Anton Bauer mount.

We are finalizing it now.

I hope to have photo's soon.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 12th, 2009, 04:49 PM   #4
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Yes... now thats pretty good news..

my plans were always to aquire the Flash XDR in April/May...
it is very important to have a fixed setup.. i am always on the run and dont want to take a batterybelt with me.. or having the xdr in a backpack or something.. just one camera.. everything fixed to it.. i dont mind the weight.. it just have to be stable..

so i am looking forward to the photos..

while i am at it... just one question.. I was looking into buying the XDR in Vienna..
AVI-SYS Electronics sell them here for 6200 Euros without tax.. so it will be with VAT around 7440 Euros which is around 9.404 Dollars..
so i dont know.. importing the Flash - XDR sounds like a good idea.. are there any Differences between European and American Versions? You know PAL NTSC Issues...
and what about Guarantee if i would buy it in America...I have to send it to you i guess, if anything goes wrong with the unit.. but AVI-SYS probably would do the same thing..
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Old March 12th, 2009, 06:36 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Dear Phillipp,

We highly encourage you to purchase your Flash XDR through your local dealer.

They are there to support you.

There is a 14% tax on all video recording devices that can record over x minutes in the European Union. This, with the duties, and taxes and exchange rates contribute to the price differences.

The US and European versions are the same. Our European distributor services and stands behind what they sell. So to answer your question, if you had a problem with a Flash XDR purchased in Europe, it would go back to your European dealer and then possibly to our European distributor.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old March 12th, 2009, 07:18 PM   #6
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Of course your right.. I am always with supporting local Dealers, local crew.. but its just not only the 14%.. if i get this right its nearly 200 % of the US price... thats alot more :)
..but there is to think about customs when importing and also local support if something goes wrong during a shoot.. i probably would get a Replacement XDR immediately from AVI-SYS if anything should happen..
so..yeah..was just more of a side question..

cant wait to see the rig :)
Philipp Steiner is offline   Reply

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