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Old May 4th, 2007, 03:05 AM   #31
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"downgraded" to connect HD 3.4.2 build 38 and things are working fine again.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 03:12 AM   #32
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You shouldn't have to wait long. My experience is they are one company who listens to the customer and fixes what is wrong. I recently picked up the Adobe Production bundle and Aspect. What Aspect does is like magic. Cineform rewrote the engine of Premiere to fit their codec and it DOES run real time - several layers and effects. After running 1440 X 1080 on low resolution to see it run at all and sometimes still not know if you are in sync (both in Premiere and another NLE), this is a huge step forward.
Jerry Waters
Arize Productions
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Old May 4th, 2007, 09:42 AM   #33
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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The capture engine should be the same between build 38 Neo HDV. Please try again.
David Newman -- web:
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:25 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Jerry Waters View Post
You shouldn't have to wait long. My experience is they are one company who listens to the customer and fixes what is wrong. I recently picked up the Adobe Production bundle and Aspect. What Aspect does is like magic. Cineform rewrote the engine of Premiere to fit their codec and it DOES run real time - several layers and effects. After running 1440 X 1080 on low resolution to see it run at all and sometimes still not know if you are in sync (both in Premiere and another NLE), this is a huge step forward.

the first thing i'd want if i was a cineform software engineer and a customer had a problem like mine would be to have the actual source for the conversion. the recurring problem though i'm sure is that it's not easy to send very large (>1GB) files other than through postal mail right now. i can't imagine how much useful debugging you could do based on probably not-complete technical descriptions of the problem from customers.

i'd lobby cineform to produce optional much more verbose debugging output, maybe a skeletal codec stream symbol dissasembly--would also by useful by itself!--and parse and wavelet engine state information... that part could be obfuscated or encrypted and compressed to protect intellectual property.

whenever i had a problem, if i could invoke the "debug" version of the cineform code instead, then send a codec symbol binary and a cineform debug stream binary to cineform that would make both customers and software engineers happier. it also maybe wouldn't matter at all that i can't cut and paste the log output. :)

anyway just a suggestion! the codec is so good that obviously i'm willing to put up with my local bugs (all my problems could certainly be from my setup).
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:33 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by David Newman View Post

The capture engine should be the same between build 38 Neo HDV. Please try again.
with definite respect to your technical ability, it's not possible to *really* be sure they end up operating the same with different code wrapped around them, right? so something between the way i installed neo or in the code around it and the way it's interacting with my setup is causing me some problems that the cineform QA group hasn't seen yet. i wish i had more information to give you all. i'd love to be able to say "this is the screwy thing about my setup, and here is a script and some source files to include in your regression suites from now on." what is your suggestion? the first thing i should do is send the actual source that is a problem.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:49 AM   #36
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Ali, I did have an issue with conflicting updates (using Prospect). I had to manually remove the drivers, files, and regs from a previously bad install. Something to check for while you wait...
Pete Ferling It's never a mistake if you learn something new from it.
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