David Newman, I have one word for you.....
O.K 2 words......"radial blur", it adds frames to the clip, I just used the default setup, also I believe something was wrong with the project to begin with, so here is how I fixed that. Instead of using project manager in PPro 1.5 to trim my project, I brought the old original project into PPro 2 then I trimmed it with project manager, gradually removing, trying and rendering each set of effects until I found the culprit, keeping in mind I did this with the PPro 1.5 "trimmed" project and had to remove every effect to get it not to add length, after I removed each effect and rendered it out, the lngthening of the "over length" was made shorter and shorter, when I retrimmed the original project in PPro 2 I went through the same process, removed all effects and added one at a time until I found the culprit, so it was a double problem, project and radial blur, anyway thanks for the patience. I tried radial blur on the fresh system with a new project and it did it again (rendered 2.5 second clip, ended up with one extra frame at the end only (it matched up perfectly until the end) hope this helps someone :)
PS. The only way to check it was to export out to a movie, rendered it plays fine in the timeline.