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Old September 26th, 2005, 09:22 AM   #31
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To Flash - how?

What is the best workflow to go from hdv to Flash movie and keep as much quality as possible? Using PPro and Aspect HD.
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Old December 4th, 2005, 12:43 AM   #32
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Poorman's HDV workflow

Hi,i m interested about using freeware on HDV with a slow pc.

I use CapDVhs on XP to capture whole hr of HDV into m2t file.
read the CapDvhs carefully if u intend to use Virtualdub mpeg2.
then use virtualdubMpeg2 open it,it takes 8minutes on my celeron 850.
apply smart deinterlace and timestamp plug-in. which i think always nice to work with time code, it's at the bottom but only 10-15pixels high.
i stay at 1440 x 1080 but it converts to Progressive.
testing cineform and this takes about 2 hrs to convert 1 hr of footage.
for 2x of size u can have a workable format to edit on, the audio also convert to wav format too.

i also try others such as targa but seems crash always. may be the image sequences are too big.

HUFFY codec doesn't play although it can encode, so far only cineform works.
or go for uncompress or image sequences.
it's slow but the goodies are hard disk is cheaper and cheaper, and i can avoid many frame loss in batch capture, so far no good confirm that is oktouse batch capture in HDV,as i don;t know how to avoid chopping off key frames,may be a sec. of handle on both end will help.

My question is ;
is there any way to convert to cineform on the fly, so i can eliminate the re encode.
i know Vasst has a gearshift, but they use sony YUV codec, which i don;t have, so is this the way to do similar job with virtualdubMpeg2 and cineform?

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Old December 4th, 2005, 04:01 AM   #33
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it's 2days not 2hrs

my apology,
it's rendering at 2days,i mistook it as 2hrs.
i run another test ,10sec on cineform is about 6minutes for deinterlace, and 3 min for just plain encoding.

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Old December 12th, 2005, 10:48 AM   #34
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John, what are you trying to accomiplish with this workflow?
Is it just designed to work on older computers?

Thanks for the post,
Daniel Rudd
Digital Storyteller (Sony HDV, Aspect HD)
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Old January 9th, 2006, 06:56 PM   #35
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Workflow question

Although I'm still yet to purchase a copy of Cineform Connect as I'll hopefully be purchasing a new computer and don't want it registered solely on one of my current machines, I've got a bit of a question regarding deinterlacing and conversion.

Now, in the John Jackman article linked from Cineform main page, he mentions that he's found the best method of converting PAL 50i footage to 24P, is to firstly capture the footage to the Cineform codec at 24P and then batch deinterlace all the shots using DV Film Maker. Now I've tried DV Film Maker, and it does quite a decent job. Although what I was wondering, is if it would be simpler just to capture the footage in the native HDV format, then batch deinterlace using DV Film Maker, but save the files in the Cineform codec from there whilst converting them to 24P in the process? If that's even possible? Or is the HD Link app the only way to do the conversion? The demo version of Connect HD I had has already expired, so I can't test this myself.

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Old January 9th, 2006, 07:08 PM   #36
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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I think you idea is sound. You can use HDLink to capture only the M2T files then import those into DV Film Maker, from there directly encode to 24p CineForm AVIs. That will work great.
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Old January 9th, 2006, 07:47 PM   #37
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Hi David,

Sounds great. So the conversion from 4.2.0 to 4.2.2 will still be carried out aswell during the process?

I've got a couple of hardware questions aswell, but they're probably more appropriate for the Dual core thread.

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Old January 9th, 2006, 08:00 PM   #38
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Ah, the catch. We do the upconversion filtering only within HDLink and the Premiere capture interface. Within external tools like DV Film Maker, we have to assume that chroma filtering has been performed as it outputs 4:4:4 RGB data (before is it compressed as 4:2:2.) It don't know whether DV Film Maker 4:2:0 to 4:2:2 chroma filtering is as good CineForm's, that will be up to you to judge.
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Old January 9th, 2006, 08:49 PM   #39
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Ah I see. That's probably why John Jackman captures to Cineform first, and then deinterlaces using DV Film Maker. Although I assume not much would be lost anyway judging by the clip on your website's quality tests page?

By the way, how does the 4:2:0 to 4:2:2 chroma filtering work in the Cineform codec? Is it similar to blurring the chroma channel in Vegas using the chroma blur plugin? There's no need to answer this if it's a guarded secret :-)

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Old January 9th, 2006, 08:58 PM   #40
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It is a little more complex that that. :)
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Old February 26th, 2006, 01:53 PM   #41
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I am using vegas 6c and would like to know if my workflow is correct. I am using the trial version. This is my workflow: capture hdv footage with connect hd-load it up to vegas timeline-edit-then print to hdv tape. I see no difference in quailty when I play it back on my HDTV. Great product!!
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Old February 26th, 2006, 10:20 PM   #42
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I use Premiere and the workfow is the same and works perfectly. So I do not see a difference between both workflows. The only difference is that we, the Premiere users, need to use Aspect HD, not Connect HD, for other irrelevant technical reasons. So keep it simple, you are in the right direction...

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Old February 27th, 2006, 08:12 PM   #43
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Need more clarification. When I am done editing on the Vegas time line with the Cineform intermediate codec I can finalize it to SD DVD but for HD as a final destination do I switch back to the original M2T file prior to print to HDV tape??

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Old February 28th, 2006, 07:57 PM   #44
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I am not too familiar with Vegas. I use it only when Premiere is unable to give me either a transition or an effect that Vegas may have it. However, in Premiere, you do either two things: export to tape (which will decode the intermediate Cineform AVI and transfer it as an m2t file to the deck), or just render it as an itermediate Cineform AVI and use the HDLink to do the decoding and copying to the deck. In my case, I utilize the later since is faster, and I have both files, the intermediate and the transcoded m2t. That is why I love AspectHD in conjunction with Premiere as part of my main workflow!

Again, I do not know how Vegas does this function since I do not use it as my primary NLE, but most likely the Cineform Knowledge Database will explain it. If I get a hold of the information, I will post it it for you.


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Old March 9th, 2006, 12:39 AM   #45
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Need workflow for After Effects and PPro 2

When I export a CineForm avi file from AE 7, the avi file displays properly in Windows Media Player. However, when I import the avi file into a PPro 2 project using Aspect HD mode and drop it on the timeline, it does not display correctly on the monitor (the display is grey with a grid is small dots).

Can someone please post an AE to PPro workflow that uses the Aspect HD codec so that I can try and duplicate it on my system. Thanks in advance.

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