Faeture Request/Business Opportunity
Would GoPro/Cineform ever consider developing a web based 3D player like the Youtube Player? And offering a paid video hosting service?
It would seem like the next logical step in the progression of 3D.
I have a Vimeo PRO account which is the perfect service for what I'm after, but they don't support 3D at the player level, sure I can encode to Anaglyph, upload, let Vimeo re-encode and the results are awful, the recompression stuffs the colours up just enough to ruin the Anaglyph. The results are far superior via a sbs upload to youtube where at the player level it converts it into Anaglyph. The only problem with youtube is that they don't offer a premium paid video hosting service like the Vimeo PRO package. I would imagine that there would be plenty of guys from the GoPro/Cineform customer base that would appreciate a 3D Video hosting service where they retain complete control of their content.