3D cineform and vegas 10 issue
This is a repost from the 3d section forum. I hope I will have more luck here...
Im new to this forum so let me just take this opportunity to say Hi,
My problem is a little bit strange but well within the realms of this forum. I perform AV shows with cut bits of video and self made content with music. I also scratch (DJ wiki wiking lol) video live so I had to make a choice on codec that was a low load on CPU, compressed and used only I frames. Cineform ticked all the right boxes, reminded me of Indeo for performance but with all the extra quality and it also has the benfits of creating a really fast workflow for me and being able to use it as an intermediate and final perfomance codec.
Obviously I have been doing this for a while now and have been plotting away to do a 3D show. Problem being up until now I have never had an easy workflow for this until vegas 10 landed. I absolutely love the fact the the cineform files are saved the way they are with 2 streams that only one thumbnail shows and when they are imported into vegas it detects the correct 3D mode. Brilliant as I only have to do a little extrawork at the aquisition of 3D content stage converting to cineform inside vegas. I can keep my workflow from there on exactly the same.
The problem arises when I come to render off my work in vegas with the cineform codec. It forces 2 streams only and doesn't allow me to have just 1 stream with the video side-by-side. Any other format allows me to this put I really need cineform for the afore mentioned reasons. Anyone have a clue on how to save from vegas 10 as full side-by-side to cineform codec?