Cineform + Premiere Pro: HDV-edit doesn't play at
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Old July 25th, 2005, 07:27 AM   #1
New Boot
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Cineform + Premiere Pro: HDV-edit doesn't play

Hello HDV-Community!

I am beginning to edit a first HDV-movie, and many new qualities seems to be very satisfying.
But since I have purchased and installed the Cineform Aspect HD-Plugin,
I have 2 new problems, never experienced before:

1st problem:
When working on the timeline, I want to view the sequence or a clip,
it never plays, but immediately jumps to the very end of the timeline.
Also, if I try to play it in the monitor, it only jumps to the end and shows a black picture...
(a confusing detail: normally, the more at the beginning of the timeline the image is, the less it plays.
if it's at the end, it sometimes plays well...)

2nd problem:
Normally without the cineform-Plugin,
in the premiere-monitor-window you can choose many options how to play back your work.
(f.ex. onto dv hardware, or audio seprately etc..)
But Cineform seems to overwrite these options
and only gives you 4 possibilities for 'display controls'.
These show no difference at all and do not replace the original functions.

(hard- and software-info:
Premiere Pro 1.5.1, and the cineform aspect HD plug-in.
My computer has a double 3.2 GB-Processor, 2GB Ram,
Hyperthreading and a 2x250GB-raid-harddisk.)

If anyone could help me solve these two problems,
I would be VERY thankful!!

:-) from Switzerland,
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Old July 25th, 2005, 09:30 AM   #2
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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1st sounds like a question for technical support. Open a trouble ticket at There is likely a simple solution as that error sounds to me like something isn't installed correctly.

2nd: This is a limiation of HDV, there is no DV output monitoring as compressing effects and transitions back into MPEG2 is simply too slow. Instead Aspect HD provides external monitoring through dual head video cards (that is what one of the those options is for.) Other features in the display options are for features Premiere doesn't have -- such as colorspace controls for 709 and video system RGB -- this enables Aspect HD is deliver higher quality than the stock Premiere Pro.
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Old July 25th, 2005, 11:04 AM   #3
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it never plays, but immediately jumps to the very end of the timeline.
I have had this experience before. My work-around is to render the sequence in the timeline for playback, and then it should work fine again. I'm not sure whose bug it is.

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Old July 25th, 2005, 11:22 AM   #4
New Boot
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Thank you David and Steven!

David: I just sent a mail to the cineform-support, and hope they can help quickly! It would be great, if it's only something with an installation...
Steven: I did this too, and yes, exported as a movie it works, but this may not be the solution, it would make the workflow too complicated and much too slow. But for an emergency it's the thing to do.

David: I never thought of that, but it's logic, so thank you a second time! :-)

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Old July 25th, 2005, 02:39 PM   #5
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I didn't say "export as movie" I said "render work area". There's a big difference, and it's a pretty standard thing to do in Premiere if it's misbehaving on the "real time" front.

I'll be interested if you come across a fix.

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Old August 2nd, 2005, 01:51 AM   #6
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Alec Wohlgroth,

i am having the exact same problem, did you get a solution? please let me know.


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Old August 4th, 2005, 01:18 PM   #7
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I have got the same problem. It has appered from one day to another and I think it has something with windows update because I didn't change anything else then this on my system.
I tried to upgrade from 3.1 to 3.2 with no success. Only I get is Premiere crash during capture as written in this thread
Does anybody solve those issues?
Jaromir Pesr
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Old August 4th, 2005, 02:25 PM   #8
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Please file a trouble ticket as we aren't getting consistant information, make debug tricky -- particularly if a Window update caused the problem. SIGGRAPH will be over after today so we will be full staffed again to address issues.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 08:57 AM   #9
New Boot
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can anyone tell me if this problem was solved, I am getting the same thing. I have just copied my footage to my new pc and installed HDLINK 3.3, it was not happening on the old pc, but now it jumps to the end of clips whether they are in the timeline or preview monitor. it feels like i spend as much time trying to work out why this software isn't working as i do working on it. please let me know asap.


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Old September 1st, 2005, 09:13 AM   #10
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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This is almost certainly an install problem (i.e. something is missing.) Uninstall 3.3 then reinstall it. It that does work contact tech support. There is no know reason for your system not to be working.
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Old September 1st, 2005, 09:30 AM   #11
New Boot
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i have unistalled and reinstalled it has made no difference.when i open a standard HDV project in premiere the clips all work.any ideas?
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Old September 1st, 2005, 11:31 AM   #12
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I reiterate:

You're working in a timeline, and when you click "play" the timeline immediately jumps to the end of the work-area bar.

My consistent work around for this problem has been to "render the work-area" (i.e., if there are little red bits above SFX in the timeline, once rendered they're green), at which point the whole she-bang works normally.

Can anyone else confirm this is work-around works?

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Old September 16th, 2005, 02:30 AM   #13
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Cineform/Premiere-timeline-preview: problem still not solved

Hello all!

Excuse me for starting this thread, and then getting out of the discussion...
Ben, yes, I've also spent as much time working on a solution, as on the project first... After all the crashes with the premiere/CineForm-combination I had to give up, and just work with premiere without the CineForm plugin...

All the solutions below (re-installing, etc.. rendering the files,) unfortunately did not work, and the problem consists:
when trying to play the timeline, the cursor jumps to the end. What's even worse though, when scrubbing or re-trying to play the images, the computer normally crashes completely.

Now I have worked out the complete 400GB-HDV-project on simple Premiere 1.5.1 and it all worked well.. Only capturing from tape seemed to be quicker with CineForm.
But still, it's a big bother, not just because of all the lost time, but also because of all the money I spent for that software..

Thank you all for the thoughts, and maybe together we will find a solution.
:-) Alec

one new thought: could it be a problem with the combination of Windows XP (SP2), Premiere 1.5.1, CineForm and the graphics card? Mine is a '128MB PCI-E ATI FIREGL V3100 (2xVGA/1xDVI+1xVGA)'...
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Old September 16th, 2005, 09:37 AM   #14
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Pity you are not in the area as I would have liked to see your PC. I know it is fixable (never known a modern PC that Aspect HD doesn't work on.) I'm sorry you went through these troubles. Either use HDLink to do your conversion externally to Premiere (conversion is hight quality and faster -- as you have found) or arrange a de-activation with tech support and get a refund (as no point in paying for software you can't use.)

Note: the jumping to the end of a timeline condition can occur if you add a transition and Premiere reports "Insufficient media. This transition will contain repeated frames." Aspect HD can have trouble with these odd transitions, so either add the frames missing in the overlap or apply the "Force Render" filter and render that transition.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 01:34 AM   #15
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I've had exactly the same problem with an automated to timeline sequence with default dissolves in PP1.51 with AspectHD 3.3. In the end I had to delete the 120 clips and start over!
Derek Antonio Serra
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