CFHD Clips Missing from Trimmed Projects? at
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Old August 10th, 2009, 09:24 AM   #1
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CFHD Clips Missing from Trimmed Projects?

CS4, the digital car wreck that I can't seem to tear myself away from... always seems to come up with something to keep us poor video hackers guessing.

This time, those lovable little gremlins at Adobe seemed to have cast a nifty little spell on the project manager, specifically, the project trimming function.

For some reason, the resultant trimmed projects do NOT collect or include any CFHD files.

This is a consistent result with several projects. Just curious if anyone else has run into the same issue.

At least nowadays, CS4 and I have seemed to come to a good working arrangement. It does its thing, I smile and say "you got me again you rascally NLE".... then search for the nearest beer.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 04:51 PM   #2
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did it happen with CS3 as well?
(I have three CFHD projects waiting to be trimmed,
and you just scared the crap out of me).


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Old August 10th, 2009, 04:57 PM   #3
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Hi Vasco.... sorry to be source of fear, but I never encountered this issue with CS3.

I even created a new project, set up Cineform parameters, imported ONE CFHD video file.... dropped it into the timeline.... trimmed a few seconds off the head and tail.... saved the project, then proceeded to the project manager.

I attempted to save a trimmed project, established a target directory.... clicked okay, went to the folder... and the only file in the directory is the Premiere project file.

Not good news.

Other AVI files are collected and trimmed... but not CFHD.

I would absolutely love to learn that I am doing something boneheaded.... but in that category, CS4 actually has a worse track record than I do.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 09:37 PM   #4
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Thanks Marty,

you're saying that CS3's trimming never nuked
your CF projects: that sounds quite reassuring, as
I have no intention whatsoever to "upgrade" to CS4
(it took me 3 or 4 months to figure out how to
tweak my system so as to lower CS3's instability
to an acceptable level - and now I want to enjoy it for a while)

Anyway: good luck! - and keep us posted
(BTW: what's so interesting and cutting-edge in CS4
that makes people upgrade? I used Prem 6.5 until last year -
out of fear, I guess...)

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Old August 10th, 2009, 10:10 PM   #5
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We must all be masochists Vasco. We're all so eager to trade reasonable stability for the latest version number.

I have a trouble ticket filed with Cineform on this issue, but it's hard to imagine that it is their problem.

If I knew for sure I was going to live another 60 years, I would go through Adobe "support".

If I sound frustrated and bitter, I suppose I am... and you are wise to withhold your "upgrade". Anyone who questions that statement hasn't attempted the most simple of NLE tasks in the CS4 world.... the basic framegrab. It is a microcosm of the "improvements" CS4 has to offer.

The solution.... a Cineform NLE. But that notion has already been swatted out of the ballpark.

I'll certainly post any new developments here. I'm sure Jake and the gang at Cineform will have some pointers if not solutions to this issue.

In the meantime, it would be very informative if other CS4 users could post their results of using the trimmed project function of project manager. That could quickly educate us whether this is an isolated problem for me, or a universal problem for all CS4/Prospect HD users.
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Old August 11th, 2009, 07:46 PM   #6
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Done trimming my CS3 projects;
all CF files seem to be where they should be;
can slowly untangle my fingers...
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Old August 12th, 2009, 03:20 PM   #7
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CS3 never had this problem.... it seems to be yet another surprise bonus feature of CS4.
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Old August 13th, 2009, 12:08 AM   #8
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Me Too

Holy cow! I just timmed a project in CS4 and NO CF AVI files. Only the Mp4 files come across.
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Old August 13th, 2009, 08:06 AM   #9
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Andy.... I think you have confirmed that a real problem exists, and it's probably not just me. Thanks for touching base. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have a trouble ticket with Cineform filed.

I will update on this thread when I learn more.

David... in the meantime, this should be a very easy scenario for you to replicate to verify?
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Old August 17th, 2009, 07:18 AM   #10
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Can anyone with CS4 in any configuration confirm that Project Manager will collect and trim CFHD files for archive?

My issue is with ProspectHD, but any other Cineform configurations under any OS would be enlightening to know.

I have a ticket pending with Cineform as well, but nothing to report as of yet.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 10:32 PM   #11
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Marty, I just bit the bullet and upgraded to CS4 on a Windows7 64-bit machine, with ProspectHD on board.

I can confirm that it won't trim CFHD avis - dagnabbit!!

Did the Cineform folks give you any reason to hope we might eventually see a fix for this???
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Old September 10th, 2009, 08:51 AM   #12
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Hi Graham....

Unfortunately, the Cineform position is that they do not officially support Win 7 yet. My support ticket was closed by them under the assumption that this issue will be resolved with the realtime engine fixes.

This has become extremely frustrating. I can understand and empathize with the 9 month wait for CS4 implementation. What is maddening is that at this point, we don't even know what we are waiting for anymore? See my thread here:

I wouldn't be shocked to hear that the CS4 divide cannot be bridged. What then? And if it is, what gets fixed?

How many of us could possibly be excited about doing this all over again with CS5??!

Staying with CS3 is always an option, and CS4 is an abomination for many reasons.... but having to use legacy versions of software is a choice I would rather make for reasons other than incompatibility.

I've stated many times on this board.... at first only half-way seriously, but now it is with all sincerity.... we need a Cineform NLE.

Take the person-hours spent over the past 12 months in attempting to wedge the Cineform square peg into the Adobe (fill in the blank here)-hole, and you'd be well on your way to a nifty, solid, supremely supported, NLE system. The hours saved in support time alone is worthy of factoring into this.

Maybe we need a "Cineform NLE" petition on this board?
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Old September 10th, 2009, 09:06 AM   #13
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Unfortunately, CS3 isn't presently an option for me on my Win 7 machine - I have the red upsidedown playback glitch with CFHD files. (Frustrating, because I had that combination working OK on a previous machine with different hardware).

So on balance, having no project trimming is less of a show-stopper than having no timeline playback. Hence my upgrade to CS4 yesterday. Sigh.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 09:08 AM   #14
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Win7 should work fine for CS4 (as it is) with a registry tweak for First Light. The next software release should help with Win 7. The issue is Win 7 and CS3 -- we are focusing on CS4 at the moment -- once Win 7 is official we will look into CS3 RT support for Win 7 (i.e. fixing purple playback.) As for CS4 progress, here is an update on the tech blog
David Newman -- web:
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Old September 10th, 2009, 09:32 AM   #15
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That's a helpful update David, and appreciated.

Is there a link or instructions for the registry steps on Win 7 for First Light?
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