Okay I've nearly gotten some headaches over this one but I finally exported some reasonably decent quality footage to SD DVD using the suggestions in this post. But still have a few issues--
My project was shot on HDV (1440x1080) captured in with AspectHD. I've been exporting the completed sequences out as master avi clips in the form of Cineform avi files (1440x1080 & HD Optimized). I then take the files and export them with AME using Mpeg 2 DVD 23.976 widescreen high quality. The results are good.
My project is 93 minutes long and everything is broken down into smaller segments. After creating master avi clips of all the segments and importing them all into a new Cineform 1440x1080 project, I have to adjust the target bitrate down to 4.9mb/s to burn to DVD. Any higher and I exceed the 4.7 gig DVD's disk space. This seems awefully low (and the quality suffers). Am I missing a step somewhere?
Also--an editor friend of mine says his Compressor target bitrate settings for a 90 min clip are up in the 6.5 bitrate range.