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Old June 1st, 2004, 09:33 AM   #136
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Aspect HD Question

How do you monitor your editing with realtime preview with Premiere Pro and Aspect Hd combination on a NTSC broadcast monitor ?
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Old June 1st, 2004, 09:52 AM   #137
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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You will need a dual head video card that can take the video overlay channel and output that to a second display. Most of the recent ATI cards do this (9800 series I believe), along with the Maxtrox P750 and Parhelia video cards which promote this function.

If you need to ask whether a particular card has this function, ask whether MediaPlayer output can be seen on desktop, and have just the video signal go out the TV (s-video) port. The function needs a name, yet it is becoming common.
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Old June 2nd, 2004, 09:28 AM   #138
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We just purchased a Matrox P750 to edit our HD10 footage with AspectHD. To my surprise the P750 does NOT offer RT video preview. The Matrox web pages were very decieving. Under the Matrox Parhelia and P series drivers page, the WYSIWYG plug-ins do not all work with the P series cards. Even though this is explained only in the read-me file of the plug-in. Something you would only check once you own the card and install the drivers. Customer support gave me a huge run around, then said they were going to refer my complaint to a higher athority. That never happened. After a further email was sent asking for a reply I got this responce.

"Hi Ken,

They made their web pages abit more clearer but that's about all that will happen.


I had a feeling that would be the responce. I have the old pages saved and plan to bundle them with my emails and send them to any and all Video Editing, and Hardware Review sites.
The Matrox site has many of the same complaint on its tech support forums. Matox has been unwilling to budge and offer any of its unhappy customers an upgrade option. Pathetic!

The P750 will work with Premiere 6.5. But not After Effects and Premiere Pro. Something about them not using overlay. Tech support says they have no plans to release P750 WYSIWYG drivers.

I had this card recommended to me by half a dozen video "experts" specifically for editing Premiere Pro and After Effects. I guess I wasn't the only one who was tricked by Matrox.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old June 2nd, 2004, 09:50 AM   #139
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Technically that is all correct, EXCEPT, Aspect HD has the necessary code that make a wider range of cards work with Premiere Pro, including the P750. Matrox should know this by now, but as CineForm is a competitor I guess they didn't want to put us on their site :)

It will only work in the Aspect HD editing mode, and the card is annoying to set up. Follow the Matorx instructions for making media player work to an external monitor. You may also contact if Matrox is no help.
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Old June 2nd, 2004, 01:50 PM   #140
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That is good news. I have our PC with the P750 up and running, getting the software installed, but our cam and AspectHD package will be arriving soon so I haven't been able to try it out yet. (can't wait!)
This is yet another solid reason to use AspectHD.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old July 15th, 2004, 12:26 PM   #141
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Aspect Hd Demo

I hope somebody can help me.I downloaded the Aspect HD demo simply because I just wanted to try it before I purchase the software.However when I was trying to install it I got an error message that the MSI installer cannot be accesed .I get in touch with support at cineform and they told me that something wrong with my xp msi installer.However I installed lately at least 5 other softwares and none of them has a problem.I tried the installer on another machine with the same message!!!
I dont know what to do and I really want to purchase this software but I need to make it work before I pay $1199 for a package like this...
I have the latest updated for windows xp !!
Anybody can help???
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Old July 15th, 2004, 01:11 PM   #142
AJA Video Systems
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This is the exact error which you reported to me:

"The Windows Installer Service cannot be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the windows installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."

This error occurs when there is a problem with the Windows Installer Service or if the Service is missing. It can be a corruption of the Windows Installer, or a registry problem causing the windows installer service to fail. This may not be apparent when installing other software, if the other software does not use a windows installer. There are many different companies that use other types of installers. However, when this error occurs, it will occur with any installer that uses the Windows Installer Service.

My recommendation to you is this:

Search the web using the first sentence of the error message. You will find many recommendations for fixing that error, all of which are fixes for the windows installer service. Below I have pasted links to a few articles. Follow the advice in these articles at your own risk. Many of the articles involve registry changes and fixes, and CineForm is not responsible for problems that may be caused by following these instructions:

To check to be sure you have this component of windows enabled, look at this link:

If your installer service is enabled as in the article above, here is a registry hack for reregistering the service. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Hope this helps you.

Thad H.
CineForm Support
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Old July 16th, 2004, 07:23 AM   #143
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thank you SOOOO of these registry hacks did work.I tried it last night and one of them worked so it is all ok now..I will play with it today and I will order the full version !
Thanks again
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Old September 8th, 2004, 09:39 AM   #144
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Aspect HD experience

Well, I loaded up my aspect HD plug in I just got into my Ppro 1.5.
I borrowed a JVC HDV camera and used capture HD to pull in an hour of video. Am using a dual 3.6 Ghz, MT, with 4 gig of DDR 3200 and SCSI drives. It basically brought the video in real time.

I edited a clip in Premiere. Outputed to M2t and exported back to the camera. Everything worked like a champ, and VERY easy to do.

So, couple of questions.

Looks like there is a limit to 30 minutes. Any idea when this will be fixed.

Looks like you have to play games with sending the export as a mpeg extension, and then rename to m2t. I assume this will be fixed somewhere?

I did not get a chance to try the transistions yet.

How about the encoder options. The default is a medium file size.
What about using Large file size. What impacts would this have?
If one is doing HD, why would one not want to edit in maximum quality?

What was neat, in my opinion, is the ability to take my HDV project, and dump it to standard DVD video for family. But, what options are people using to send out HD material? Can it be burned to a DVD and played on any players? I am going to try and get a DVHS deck which would work for me, but, very few folks have.

Man, these are exciting times!! Just need to get my hand on the sony HDV with XLR inputs.

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Old September 8th, 2004, 02:29 PM   #145
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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There isn't any longer a 30 minute limitation. There used to be a output length limitation that was fixed nearly a year ago. This is now a fairly established product with a lot of customers add up to hundreds of thousands of hours in operation.

We set the default encode quality to medium as that holds more quality that you can capture with an HDV camera. We added the even higher quality setting as some people love overkill. :) Basically you will not see any visible difference between medium and large (high) quality modes.
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Old September 8th, 2004, 02:41 PM   #146
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Now, I thought I read about the 30 minute limit on your web site
yesterday. If this limit is gone, maybe that info should be removed so others will not ask my dumb question.

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Old September 8th, 2004, 04:10 PM   #147
AJA Video Systems
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My mistake


I turns out that article you read is a little old. There are two, essentially on the same subject, but one is on Premiere 6.5 and one is on Premiere Pro.

Basically there were exporting problems with Premiere that were fixed with the Premiere Pro 1.5 release. Since you have Premiere Pro 1.5, and all the latest Aspect components, this will not be a limitation for you.

I apologize for the confusion, and I'll be updating our article today.

Thad H.
CineForm Support
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Old September 9th, 2004, 09:05 AM   #148
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aspectHD and transistion question

Did a little more playing last night.

So I took two HDV clips and slapped them on the timeline.
I then took an aspect HD transistion and placed it at the splice.
When I played the timeline, the A clip of the transistion worked great with the a/b showing. But as soon as it hit the B clip, the A material got replaced with the B stream so I had a B/B.
Now, to make matters more strange, if I placed the marker at any point on the B clip transistion points manually, it showed the transistion correctly with the a/b material. As soon as I hit play, the A material again got replaced wth the B stream so it was b/b again. So, am I doing something wrong?


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Old September 9th, 2004, 09:46 AM   #149
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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Yes. :) But I have no idea what. You should use our tech support for help on this matter. Thad Huston will be able to help you.
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Old September 9th, 2004, 10:09 AM   #150
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Will do once your web site is back up.

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