Multiple capture of scenes and CS3 capture problem at
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Old July 18th, 2008, 05:17 AM   #1
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Multiple capture of scenes and CS3 capture problem

I can no longer capture using Cineform from the Premiere CS3 capture tool? It does not see the camera.
If I shift to Capture HDV it sees the camera but not in Cinform setting,
I tried an HV20 a HDR HC1 and an XH G1. They all result to being able to capture from HDlink but not Premiere pro using the cineform Capture settings.

2.) When I do capture from HD link it converts the same scene over and over. So when I put a tape in and walk away with split scene it will capture the video and audio multiple times with one pass through on the tape. it will do it until the hard drive fills if I do not return to stop it.
I end up with 5 versions of captured tape filing up a TB of hard drive space if I am away long enough.

PPRO cs 3.2
latest Cineform download (6/20/08)
Duel xeon quad core 5355's
8GB of memeory although running Windows xp 32

Any easy answers out there?

Thank you
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Old July 22nd, 2008, 11:39 AM   #2
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Which product are you running, Aspect HD or one of the Prospect family members?

Can you tell me what the settings are in the Premiere Pro capture window? A screenshot of the PPro capture window would be very helpful.

There is a more recent version than the one you're running, as we uploaded new ones just this past week, so you can try that too.

If the new version doesn't work out for you, it may be best to open a support ticket if you haven't already so that our communication is more immediate and complete.
Tim Bucklin
CineForm Software Engineer
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Old July 23rd, 2008, 05:37 AM   #3
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: villa park CA
Posts: 81
Thanks for reply

I appreciate you taking time to reply

first i am using ppro 3.2

I am set with Cineform Capture in PPRO and when I have it set there it does not see any camera. IF I switch to HDV capture it see's all the Cameras and can operate.
I am using a cineform project preset of 60i

I had PPRO 3.2 installed when i downloaded the latest Cineform ASPECT HD version.

SECOND issue
On the multiple captures of the same scene the machine will keep rendering out the same captured scene in CFHD AVI over and over.
I am using a duel XEon Quad Core machine and it never tires of doing this. it will do it until the hardx drive is full.
I end up taking the capture location and sorting by size of capture and then just erase all but one of the files that are the same size.

So two problems, the multiple scence capture issue has been a problem through several Aspect upgrades and the ppro 3.11 to 3.2
Dan Herrmann is offline   Reply

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