Bad install of AHD 5.2 after PP reinstall at
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Old November 30th, 2007, 04:49 PM   #1
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Bad install of AHD 5.2 after PP reinstall

My PP 2.0 was acting buggy, so I decided to do a reinstall. My steps were:

1. uninstall AHD 5.1
2. reinstall PP 2.0
3. reinstall AHD, this time with 5.2

When I now start PP 2.0, I get no splash screen for Cineform, and the usual AHD playback controls aren't there. I can make a Cineform HD avi movie, but the resulting avi has the video delayed, not syncing with the sound.

My attempted fixes:
a. Repeat steps 1-3 above
b. Try using earlier versions of AHD
c. After uninstalling AHD, remove registry entries and all folders I could find for Cineform. (Evidently I'm not finding them all because when I install AHD I'm still recognized as an owner).
d. Forcing PP 2.0 to reload the plugins using the CTRL-shift at startup.

Help! I have a big project due yesterday. Thanks...
Patricia Lamm is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 30th, 2007, 06:38 PM   #2
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this may be off target, but I just went through a reinstall of my CS2 Suite, and Premiere gave me all sorts of grief, specifically, it never fully uninstalled... so teh CS2 setup wouldn't touch it... either to repair, uninstall...etc.

Even though it seems like your Premiere is running okay... you may want to try a reinstall again, but check out this link first:

All other programs in the suite (Encore, After Effects, etc) never gave me similar problems, so the above link is focused on Premiere. If you're running Premiere as a standalone, the steps described in the above link still apply.

I'm sure others will have better suggestions, but in my mind, a good starting point is to make absolutely certain that you have a clean uninstall, then a fresh install for Cineform to find and plug-in to.

I hope it helps.....
Marty Baggen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 30th, 2007, 06:45 PM   #3
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Try going to Start - Programs - Cineform - Tools - Register Components

That's worth a shot, it forces Aspect HD to doublecheck that it's registered with Premiere, the presets and the like.
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Old November 30th, 2007, 06:55 PM   #4
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm planning to move to CS2, Marty, so I'll read the information your provided. Also, I did try the "register components" fix but it didn't help.

However, I've solved the problem. I had been testing each time on one .proj file only. When I thought to try a different file, everything was fine. So something has been corrupted in the .proj file for this project. :-(

It seems like I may still be able to use the file though. I opened a brand new .proj file, imported the old file, and made copies of the sequences that I want to work on. So far it seems to be working OK. I do have backups of the original .proj file, but of course, they're not as up-to-date as I'd like.
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Old November 30th, 2007, 07:02 PM   #5
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Good job Patricia..... glad it wasn't a serious loss of work and function.
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