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Old September 14th, 2007, 01:36 PM   #1
New Boot
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Video Card(s) Solutions

I am about to construct a new computer to be used both for still and video image editing, using both Photoshop CS3 and PProCS3. I want to use two LCD displays for the application programs and, in the case of PProCS3, one tv monitor to be used for previews. I presently have a Sony SD monitor but I may want to replace that with an HD monitor since I will want to use Aspect HD to edit HDV files. I have searched the forum for relevant threads and found a few which address the display issue but I am a little confused by the proposed solutions and would like some help.

1. I have seen the reference to the Matrox Parhelia card, but it permits HDTV output only if the other two displays are not connected by DVI. Is there any disadvantage to connecting the two LCD screens (probably Dell ultrawide 2407's) in non-DVI mode?

2. I have other graphics programs which would take advantage of more powerful and sophisticated GPU's than the GPU and memory on the Parhelia card. Are there any other single card solutions? I have seen reference to the NVidia Fx1500 as having both dual display and hdtv out capabilities. Will this card work with the PPro/Aspect combination to allow HDTV preveiws?

3. There have been a few references to two video card solutions in a few threads, in which the video overlay of the first card is used for the preview monitor and the second card is used for the second lcd display screen. Is the spread of application information over the two lcd screens in this two card configuration acheived in the same way as using a single dual output card to spread the application over the two screens? If so, can someone who has used this two card solution be a little more specific in how it is set up (i.e.,how are the display dialogue boxes set up)? If the FX1500 is not a single card solution can it be used with a second less expensive card to drive the second lcd display?

4. I have also seen reference to using an AJA card as the second card, but that is a very exensive solution, especially for someone who is only editing HDV format. Are there any other less expensive cards which will do the trick?

Since putting together the system is an expensive undertaking I'd like to get it right the first time, so thanks for any help you can give.
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Old September 14th, 2007, 01:46 PM   #2
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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The for me only way to edit is with Prospect HD or 2K, with an AJA Xena LHe and your favourite GPU graphics card running one or two DVI monitors. While this might be more expensive that you plan, yet this is the configuration we desgined for. Others can comment on other setups, but the above is for the smoothest editing system (with the bonus abilities for HDSDI I/O.)
David Newman -- web:
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Old September 14th, 2007, 06:30 PM   #3
New Boot
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Video Card(s) Solution

Dave - First, sorry about the couble post. Second, thanks for the quick reply. I wil give your suggestion serious consideration - perhaps I am being pennywise and pound foolish.
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Old September 18th, 2007, 08:10 PM   #4
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David would you also recommend this setup for Vegas8, Neo HDV and editing HDV?


Originally Posted by David Newman View Post
The for me only way to edit is with Prospect HD or 2K, with an AJA Xena LHe and your favourite GPU graphics card running one or two DVI monitors. While this might be more expensive that you plan, yet this is the configuration we desgined for. Others can comment on other setups, but the above is for the smoothest editing system (with the bonus abilities for HDSDI I/O.)
Robert Garvey Photographer
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Old September 18th, 2007, 10:59 PM   #5
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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No. Vegas is completely different, CineForm doesn't do the Gfx card, integration Sony does. Please seek Sony's advice on this.
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Old September 19th, 2007, 10:29 AM   #6
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One thing that irritates me about my Canopus Card is when trying to capture Video from VHS players is the 2 pixel shimmering caused by "head noise".

Is there any way of altering the capture on other cards like the AJA Xena LHe that could eliminate this two pixel on the bottom of the VHS signal?

This would prevent me having to re-render or apply a to pixel crop effect to my footage on export which adds hours to my projects?
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Old September 21st, 2007, 08:29 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by David Newman View Post
The for me only way to edit is with Prospect HD or 2K, with an AJA Xena LHe and your favourite GPU graphics card running one or two DVI monitors. While this might be more expensive that you plan, yet this is the configuration we desgined for. Others can comment on other setups, but the above is for the smoothest editing system (with the bonus abilities for HDSDI I/O.)
This is how I do it. In fact, regarding current CS3 issues, it's the only way that works at present.

You can try overlay to the second monitor, but it's not as fluid and there is an annoying 1-2 second delay, and if using a 4:3 crt monitor, and annoying switch between aspect ratios.

You can alternatively use vfw or desktop mode and cineform files will load and play, but performance will suck once you do more than two layers, add a graphic or some FX. Abode is not very 'graceful' as they say in reducing video quality to maintain sync and playback.

Vegas has this beat, hands down. In vfw veg, you can select the second pc monitor as the uh, external monitor, and playback is very responsive and aspect is maintained. You will have to deal with blurry or low quality video for edits, but it's good enough to get the job done. Vegas 8 also see's the xena card as a source monitor -which I have not yet tried as I'm very busy cutting CS3 projects.

I hate using CS3 without the Xena (like my home workstation). I cannot use two monitors, If I drag the preview window to the second monitor, the app freezes or crashes. If I do vfw and second monitor as hardware preview, I get lousey playback. Again, if I use a prospect project and choose overlay to second monitor, I get the delay and aspect switching issue as already mentioned.

Again, get the xena if you want to avoid all this and have realtime edits in full HD wunderfulness.

David, let me know when you folks are ready to fully support Vegas, or FCP. I'm ready to switch.
Pete Ferling It's never a mistake if you learn something new from it.
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Old September 21st, 2007, 09:26 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Peter Ferling View Post
... David, let me know when you folks are ready to fully support Vegas, or FCP. I'm ready to switch.
Nevermind about FCP, I've visited your site... I've been in the edit-cave the last two months.
Pete Ferling It's never a mistake if you learn something new from it.
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