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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old September 22nd, 2001, 12:53 PM   #1
New Boot
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Post editing digital beeps

I know this is a bit of a thorny old subject but as one who suffers from it I would realy like to hear if there is a once and for all solutiuon. I work with MSP v6. Capture is fine from my XL1, no drop frames, playback is perfect in camera and on computer prior to editing. As soon as I perform any editing on captured video I get digital blips appearing all over the place. They are between 1 and 4 frames long and can be removed manualy. Canon reckon it's a software problem, Ulead never proffer an opinion, the MSP forums tend toward it being a Canon problem and I and many others seem to be stuck in the middle!!!
Do any of you heve this problem with other software, can I overcome my frustration by simply moving to another platform?
Has anyone found out for sure if it's a Canon problem and if so what can be done, if anything, or do I have to go out and buy a SONY !!!!
Many thanks for any help
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Old September 25th, 2001, 10:44 AM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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I don't use MSP so I don't have a direct answer for you. However there is an article *related* to this problem which hopefully will help you a little bit.

On the Watchdog go to Articles > Post Production > XL1 Audio with Canopus DVRaptor & DVRex M1. It talks a little bit about this issue.

Does anybody else have any input on this?

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Chris Hurd is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 26th, 2001, 01:16 AM   #3
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Hi Both,

I use a DV300 card and Miro to download and then Premier to Edit. I, too, get the odd rainbow square frame; I would say about 1 frame in a few minutes worth. But I just razor cut them out and fortunately I have not lost the rythym of the piece. I also get a band of square sound appearing once in a while, no idea where it comes from but there it is - it just appears. Again I just razor it out and all is well.

I fancy some other editing software now, when I bought my latest PC from DVC, Hove, Brighton, UK other software was available; I was demo'd a version from (I think) FAST. It was more expensive, lest glitzy than Adobe Premier but much much faster. I dunno if it is still about but I must admit - most of my stuff is straight cuts and I dont do warps, fuzzy fades, swirly mixes etc so I think it would suit me.

Sorry I'll get off my soap box now.

If any body is reading this from the UK - I have just found a good supplier of Mini DV tapes for (Panasonic or JVC) for £2.95 each. Carriage is £6 though. Their name is "Pricebusters" from Middlesex and if you want the link here is my wizzo-dizzo-all-singing-all-filming links page - it is on there somewhere


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Old September 28th, 2001, 01:47 PM   #4
New Boot
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digital blips

Just to confirm that the blips I'm refering to are on the sound track and not artifacts as found on the picture track. Thanks.
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Old September 28th, 2001, 02:10 PM   #5
Obstreperous Rex
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Brian, more system info, please... what kind of capture card are you using? Analog, digital? Make & model? Type of computer, operating system, etc. Did you read the Watchdog article I mentioned?

The studio I used to work for had the exact same audio artifacts with an XL1 and the Canopus DVRex, fixed by apllying the solution found in the article above.

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Old September 28th, 2001, 04:57 PM   #6
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Like many others I am not familar with the package. However, some packages do have problem if you are changing the audio resolution of the project.

Is it possible that you are rendering as 12 or 16 bit project with your camera's audio set to the opposite resolution?

Just a real wild guess.

Nathan Gifford
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Old October 8th, 2001, 03:32 PM   #7
New Boot
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my specs

Athlon slot A 500mh processor
Gigabyte GA 71XE m/board
256mb RAM
SB PCI128 soundcard
8mb AGP Matrox Marvel
System drive 10gb Maxtor
Video drive 18gb Seagate
Pyro capture card
Windows 98SE

All latest drivers. No conflicts. No shared IRQ.
System is generally rock solid, no falling over!
Media Studio Pro has latest plug in for time line playback and OHCI device control.
System is set up for video work with everything optomised, speed checks on drive speeds gave results well within limits for video work.
All capture done with firewire cable ( ie digital )

I've checked my capture and record sound settings and they are both ok. ( not conflicting)
I tried the extra lines from Canopus but made no difference and also several work rounds that I found on the Pinnacle site for the DV500 card where people were reporting similar problems though not just with Canons.
Here's hoping for a magic answer.......
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Old October 8th, 2001, 09:36 PM   #8
Obstreperous Rex
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Hi Brian,

I'm afraid those extra Canopus lines won't help with your Pinnacle product. Hopefully the Watchdog article helped to explain what's going on. Basicly, the XL1 audio sampling rate is within the DV spec but slightly off for your card. I understand the new XL1S doesn't have this problem. I think your best bet is to contact Pinnacle support. Good luck,

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Old October 9th, 2001, 02:05 PM   #9
New Boot
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my spec

my capture card is an ADS Pyro not a Pinnacle, I only mentioned the Pinnacle product because I've been scouring through other sites to see if this problem was occuring elsewhere - which it seems to be.
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Old October 25th, 2001, 05:33 PM   #10
Roger Iveson
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I suffer from the same random bleeps. When I recapture from the XL1 to my computer the bleeps are in the same place sugesting to me that they may originate from the original tape. I use a DPS Spark capture card. I also dont suffer dropped video frames only this horrible sound problem.

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