Where NOT to buy an XL1s at DVinfo.net
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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old January 29th, 2003, 11:27 AM   #1
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Where NOT to buy an XL1s

I have been coming here for a few weeks now, and see many cases of people offering good places to buy an XL1s which makes me jealous cos I'm still waiting for one.

I ordered on on 4th of Jan from www.nomatica.com. And never received it, sent loads of emails to check order status and never got replies. Only when I got a reply it was a generic e-mail. Even after TWO weeks from one letter to the next, the reply was exactly the same word for word - so much for an update. They said that they were out of stock and awaiting reply. BUT, this was the wierd thing, that they didnt know when they would receive shipment, they had no idea and just made open ended promises. And only when I rang very angry for not getting a response, they girl explained that they truely don't know when they get shipments. Heaven only knows where they get shipments from. They must be just pirates who attack shipment vessels for robbed to order items. And to make it worse they stated the order in GBP, however took payment in EURO and so gave extra bank charges. It would be like you americans buying from a firm in USD, and quoted a price only to be charged in Canadian Dollars, and having to pay exchange rate, even though the company has premises on your Own soil. Any other company I have used have always notified me of delay and could always tell me an ETA date.

So I'm very mad, but very sad as I have no XL1s, and cannot even buy elsewhere until they refund my money from the cancelled order. So if there's any Brits out there that know any good cheap places to buy and XL1s, with great customer care and service, please let me know. Preferably one that has one in stock.

So all you XL1s owners, cherrish your cameras and next time you hold it think of poor old me, who is so desperate for one and so madly insane reading your articles here, wanting to put into practice all your hints and tips but cannot!!

So now you know where NOT to buy one! After the posting of everyone's hints on where TO buy one!
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Old January 29th, 2003, 12:49 PM   #2
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I think this is an important thread.

I consider myself lucky to have found someone in my area to buy from at an eBay price--- I've heard several nightmares about people buying (and selling) high ticket items like an XL1S and getting shafted.

The more information the community has the better.
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Old January 29th, 2003, 12:58 PM   #3
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Yeah totally shafted and without a camera...now i know what a crack addict feels like all ready for a fix to find the deal sold him a packet of salt. Surpose atleast I have a Sony PC100 to play with but its not quiet the same....so hopefully this time next week I should have had the money refunded with a camera definitely on its way in the post.

I just still think they just screw people like us around to make a quick quid (buck) from all that interest they are getting from holding onto money that they took from me quicker than a bolt of lightening, but reply slower than a tortoise with three legs.
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Old January 29th, 2003, 01:16 PM   #4
CUT Productions
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The cheapest place in the UK - and the best - I have found for the XL1s is Optex - £2350 incl. Vat. They always use UPS - I bought my camera and many many items from them.

Service is excellent! Their web site is www.xl1s.com - speak to Simon Beer who is very helpful.

I may be wrong but I was always under the impression that it is illegal for a company to charge your credit card when they have no stock, and should only charge when they are in a position to ship immediately - check this out!

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Old January 29th, 2003, 01:57 PM   #5
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Call your credit card company and tell them the story, that they did not deliver. Make the credit card company withdraw the funds and return them to you.
If you paid by something other than credit card, I suggest contacting a lawyer threaten to sue them unless the money is back to you within 4 days.
This place reeks of the typical "bait 'n switch" place that we try to help people avoid.
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Old January 29th, 2003, 03:25 PM   #6
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Try to take action as Dylan suggested as fast as possible. The
longer the wait the more change they have to dissappear, go
bankrupt or whatever!

And I'm truly sorry to here such a story. Out of words.

All the best and good luck to you!

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old January 31st, 2003, 12:45 AM   #7
Obstreperous Rex
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I'm sorry to hear about this experience and am working on finding an authorized Canon dealer in the U.K. to become a DV Info Net sponsor. That way we can actively work to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

Those of you in the U.S., take this as a lesson and do your business *only* with our sponsors, who are without question the best, most reputable and most honest dealers you could ever hope to find.

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Old January 31st, 2003, 05:06 PM   #8
CUT Productions
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Have you talked to Optex - I believe they more than anyone in the UK have done their utmost to promote the XL1s!

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Old February 1st, 2003, 09:45 AM   #9
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<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : I'm sorry to hear about this experience and am working on finding an authorized Canon dealer in the U.K. to become a DV Info Net sponsor. That way we can actively work to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

Is there any chance of doing the same for Canada? although I praise ZGC from purchasing experience, the exchange rate and border charges really kick our ass.
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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