help setting audio for the first time at
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Old May 17th, 2005, 06:39 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18
help setting audio for the first time

Hello everyone,
I am a complete novice who has purchased an xl1s, and have to shoot a documentary piece for community television. If anyone can help with the following points concerning audio set up, I would be gratefull.

1. The on board standard mic seems quite reasonable so I was going to buy cables to extend the mic input and power in so that I can take it off its mount and use it hand held for interviews. Would this be ok?

2. I need to use a tie clip mic. So where can I hook up another mic input ? Should I buy a cable to convert the tie clip phono jack to rca connection and plug it in to audio 1 in the handle. If so should it be split to have the 2 ends input into the camera IE: left and right ? What settings should I then activate on the camera to get the audio from the on board mic and the tie clip ? (I cannot afford to buy an ma100 or 200 so have to go an alternative route)

3. Can you set the levels manually for each of the mics ? and how do you decide which one is active to monitor in the lcd display ?

4. I was considering purchasing a used sennheiser mke300 directional mic to replace the on board one, getting an extension cable to convert the mke300 phone jack to the cannon input mini phone jack. I think the mic has on board power so this is the only cable I need. Would this work ?

I know its a lot of questions but all or any help will be a big advantage for me in these early stages. There is not a lot of back up here in Belfast N.Ireland

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Old May 17th, 2005, 08:58 AM   #2
Major Player
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One way to get tons of info on this is a search in this forum.It has been covered extensively.
1. I dont suggest this ,as for a long cable you need balanced xlr
2. same
3.yes.when you set 4 channel 12bit st1 and st2 in the menu, pushing the audio monitor button cycles the meter between st1,st2,mix and displays that
4.same as 1
If your doing interviews and such ,you should have a balanced mic input either ma100,ma200 ,beachtek,etc. you could use wireless or capture to an independant device aka iRiver.
Jack Smith is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 18th, 2005, 01:56 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18
Thanks for the reply Jack.

I only need the mic cable to be no more than 10 feet so I will probably try the extension cable and take a chance with hum or additional noise. I will experiment, Its the only way to find out i guess !

**With regards to the tie clip input I am going to get a converter cable from **phone jack to rca but as I said previously, can you run this into audio 2 **and do you need the converter to be double ended IE: plug into the left **and right of audio 2 or just one ? Will this then record the on board mic **and tie clip together ?

I have searched the forum but 99% of all queries like this are to do with running through the ma100 or 200 and I just cannot afford to buy one

Thanks again
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Old May 18th, 2005, 08:07 AM   #4
Major Player
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Posts: 445
Alright then.Go to menu ,vcr setup and set audio mode to 12 bit 4 channel ST1 and ST2.Then set audio1 to "mic" and audio2 to "mic"(you need to have the mic plugged in).Exit the menu.Push the monitor button to cycle thru ST1 ,ST2 levels to adjust.You shouldn't split the mic ,just input to left or right channel.Make sure your NLE will let you capture 4 channel 32k 12 bit sound.
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Old May 18th, 2005, 12:02 PM   #5
New Boot
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18
That answers it..Thankyou !
Chris J Martin is offline   Reply

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