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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old August 29th, 2004, 08:53 PM   #1
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Sudden, continuous EVF image smear/texture

Has anyone else experienced strange looking smearing or texture anywhere on their EVF screen? It is located in the bottom center and almost looks like very, very small particles, like ground glass. It is definitely only in the EVF, not the lens front or rear elements or CCD window (thank goodness!) and looks like a fingerprint. I have cleaned both sides of the diopter and the EVF screen surface is clean. It shows even more when there is light (bright) content in the frame. Is this typical LCD deterioration?
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Old August 29th, 2004, 10:16 PM   #2
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James - hate to suggest this but it sounds like EVF burn. Happened to me, I hopt it's not the case. Is the LCD image dark in the bubbles? Not sure how to describe what it looks like, you may want to search the forum and others for "EVF burn" or "viewfinder burn" -- it's common on the XL1 and less so on the XL1s and DVX100 -- they made some modifications to prevent it but it still happens whenever the viewfinder is pointed toward the sun.
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Old August 29th, 2004, 10:42 PM   #3
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That was my first thought too. But no, it can't be EVF burn. It wasn't there just recently in the last 2 weeks or so. My camera does have the Canon burn resistant upgrade to the viewfinder and I know that my EVF has not been in the sun since I last saw a clean EVF screen. I also take great care and attention to cover or turn the EVF down when in the sun. The bubbles as I call them don't really look like bubbles but more like small particles. It almost looks like a ground glass as it has texture. That's the best description. At first I thought it might have been something on the clear lens filter because because it looks like the small particles you can sometimes see in a pro-mist filter but it's only at the bottom center of the screen. I can't win. One of my other XLs has a CCD block with 4 bad pixels.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 06:54 PM   #4
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EVF is nearly gone

My XL-1's EVF is nearly gone. It has significantly degraded since my original post. Is there anyway to get this fixed or do I have to get a new one? Does Canon even have EVF replacement stock for the XL-1? I thought that LCD was supposed to last forever, at least longer than CRTs.
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Old October 9th, 2005, 01:06 PM   #5
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Describe in what way it's degraded -- gotten dimmer, the smear is everywhere, dark sides, dark center, missing lines, garbled image. Did it happen all of a sudden or just gotten progressively worse. At any rate, it may not matter, sounds like you may need to get a new one. It's easy for a good technician such as yourself or a good local electronics repair shop to replace the EVF. I believe (and hope, because I still have an XL1 and XL1s) you can still order replacement parts for the XL1. You can also send your camera in for repair and ask them to clean and inspect the tape transport for any misalignment while they have it on the bench. I've replaced the EVF before and it's an intermediate technical task but something that a good electronics shop can take care (emphasis on good). If you don't know the shop and trust the technician, it's probably best to return it to Canon factory service.
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Old November 19th, 2005, 09:26 PM   #6
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Sounds like the LCD has gone south on you send it to Canon for repair Its not going to be cheep about $200.00
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