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Old June 30th, 2004, 04:30 PM   #1
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xl1 underwater

I have seen a few people discusing their underwater packages, and was looking for some advice.

Has anyone tried the Aquavideo brand of housing?

Does anyone know of a housing that is rated to at least 100ft, costs less then $3000.00, and weighs 25lbps or less at the surface?

Any advice on housing units that you have used would also be greatly apreciated.

Thanks in advance
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:02 PM   #2
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What ever housing you buy please be very careful about closing the ports on the housing. I got one brain of sand in the "O Ring" grease and my $600 strobe injested salt water at 80' and fried itself.

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Old July 2nd, 2004, 11:09 AM   #3
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Thanks grayson, That is always a fear when I'm using my still camera and I know it will persit when I get something for my XL1.
That was part of the reason I was questioning the aquavideo housing. Seems they use an x-ring instead of an o-ring. They say this creats two seals and helps to eliminate the chance of a single grain of sand messing with the seal.
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Old July 2nd, 2004, 06:06 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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I toyed with the idea and was considering a Gates housing. But they're really costly and I don't know if I'd want to risk an XL1 underwater. Not just yet, anyway.

But the trick to o-rings is as Grayson said: keep 'em clean.

There should be just enough silicone lube to make them feel slick, but not enough to actually see. It's just there to allow the o-ring to seat freely. Too much grease and it'll actually prevent the o-ring from seating fully in the groove of the housing and cause a leak.

Excessive grease will also prevent you from seeing debris that could cause a leak. Even a stray hair can let water stream in when you go past one or two atmospheres.

The worst flood I've ever heard of was a Betacam in a custom housing. It imploded at 60 feet.

Dean Sensui
Base Two Productions
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