FU-1000 monochrome B&W CRT viewfinder at DVinfo.net
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Old October 13th, 2001, 09:19 AM   #1
Kat Dalton
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FU-1000 monochrome B&W CRT viewfinder

Anyone using the b&w viewfinder? How much of a power drain is it? I'm considering getting it with the XL1S but am wondering if it will be practical to use it with the in-camera battery (the larger one). I don't want to have to use an external battery. I realize there are many things that affect how long a battery will last -- such as use of auto-zoom or auto-focus (which I don't use). But can anyone give me a general idea how much sooner the battery would lose power if b&w VF used instead of color one, all other things being equal?

I use an EZ1 and love the frame mode but want to get a camera with a decent viewfinder.

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Old October 13th, 2001, 09:37 AM   #2
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I have one here for sale if you fell you don't need a new one. Mine is in sharp shape, not a scrach on it.

If the have a 2 hour battery it willl last about 20 min less with the B&W viewfinder. Canon dose ask to use the daul battery charger.

I use with and with out it. But better to use the daul battery charger.

I'm looking to get $1,299 for the FU-1000 Monochrome Viewfinder.

B&H is selling it new for $1,579.95 oh BTW I got mine from B&H.
I still have the Warranty card still available with no name.

I have a MA-100 Dual XLR Microphone Adapter for sale as well.
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Old October 13th, 2001, 01:18 PM   #3
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What is your price on the MA-100? I'm interested.

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Old October 13th, 2001, 09:39 PM   #4
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Old October 14th, 2001, 08:03 AM   #5
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I'll purchase it. Tell me how you would like payment. You can e-mail me direct at wildsdesign@hotmail.com

-Justin Wilds
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Old October 14th, 2001, 10:13 AM   #6
Kat Dalton
Posts: n/a

I may be interested in your b&w viewfinder. Haven't decided for sure if I'm getting the XL1S. Got your phone number from your web site. I may be in touch.

Did you decide to sell your XL1S? As I remember you were disappointed with it?

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Old October 14th, 2001, 10:17 AM   #7
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No not selling the XL1S They gave me a new one It seems to be better than the first one.

Let me know if you want the B&W viewfinder as soon as you can.

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Old October 18th, 2001, 03:54 PM   #8
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Optional Viewfinders Professional Quality B&W Viewfinder (FU-1000)

Canon Optional Viewfinders Professional
Quality B&W Viewfinder (FU-1000) For Sale
For the XL-1 or XL-1s

$1299 Plus Shipping.
This (FU-1000) is like brand new and doesn't have not one
scratch on it.
Warranty card still available with no name.

See More Photos Of it Here

E-mail me vmstudio@rcn.com

Thanks Mark
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Old January 30th, 2002, 11:05 PM   #9
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I have a question for anyone using the FU-1000 B&W viewfinder as well as the Anton-Bauer adaptor and their batteries:

It seems to me that with this setup, the 13.2 or 14.4 batteries are being stepped down to 7.2 volts to power the camera, and then being stepped back up to 12 volts to power the viewfinder. This seems pretty inefficient, and would probably affect battery life. The solution seems a bit difficult however: building a distro box that the viewfinder plugs into that would channel the video information from the XL1's viewfinder jack and the power directly from the battery--or preferably through a regulator that would limit the power to 12 volts max (since a hot 14.4 battery can actually deliver as much as 17 volts when coming straight off a charger).

Boy, when I put it like that, maybe it's just easier to use the supplied setup with the viewfinder and not worry about it!

Has anyone addressed this?
Charles Papert
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Old January 31st, 2002, 12:21 PM   #10
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why would you want to use a b&w viewfinder over a color EVF if it uses up more of the battery and you can't see a true rendition of what you are shooting. I wouldn't assume it's to save money because it costs so much.

I'd appreciate it if someone could fill me in as to what the advantages are cus I see none.

BTW : love this forum.
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Old January 31st, 2002, 12:44 PM   #11
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The B&W viewfinder is a lot sharper than the color viewfinder, allowing for critical focus (important if you are manually focusing). It also gives a more reliable indicator of the exposure and contrast within the image. The color viewfinder, being an LCD, varies in density (i.e. becomes lighter or darker) depending on the angle at which you look at it. Again, if you are using the camera on the auto settings, not such a big deal. But if you are lighting a scene from scratch and determining the proper exposure by judging the image in the viewfinder, the B&W viewfinder is a much more accurate tool. As far as not having the color information, my feeling is that the color viewfinder provides just enough to determine overall color balance but not enough to "light to". A good broadcast monitor is a much better substitute.

I think for those who are used to working with broadcast cameras, the B&W viewfinder gives the XL1 a much more familiar feel, but I can certainly see where if one is familiar with the color LCD's found on consumer cameras the B&W viewfinder would seem strange.
Charles Papert
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Old January 31st, 2002, 08:44 PM   #12
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Using the camera a lot in dark theaters, I wish I could afford the B&W viewfinder. I can see all the color I need on the external LCD monitor, but focus is a real problem -- you gotta stay manual in a theater. I usually have to resort to holding the auto override button when zooming; it's too hard to see on the little LCD.

Being larger, I'm guessing the eye relief is lots better, as well.

Vic Owen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 4th, 2002, 12:10 PM   #13
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Got it!!
Well thanks a lot. the reason I asked is that I will soon commence shooting my feature on an xl1-s and I need as much info as I can. I guess a great setup would be to have a B&W viewfinder along with a color field monitor.
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Old February 5th, 2002, 04:14 AM   #14
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Yes, that would be my recommendation. I use a Sony 14" broadcast monitor (PVM014M2U) and make sure that it is properly calibrated to bars. It's a great tool to judge the image on as well as being a nice compromise between portability and image size. The 9" monitor is another good option. Remember to bring along a wraparound hood or at least black fabric to shroud the screen for daylight work. Good luck with your feature!
Charles Papert
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Old February 8th, 2002, 05:31 PM   #15
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b+w monitors?

I'm about to buy an XL1, as I'm planning to use it exclusively for wildlife I feel, having read so many reports on focusing problems, that I will need to have another viewfinder. My budget limits me to something like a B+W varizoom 5.6 monitor which I belive can be bought for around £300 to £400. My question also regards colour concerns, does the LCD continue to give a picture while another monitor is plugged in or do you lose it? What about
other colour monitors are they worth looking at and do they draw even more power than B+W? As I am going to be spending weeks at a time in rainforests I am rather concerned about batteries, I am not buying an MA100 so I will not be able to use the double battery either, any suggestions on power sources? Any electical magicians out there managed to make a solar or windup battery charger yet? I generally shoot (stills) from hides so how about a solar panel for the roof (it'd probably need to be the size of a small country but what the hell)...sadly I think I'm clutching at straws here but you never know.
great site, it's nearly impossible to get any decent advice at shops here, especially when you're new to video like me.
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