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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old March 5th, 2003, 02:54 AM   #76
Obstreperous Rex
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Okay folks, here's what has happened. I got my face-time with Canon Video management and the wish list was very well received with keen interest. Thanks to all you guys for contributing all of these wonderful ideas.

I have no new product info for you at this time and even if I did, I'm legally bound by NDA not to divulge it. But it's safe to say that all of your input is very valuable to them and they are reading and listening. Hard copies of this list went into their hands and they greatly appreciate all the feedback you continue to provide.

The meeting was long and formal, lots of people involved and I briefly had the floor only one time. I used that opportunity to voice two primary issues that have always been of high importance to me personally, and I hope they're important to you too.

First, I asked CUSA for an enhanced and much more pro-active involvment in their XL owner's club. In my opinion it is a superb concept that has not yet been utilized to its fullest potential. With a simple re-allocation of existing human resources, that program could go much farther than it already has in solidifying a mutually beneficial relationship between Canon and its end-user customers. Although this is currently a U.S. program only, it should be a global implementation among the major video markets around the world. No other camcorder manufacturer has such a program that I'm aware of; CUSA already has the structure in place and should leverage it ten times beyond what it is now.

The second thing I asked for is to establish an online presence by CUSA technical representatives to interact with the user base (all of you wonderful people) in a safe-haven flame-free environment (this one, specifically). JVC has Ken Freed and Panasonic has Jan Crittenden who post at least semi-regularly on the internet to answer pre-sales and post-sales questions with the clout and credibility of their brands backing them up. Canon should do the same, but to a greater degree. CUSA management and their technical staff already have a solid reputation of instant accessibility at all the major trade shows; and they are to be applauded for that. However for every potential customer going to a trade show to research a camera purchase decision, there are at least twenty more who can't go. Canon already monitors this board; if they turned their presence here into an active one by engaging in our informative technical discussions, their regular participation would be helping their own marketing strategy to an even greater degree than it would help us end-users who are asking questions of them in the first place. Case in point: Canopus Corporation, who have secured an outstanding market position almost solely by virtue of the readily available online accessibility of their product managers. Canon needs to aggressively pursue this model in a way that would hopefully shame JVC and Panasonic into doing the same thing. Let's just say I believe in that kind of customer-to-manufacturer dialog. Not by email, but by archived message board, right here for everyone to review.

Whew! I feel like I made the same plea all over again. At any rate, this wish-list thread is still relevant, so by all means keep it flowing. Much respect,

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Old March 5th, 2003, 08:06 AM   #77
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Yup, timecode in/out PLUS different flavors depending on record format AND a
timecode record track so that you could have internal and also record external timecode (like house sync or master TC).
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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Old March 5th, 2003, 08:19 AM   #78
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I wish...

That the XL2 will keep its open architecture i.e. able to bolt on so many 3rd party and 1st party accessories to it. I have not come across a camera in this price range which has so many options and was one of the main reasons for purchasing the camera.

A better shoulder support than the one which already comes with it.


Ed Smith
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Old March 5th, 2003, 08:36 AM   #79
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For all those who wish for better shoulder support in the next generation XL1,
check out the MARzPAK handheld camera support system that is available today.
Far better than any shoulder brace IMO.


Disclaimer: I am the co inventor.
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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Old March 5th, 2003, 08:48 AM   #80
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Great, but...

Does it come free with the XL1/s or 2? I don't think so. Surely Canon can create a better shoulder brace for the XL2!!!


Ed Smith
Ed Smith
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Old March 5th, 2003, 10:43 AM   #81
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Keep up the good work Chris, your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Dan O'Bannon
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Old March 12th, 2003, 08:49 PM   #82
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I dont really know if this wish list work or not, but as far as I know I just one the new XL? to talk to me, when i do a bad shoot and Im depress it should blame itself "Im sorry _____ I should have known that..."
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Old March 13th, 2003, 01:10 AM   #83
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LOL....And then.

Turning it on:

"Good Morning."

Turning it off:

"My mind is going."

While it is recording it whispers:

"I can read lips."

Anyways. good one....LOL.

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Old March 13th, 2003, 09:36 AM   #84
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"The tape door is ajar... the tape door is ajar..."
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old March 13th, 2003, 11:41 AM   #85
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When is a tape door not a tape door? When it is a jar.

Didn't Chrysler do the talking car in the '80's (and let's not forget the Minolta Talker) and give up after a few years?
Jeff Donald
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Old July 6th, 2003, 01:08 PM   #86
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hand grip

What I really would like to see on the XL2 is a softer underbelly on the hand grip. I'm developing carpal-tunnel syndrome from the rock hard surface of the grip on my XL1. After 10 minutes it really hurts.
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Old July 6th, 2003, 03:15 PM   #87
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Let's not for get us who aready have Carpel-Tunnel and wrist problems. I would like to see the handgrip just a little smaller for us that don't have large hands, plus it would help have a more natural position to grip it. Even if your hands are on the large side, even a smaller handgrip would mean you could have an even greater and tighter grip. I normally have the strap pulled really tight, so the hand barely gets in, then it gives better support physically holding your hand in place, but still would like it a little smaller grip.

I also would like an updated MA-200 adapter, one with a great or deeper arch that way it would sit on the shoulder a whole lot better than it does now. I still think even with the shoulder mount the XL1s is a tripod camera. Once you have external gear on and the weight goes up it doesnt sit comfortable on your shoulder.

And a better Viewfinder - the one at the moment is pretty bad, even my cheapo Sonys I have used have had clear and sharper EVF. It just seems to 'bleed' a little too much to focus real tight, so all I can do at the moment is turn the colour right down which seems to help, but far from what you would expect from a Lens producing company like Canon.

And more more thing I can think of and doesnt seem to be mentioned is for the Canon Owners Club to be extended to Europe!!! We difinatly have Canons here - just look at my fellow countrymen in 28 Days Later, if thats not a good advert for Canon capabilities I do not know what is. So come on Canon give something to us Euro PALs of yours!!!
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Old July 6th, 2003, 03:15 PM   #88
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rack focus (i think)

Since the lenses are servo controlled, I wouldn't think it would take much to put in an electronic focus system (i believe it's called rack) that a person could focus on 2 different points and at the press of a button the camera would focus (and zoom) from the first to the second preset focus. I wouldn't think this is far fetched considering almost everything is already in the camera. I don't know if the IS II lens has a synchro in it or not. Does this seem far fetched? Why not take advantage of a servo controlled lens?
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Old July 6th, 2003, 03:23 PM   #89
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That sounds like a great idea. If you could set zoom points and focus points independantly it would be great. So you could have some great focus pulls and/or zooms when you wanted. I dont think its too far feched from reality. Maybe if you focused on a point - pressed and hold button until its memorised (like WBalance button) and then focused on second point and then pressed a button. Then the camera could just remember the points and switch between the two. Just like WhiteBalance remembers set points. You could just have two buttons like F1 and F2, Z1 and Z2 so select the points for either focus points or zoom points.

I really love your idea now Don!
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Old July 6th, 2003, 05:01 PM   #90
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I don't mean to blow my own horn, but
about 3 years ago I posted that exact
suggestion of being able to set and rack between two focal points
on the DV-L list serve. A year after that
Canon came out with that feature . . . on their "professional"
video lens.

Hey, at least they listened ;)
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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