Has Canon XL1 series finally caught up with the JVC DV500 with the release of XL1S? at DVinfo.net
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Old May 19th, 2002, 02:03 PM   #1
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Has Canon XL1 series finally caught up with the JVC DV500 with the release of XL1S?

Hey all,

Just wondering if the XL1 has caught up with the DV500 now that they improved it into the new XL1S.
Looks like the XL1S has now most of the DV500 features. Does the JVC still making those much better pictures or Canon has closed the gap with the new upgrade?


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Old May 19th, 2002, 04:36 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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I would say "no" to that question, and it's important that you understand why.

The JVC GY-DV500 is a professional camera using 1/2" CCD's (same CCD block as the Sony DSR300) and broadcast video Fuji or Canon lenses. The Canon XL1S is a prosumer camcorder using 1/3" CCD's. Accessories such as zoom and focus controls, extra batteries, etc. will be "professionally priced" (expensive) for the DV500 while similar accessories for the XL1S are much less expensive and also less durable. Long story short, these camcorders are in completely separate markets -- professional vs. prosumer -- and therefore should not be directly compared to each other.

Hope this helps,

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Last edited by Chris Hurd; May 20th, 2002 at 10:36 PM.
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Old May 20th, 2002, 10:25 PM   #3
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Thanks Chris!
It make perfect sense what you said.
But a friend of mine said he compared the two and the pictures looked different in color but the DV500 didn't look better.Just different.
By the way I also heard that the XL1S now does not look that much softer close to the PD150.
But I'm wondering if the sharpness setting should be taken in consideration since it electronically enhance the sharpenss.Everyone says to turn it down or off anyways to get a more film like image and reduce the electronic look.

Thanks again Chris!This is a very good resource for XL1 owners.I used to have a XL1 with standard lens and sold it because it's soft image (I liked how it looked a lot but on full wide it looked just bad) lack of control and other features (mostly corrected on the XL1S).Now I'm thinking about getting a XL1S to try it out and see if it is much better than the old XL1.I've been reading too many good things about it to pass it on.The DV500 was the other option but it's more expensive and so are the accessories and the size of the XL1S is a plus and also the IS.


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Old May 21st, 2002, 05:54 AM   #4
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If you do decide to try out the XL1s again, don't forget to let us know how you get on.
It would be a great help to me who is considering the XL1s.
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Old May 21st, 2002, 08:41 AM   #5
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XL1 ver JVC GY500

I went and compared the XL-1 Not XL-1s to the JVC GY DV500U. I had this idea that the JVC was so much better then the XL-1, First look was impressive then when you look close there's a lot of plastic the demo I was looking at was missing a screw on the plastic viewfinder the mic was plastic lots of things where not so rugged on it. No different then the XL-1 I have a friend who beats the hell out of his XL-1 and has had no trouble with it standing up to it. I shot the same footage with both camcorders and at first the JVC seemed better in detail brighter but at a close look it was grainy. And when i turn on the loLux feature on its unusable the XL-1 was cleaner smoother warmer looking. Now I'v seen pictures of how the XL-1S is brighter and has a better low light capability, So giving that I feel that the XL-1S will give just as bright and good details But warmer looking video then the JVC I only say this after doing a direct comparison.The brighter Picture from the JVC had to much noise for my taste. So Now I have The XL-1S I love it The only quark still is the focus but it is faster. And if you were to get a manual lens that would be it. But just to pick it up and shoot great . So I'm really happy with my XL-1S
Steve Martens, Star Struck Studio
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Old May 21st, 2002, 11:38 AM   #6
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I'm debating a second cam and have been thinking of the pana 1/2" cam and the jvc 300. But after coming up with the settings (see settings update) I like, it's hard for me to think do I want something else?

I liked the jvc because it's lens is longer than the pd150 (which is important to ME). I like the potential better image and LowLight capability of 1/2" chips on the pana.

But now I've found my xl1S's "sweet spot, " I really don't know if I should try anything else for now.

To me the push AF generally works great. That's another reason I don't like the 1/2" cams. If I use two cams at once, it's nice to have less than "hands-on" equipment. Of course there are benefits to that which should outweigh the downsides.

I'm starting to think the best way to judge is that of looking at vhs dubs of footage. Dubs lose quality fast, but if quality is there, it should be apparent.
< >< . . . . . < >< . . . . . < ><
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Old May 23rd, 2002, 06:15 PM   #7
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Thanks for all the replies folks!Very helpful!



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