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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old March 7th, 2004, 08:56 PM   #1156
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Point number one:
You would not have gotten an XL1 off Ebay for $1000. You would have been scammed, and had your $1000 stolen from you. No one sells a $2500 camera for $1000. Consider yourself very VERY lucky you hesitated. Rule #1 of buying online is "IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS".

Point number two:
You are worrying too much about what camera to buy. To answer your question, there is visualy *almost* no difference in the picture between the XL1 and XL1s. Apparently the XL1s has a slight edge in low light conditions. I've used both, and have edited footage from both together seamlessly. If you need a "broadcast quality" camera, either will suffice. I don't feel the need to point out the improvements in the XL1s over the XL1 because you've already done your homework on that count, right?
Only you can tell if the extra features are worth the extra money. In my case, they weren't, so I bought an XL1. Then I bought another.
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Old March 8th, 2004, 12:15 AM   #1157
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Any suggestions on wireless mic's? Azden,shure,samsung?

I need to get a wireless lavalier microphone system. I would prefer a camera mounted system for my canon xl1s. I'm filming weddings so I need something gggrreat:) Do any of you have suggestions for me, I'm going with a uhf for sure but im not sure what brand to go with. As far as budget goes I would like to get something from 200-500. thanks
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Old March 8th, 2004, 02:22 AM   #1158
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Read this How not to get scammed... thread and the
condensed article!!!

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old March 8th, 2004, 08:09 AM   #1159
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Try the Sennheiser Evolution series. It works stable and the receiver fits perfectly on the MA-100 plate. I use it now for more than one year and the best is that you can use Sennheiser (and other?) mics just connecting the radio-block to it.

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Old March 8th, 2004, 09:37 AM   #1160
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Yep i'm n the sennheiser camp. I've ot the EV100 with the SKP-100 XLR adapter, it sure is good. Don't get me wrong there are other good makes but for some reason in my view sennheiser just tops them all.

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Ed Smith
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Old March 8th, 2004, 12:24 PM   #1161
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XL1 + Libec H50

Hi all!

I've been offered to buy a Libec H50 fluid head and wanted to check if anyone here knows how well it would work with an XL1?

In the specs it says the H50 is for cameras between 18 and 22 lbs and as the XL1 is quite a bit lighter I'm worried that balancing isn't going to work. Has anyone got experience on using the XL1 with such an overdimensioned head? Is it a bad idea?

Many thanks,

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Old March 9th, 2004, 08:51 AM   #1162
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Optex .7 W/Angle Adapter

Hi, does anyone have any experience of using the OPTEX wide angle adapter on the standard 16x lens.
Is there any loss of quality, light etc.
Regards all
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Old March 10th, 2004, 02:31 PM   #1163
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1.6X teleconverter extender lens

If you use the rear-mounted 1.6X teleconverter extender lens on the xl1 or xl1s, do you get vignetting when backing the zoom off? What are some of the downfalls of the rear-mounted zoom versus the front-mounted zoom?
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Old March 10th, 2004, 03:38 PM   #1164
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How do I know what to expect my Canon XL1s camera and lense to be worth?

I have recently listed my Canon XL1s camera and accessories on several sites to sell. Everything is in excellent condition and is just like brand new. Unfortunately, I don't know how much cameras depreciate so I don't know how much I should expect to get as a fair price? I understand its hard for people to buy something without seeing it. That scares me too. Most the people are so far away its too far to meet them to show them the camera. All I can do is tell them its like brand new with no scratches or dings and has around 10 hours or less of use and they have to take my word for it. Is there a better way to sell the camera. If I took it to a Canon dealer, would they appraise it or critique it and give me a copy of their assessment to send to potential buyers? I paid over $4400 for all my stuff, including the kata bag and extender lense, plus camera and kit. Am I out of line wanting to get around $2800 for a camera, everything in the kit which includes battery, charger, dc coupler, remote control and batteries which were never used, manual, and all the wires, plus a 1.6X extender lense only used a few times that still has the original caps and pouch? If so what should I expect to get as a fair price? Basically, I am asking for help from anyone who can give me advice on the best way to sell my camera. I do truly have a camera in mint condition, I just need a way to prove that so someone buying it knows exactly what they are getting. I would appreciate any help you could give me.
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Old March 10th, 2004, 04:08 PM   #1165
Obstreperous Rex
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Personally I think your price is dead on. Sooner or later you should find a buyer.

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Old March 12th, 2004, 09:46 AM   #1166
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how to record a good full voice?

together with my xl1s i have two ew122p lav kits and an me66.
i made an interview using the lav and even though the audio monitor signed good sound level (up to 12db and +) when i heard it after (simply connecting my xl1s to a TV), sound was so low that i had to turn up the volume to the max (having bad quality sound). what was wrong? what audio level should i get in order to have a good ""full" voice ? Or maybe is not only a matter of db on the audio monitor?

for me, using the headphone is not such a good way to monitor because i am usually close to the talent and his/her voice covers or influences the voice coming through the headphone

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Old March 12th, 2004, 12:39 PM   #1167
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Hi Gale

I have the no vignetting at the widest zoom setting.

The only minor inconvenience I find is now the whole lens barrel is pushed out further as I always use the 'manual focus' button for focusing (I never use auto-focus), I now have to extend my fingers out a bit further.
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Old March 13th, 2004, 05:41 AM   #1168
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First, use the VU meter to check audio record levels. They should peak close to 0 dB, and the average level, depending on program material, should be around -12 dB. Using AGC tends to keep things in line if you do not have time to ride levels and you are not trying to preserve the dynamic range of the original program.

Different monitors and TV receivers may have different input sensitivity levels. Best to fine tune levels in post when editing to ensure they are appropriate for the program material. The voice over level for a used car ad is far different from that used by the commentator at green of a golf match.

Unless you have well calibratd ears, head phones tell you if something is drasticaly wrong; e.g., mic disconnectd o or gross clippng. Apparent head phone level/loudness is a function of the headphone sensitivity as well, and some headphones do not work well with the Canon - they require too much power.
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Old March 14th, 2004, 12:18 AM   #1169
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i have no clue about price, but i do know that it's pretty easy to get some free space on the web to post a picture or two for people to check out.

heck, email me two reasonably sized photos and i will host them for you for a week for free. no problem.

then you just edit yer post where you are selling the item and direct people to the link. pretty simple and will definately help sell your camera.

send the photos to:

(not the yahoo address in my profile)
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Old March 14th, 2004, 12:23 AM   #1170
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well, i just bought the H35 and so far, i love it. see this post-->


this is the head that my dealer recommended so as not to be overkill.
i did not tryout the H50 so i guess i am of not much help. good luck!
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