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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old April 12th, 2002, 12:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2002
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XL's in Porn~~

I've noticed a curious thing about XL camcorders... it causes people to inquire as to my shooting of "porno videos" (which I don't at all)- when I tell them I use it primarily for nature- I seem to get the same response each time of, "ain't that them cameras they use to shoot pornos"...... from friends and strangers alike that i've met around- the inquiry always seems to pop-up one way or another (do I shoot porn with it).....

...while flipping cable channels I stopped for a sec on a channel because I spotted a crew of people filming and holding XL's.....low and behold it was the Spice Channel........

is the XL the sweetheart of the porn industry- any reason why? does it render better flesh tones than others.......just some questions I thought some people on the board might be able to answer.

(not exactly the affiliation I would prefer the public to have with the XL- but I guess if it's good at something and preferred- that's gotta be a plus somehow..........now if only National Geographic would give XL's a shot......)
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old April 12th, 2002, 01:26 PM   #2
Capt. Quirk
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Now I know how I can make money off that new XL1s I just bought! <G>
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Old April 12th, 2002, 09:42 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Yeah, I know how you feel, I get asked that alot. Although sometimes its my fault, some of my business cards are made from video captures from fashions shows that have models in corsets and fishnets and when I give someone that card, usually a guy, they always ask me that and they "volunteer" to be an actor in a porn movie. But it also happens alot when I give them a regular card. The women I give those sexy cards to always say how beautiful the model is, never a porn comment from them.

I know one website that features web vidoes uses the XL-1 because of the great quality and is good in the manual focus mode, that's whay they said on the website (don't know if I should mention the name) and on an asian site I saw some photos and in the background someone had a GL-1.

From seeing the japanese sites they seem to all use the VX-1000, and until recently on japanese tv they would always use the vx-1000 when they did stuff on the run with the local talent holding the camera, but I'm seeing more cases where they are being given Gl-1's now. But I'm always on the lookout to see who is using the XL-1 on tv shows or other professional work.

I was introduced by a friend to his friend who is a producer for NHK, the japanese version of PBS, he asked what I used to make videos with, Canon XL-1, he knew the camera and said some freelance people use it and submit their edited mini DV tapes to them for a show he produces.

For the price and the great quality it gives, switching to the XL-1 makes a lot of sense. maybe we'll hear from someone actually making a porn video and can get some first hand comments from them.
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old April 13th, 2002, 03:34 AM   #4
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The XL1 is the darling of the porn industry. Now let me say, I do not now or have I ever shot or worked for the porn industry. However, with 22 years in the production business I have seen it all. Enough said.

Jeff Donald
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Old April 13th, 2002, 08:10 AM   #5
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LIke any business they will go for the camcorder that best captures the subject matter at a favorable price point. The XL1 gives great control over the shoot, especially with the manual lens, and is reasonably priced. The VX1000 and VX2000 also often appear inadult video dust cover pictures.

It is an exdorsement of sorts.
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Old April 16th, 2002, 11:24 AM   #6
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if you look at the difference between amateur and proffesional porn video,
you can see the difference of camera quality and lighting and staging.

Spice does a great quality video as far as lighting and staging, thus spawn
the quality of camera used (XL1) though this is professionally done unlike most porn production companies whom specialize in the tradtional "video store" porn, in which most of them use a hi-8 or mini dv handheld.
which could be equivilent as a lighted home video of anykind.

I recently saw an Xl1 at the MTV "real world" shoot, im pretty sure thats the camera they use to shoot the whole series. I see the XL1 pop up alot
around various shoots for alot of things, pretty popular I must say.
Adam Lawrence
eatdrink Media
Las Vegas NV
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