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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old June 10th, 2005, 09:45 PM   #196
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xl1s horizental lines on viewfinder.

It's one darned thing after another. Canon xl1s has flicking horizental lines in the viewfinder on both record and playback. Totally unusable. Lines somewhat similar to warmup flicker, but remain. Lines only confined to viewfinder as they don't appear on tape or on a monitor thru Y/C or 'S' connectors. Is there a simple remedy, or is it back to Canon tomorrow?
Owen Dawe is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 12th, 2005, 07:21 AM   #197
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Make sure the cable / connector is securely seated. If that doesn't help, the
camera probably needs to be send back to Canon for maintenance.

Rob Lohman,
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Old June 12th, 2005, 04:05 PM   #198
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Thank you Rob for your reply. Yes, I have checked the cable fittings and still no go. It's going in for repair.
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Old June 21st, 2005, 09:38 AM   #199
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XL1 & XL1s Color Viewfinder Discontinued!?!?

I recently picked up another XL1s as a back-up and second camera. It was a body, remote and MA-200 adapter only. I had extra lenses and mics, so was not concerned. All I needed was to get a viewfinder, as not all camera info shows on an external monitor.

After failing to find a used one on ebay or anywhere else, I began looking for a new one at retailers. An on-line search revealed many retailers who sold the color viewfinder, FU-500. However, when I tried to get one, all of them said they were out of stock and did not have a firm delivery date yet. Some took my info, and said they would call me back.

One of the places I called was B&H, of course. To my surprise, the salesman said that the item had been discontinued! A day or so later I called directly to Canon, and I was told that it had not been discontinued, and that I could buy it from them directly. I felt relieved then, and gave the other retailers a few more days to call me back, as it was $100.00 lower than directly from Canon. No callbacks! I wanted to get the other camera up and running, so I said the heck with it and called Canon back to order the FU-500.

To my utter chagrin, the sales lady said that the item had been discontinued! I said, “What, I just called two days ago and it was OK!” She checked around and put me through to another location, and after talking to them I was able to order the part.

I waited to post this until the viewfinder actually arrived, but it finally did. I am not sure, but it does appear that the viewfinder is being discontinued. They may have stock, that they intend to keep to sell directly to consumers, but may never ship to retailers again. After all, the unit fits the XL1 and the XL1s, but not the new XL2.

The only alternative to the FU-500 is the FU-1000 B&W unit, but that is at least $1,600.00 no mater where you can find it, nearly $2,000.00 retail.

So, just a note of caution, if you think that you might need another FU-500, you might want to do some further investigating and decide for yourself. Hopefully they will still be able to repair units that go bad.

Just for your info.

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Old June 21st, 2005, 11:07 AM   #200
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Thanks for posting this.
Not very good news, unfortunately...
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Old June 21st, 2005, 03:21 PM   #201
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Small mites crawling in viewfinder

I was checking over and cleaning my xl1s ready for a shoot today and noticed three tiny crawleys in the viewfinder. They are in the viewfinder not the lens as they're visable when the camera is off. They appear to be on the inside of the outside glass. At first I thought they were specks and tried to blow brush them off, then a wipe with lens cleaner and tissue. It was then I saw they were moving about.

The camera is 13mths old and I've had it from new. The viewfinder has never been taken apart. I live in a temperate climate.

How did they get there in the first place? and are they going to multiply and eat the inside of the viewfinder out? or, do I let the little blighters starve to death?
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Old June 21st, 2005, 10:42 PM   #202
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Call me cruel, Owen, but I'd take that viewfinder apart and vacuum those little devils outa there!

I've had to clean specks from inside the viewfinders on my cameras; they aren't airtight--that's for sure.
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Old June 22nd, 2005, 04:46 AM   #203
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Odd. Normally Canon supports a discontinued camcorder with parts and service for on the order of 5 to 7 years after manufacture was discontinued. However, I can see where retailers might not be able to buy it as it is a maintenance part, not a current production item.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 11:46 AM   #204
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xl1 viewfinder

My viewfinder has snapped right at the pivoting joint. I've super-gluing for now but I need to locate a new one or a better alternative method. Any advice on where to find one (and not a $1200 replacement!!)??

Any help would be awesome.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 11:48 AM   #205
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How much did you end up spending on your FU-500? I just read this after making a new thread because mine snapped :(
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Old June 28th, 2005, 01:36 PM   #206
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Sorry to hear about your loss. I paid $369.00 + shipping I think. The second time I tried to call they told $399.00 and I said, "Wait, you told me $369.00 yesterday,” and they changed the price back. Multi-tiered pricing I guess, so ask!

Again sorry to hear about the viewfinder, but on the bright side, it could have been a FU-1000 B&W. They are only $1900.00!

I do constantly look for a used one now, after going thru this problem, so if I find one I’ll let you know.

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Old June 30th, 2005, 12:05 PM   #207
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Chris, I had that happen a few years back. I sent it to Canon and they fixed the swivel, and it was VERY affordable. And, like you I used super glue for about 5 months until I sent it in and had it fixed during routine maintainance. Call Canon Service Center in NJ. Bob
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Old June 30th, 2005, 12:38 PM   #208
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or, if you can't wait and need the fix right now, temporarily use an on-cam or off-cam monitor with the xl1's video out.
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Old July 29th, 2005, 11:52 AM   #209
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xl1s viewfinder

Are there optional viewfinders available for the xl1s?
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Old July 29th, 2005, 06:08 PM   #210
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You have the one that ofcourse comes with the cam, the colour LCD viewfinder, and you can buy the optional FU-1000 CRT viewfinder.
This last one is black and white, and is pretty expensive (I thought something of 1500 dollars) but is preferred by many because you can focus easier, and it gives you the full frame, instead of the LCD which has serious underscan.

There is an article about it here:

I can't comment on it, as I only used the standard LCD viewfinder that comes with the camera.
Best regards,
Mathieu Ghekiere is offline   Reply

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