Need advice: Hot church lights: will filter help? at
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Old February 18th, 2008, 05:21 PM   #1
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Need advice: Hot church lights: will filter help?

We have stage lights set too bright, and no way to adjust them (the lighting co. didn't install dimmers!) Right now it looks terrible, like a bunch of yard lights shining down onto the stage.

I do everything I can to minimize blowouts, flares and the like, but no matter what I set iris, shutter, gain, etc. it looks terrible.

I heard somewhere that certain filters can 'expand dynamic range' of highlights, by white-balancing through a magenta or green gel.

You can see an example of my situation here:


We're trying to get the lights moved back 15' away from the stage, and somehow dim the lights a bit, without blacking out shadows...

I'm pulling my hair out -- it's either too hot, or nothing onscreen. Until we can fix the lighting, will filters help?

BTW, the video is shot on XL1's, fed via s-video to a Videonics MX100 switcher, and recorded onto a DVD recorder deck. Then I run it through WME for it's been compressed a bit...
Ted Bragg is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 18th, 2008, 06:38 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Northern VA
Posts: 4,489
ND filter can help control too bright light. But it effects shadows equally.
Soft contrast filter can help reduce apparent contrast, but there are limits to its usefulness.
Visit for details:

There is no good substitute for proper lighting, and video likes a more evenly lit scene than is often used for stage productions due to a constrained dynamic range.
Don Palomaki is offline   Reply

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