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Canon XL1S / XL1 Watchdog
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Old July 6th, 2003, 03:01 AM   #31
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Arg! I tried to view the web page listed earlier but all of the images that were shot with the film lenses were stretched vertically (but the ones that originated with the video lens weren't). I'm using Safari on OSX--is the problem on my end?
Charles Papert
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Old July 6th, 2003, 11:04 AM   #32
XL1 Solutions
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<<<-- Originally posted by Charles Papert : Arg! I tried to view the web page listed earlier but all of the images that were shot with the film lenses were stretched vertically (but the ones that originated with the video lens weren't). I'm using Safari on OSX--is the problem on my end? -->>>

Hi Charles,
I beleive it is your software we have not had any problems. Would you like me to e-mail you some of the photos? If I sent you an attachment what software would you use to open the photos?

please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 6th, 2003, 11:07 AM   #33
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Re: Adaptor

<<<-- Originally posted by David Lee Fisher : Hi,

I have been reading through your thread, and I hate to ask just a STUPID question, but is this an adaptor that works via the P+S Mini35, or goes straight onto the XL1 and allows you to do without the Mini35?

I went tpo our website, but I couldn't really get it to function correctly, but that big as hell picture you have of the XL1 with the Mini 35 attached prompted my question.

Sorry for my technical stupidity.

David Fisher -->>>

Hi David,
It would help me if you could let me know what problems you had when you went to my website and if you are still having them now?

please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 7th, 2003, 02:27 PM   #34
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I am a weekend videographer and am planing to have a short movie for my church group.
After I viewed the sample shots with Cook lens and your adpater, I am interested in using them.

I have a question on the sample shorts:
Comparing to the shots with Cook lens, the shots with 16x Canon lens has more white burst area.
Are these results from same light setting? Even with 16x, can those white burst be avoidable by adjusting
light with zibra?

I have a XL1S PAL and like to have a price quote for a Arri PL Mount Adaptor and
Cooke Fixed Prime 18/35mm Lens. What other film lens can I use with your Arri PL Mount Adaptor with XL1S?

I also have a Nikon film lens (35mm) and a Sigma zoom lense(35-200) for my Nikon F4.
If I use your Nikon Fixed lens adapter with Nikon film lens, can I get the same video quality as Cooke Fixed Prime?
Do Canon film lens perform better for XL1S with the adapter than Nikon's?

How does Canon manual lens for XL1S perform compare to a film lense with adaper?
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Old July 11th, 2003, 12:53 AM   #35
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Maybe it's just me or the light settings used on those shots, but I don't see the extremely shallow dof that I'm used to seeing in 35mm for similar focal lengths (especially on the last few full close ups).

Barrett, I have also noticed on your website that you advertise the nikon adapter as yielding the same dof that is inherent in 35mm. Side by side, can one achieve the same dof with your nikon or PL adapters as can be achieved with the mini35 adapter (given the same focal lengths, distance, and light settings)? someone had asked a similar question in this thread before, but I didn't see a direct stratight answer to it.

I don't mean to offend anyone with my questions. I've just been considering purchasing the mini35 adapter, but of course with a price tag difference of almost $8K, I am more than willing to explore this option. I have seen what the mini35 can do, but I'm still not convinced that Barrett's adapters can do the same (which would be understandable, given the design differences between the adapters and price)...but believe me, I really, really, really want to be convinced otherwise.

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Old July 11th, 2003, 05:15 PM   #36
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jordi Ferre : Maybe it's just me or the light settings used on those shots, but I don't see the extremely shallow dof that I'm used to seeing in 35mm for similar focal lengths (especially on the last few full close ups).

Barrett, I have also noticed on your website that you advertise the nikon adapter as yielding the same dof that is inherent in 35mm. Side by side, can one achieve the same dof with your nikon or PL adapters as can be achieved with the mini35 adapter (given the same focal lengths, distance, and light settings)? someone had asked a similar question in this thread before, but I didn't see a direct stratight answer to it.

I don't mean to offend anyone with my questions. I've just been considering purchasing the mini35 adapter, but of course with a price tag difference of almost $8K, I am more than willing to explore this option. I have seen what the mini35 can do, but I'm still not convinced that Barrett's adapters can do the same (which would be understandable, given the design differences between the adapters and price)...but believe me, I really, really, really want to be convinced otherwise.

Thx -->>>

No the dof is not the same. How did you get the idea that it is the same dof as the P+S Mini 35mm adaptor? Using motion picture lenses are better then video lenses as you can see. The P+S is a totally different animal. Read our writeup about the adaptor on our site.


please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 11th, 2003, 05:24 PM   #37
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<<<-- Originally posted by Steve Kim : I am a weekend videographer and am planing to have a short movie for my church group.
After I viewed the sample shots with Cook lens and your adpater, I am interested in using them.

I have a question on the sample shorts:
Comparing to the shots with Cook lens, the shots with 16x Canon lens has more white burst area.
Are these results from same light setting? Even with 16x, can those white burst be avoidable by adjusting
light with zibra?

I have a XL1S PAL and like to have a price quote for a Arri PL Mount Adaptor and
Cooke Fixed Prime 18/35mm Lens. What other film lens can I use with your Arri PL Mount Adaptor with XL1S?

I also have a Nikon film lens (35mm) and a Sigma zoom lense(35-200) for my Nikon F4.
If I use your Nikon Fixed lens adapter with Nikon film lens, can I get the same video quality as Cooke Fixed Prime?
Do Canon film lens perform better for XL1S with the adapter than Nikon's?

How does Canon manual lens for XL1S perform compare to a film lense with adaper? -->>>
Hi Steve wanted to make sure you got my response,

Thank you for your interest in our products. You asked about comparing the shots with the Cooke lens and the 16X Canon Lens. The lightness of the image shot with the 16X could be brought down with some filters. But more importantly in the comparison is the richness and the depth of field that you can get with film lenses. You asked about other lenses which could be used with our Arri XL 1 to PL Mount - take a look at our web site and see a sampling of lenses and images: Cooke, Angenieux, Zeiss, varieity of primes, telephoto, and zoom lenses. The lenses have to have an Arri Standard Mount to use our Adaptor.

You asked about a comparsion between your Nikon and a Cooke. The Cooke 18MM prime was an expensive lens in its day so the optics were better. However, if you use a high quality Nikon lens you can get a very good quality image. You mentioned Canon film lenses. Any decent motion picture lens helps with the quality.

As far as a Nikon Mount at this time we have about a two week back order. As far as a trial, if you want a NIkon vs. a XL1 to PL mount (which we currently have in stock) you could buy it and try it for seven days, and then if not satisfied, return it with a 20% restocking charge.

The super fast Optar lens are hard to find and are expensive. However you can find a lot of Angenieux and Cooke lenses on Ebay. You just have to do some shopping.

And yes the adaptor works with the Angenieux and the Optar.
please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 11th, 2003, 05:25 PM   #38
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jordi Ferre : Maybe it's just me or the light settings used on those shots, but I don't see the extremely shallow dof that I'm used to seeing in 35mm for similar focal lengths (especially on the last few full close ups).

Barrett, I have also noticed on your website that you advertise the nikon adapter as yielding the same dof that is inherent in 35mm. Side by side, can one achieve the same dof with your nikon or PL adapters as can be achieved with the mini35 adapter (given the same focal lengths, distance, and light settings)? someone had asked a similar question in this thread before, but I didn't see a direct stratight answer to it.

I don't mean to offend anyone with my questions. I've just been considering purchasing the mini35 adapter, but of course with a price tag difference of almost $8K, I am more than willing to explore this option. I have seen what the mini35 can do, but I'm still not convinced that Barrett's adapters can do the same (which would be understandable, given the design differences between the adapters and price)...but believe me, I really, really, really want to be convinced otherwise.

Thx -->>>

P.S. The P+S Mini 35mm is a optical adaptor we make a mechanincal adaptor to allow you to use film lenses. But you get a much better quality than video lenses.
please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 12th, 2003, 03:59 PM   #39
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OK, so the XL1 solutions adapter DOES NOT yield the same shallow DOF as the mini35 does (or as seen in 35mm lenses).

You might want to correct/clarify the verbiage for your adapters found on your website:

"When using the adaptor with either 16MM or 35MM lenses, the (DOF) depth of field is preserved..."

(I'm assuming now that you're talking about the DOF preserved in a video lens/xl1s camera combination, not the DOF that you would expect in a 35mm lens/35mm camera combo).

Please correct me if I misunderstood your response to my previous post.
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Old July 13th, 2003, 04:47 PM   #40
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<<<-- Originally posted by Jordi Ferre : OK, so the XL1 solutions adapter DOES NOT yield the same shallow DOF as the mini35 does (or as seen in 35mm lenses).

You might want to correct/clarify the verbiage for your adapters found on your website:

"When using the adaptor with either 16MM or 35MM lenses, the (DOF) depth of field is preserved..."

(I'm assuming now that you're talking about the DOF preserved in a video lens/xl1s camera combination, not the DOF that you would expect in a 35mm lens/35mm camera combo).

Please correct me if I misunderstood your response to my previous post. -->>>

Hi Jordi,

The quote is correct. For example, when you see the 18mm Cooke lens, the adaptor will not interfere with the lens' depth of field. It is the same with the Optar, Angenieux, Zeiss etc. Nor does it interfere with any of the accessories on the XL-1 Let me suggest that you look at the picture on our website from "Phreakers" which was shot with the mini 35mm on the XL-1 Then take a look at what Canon USA shot for their commercial with my adaptor. We were as pleasantly surprised as they were with the quality. What we have experienced is, the quality of the glass in the lens determines the quality of the image you get, better quality lenes get better results.

please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 14th, 2003, 10:28 AM   #41
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Hi Barrett. Thanks for your reply.

Not to be the spirit of contradiction, but I still disagree with the marketing statement for your adapters on your website. DOF is not a product of just the lens being used. In video, DOF is a by-product of the size of the camera's CCD, the distance between the lens and the CCD, and the lens being used (primarily. other factors may also influence DOF)

You can't say that a lens has a particular DOF and therefore it is preserved when using your adapter (I have never seen DOF as one of the technical specs in any film or video lens), because that may lead people to believe that they might get the dof that they would get in 35mm.

I agree with you 100% on the quality of the lens aspect of it though. Thx again.
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Old July 15th, 2003, 02:01 PM   #42
XL1 Solutions
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I wanted to let the DV community know that we have some auctions going on at ebay.com, we have our XL-1 to PL mount at $349.00 but only three available at that price. As well as some other items. Our ebay name is XL1Solutions

please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 19th, 2003, 08:38 AM   #43
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I am considering to buy Barrett's adapter for Canon EOS lenses. Is there somebody on the list who already bought this adapter and is willing to post some frames of shots taken with his/her XL1(s) using this particular adapter ?
It will be highly appreciated !

Hans den Hertog, Lathum, the Netherlands
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Old July 20th, 2003, 12:04 PM   #44
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<<<-- Originally posted by Hans_den_Hertog : Hi,
I am considering to buy Barrett's adapter for Canon EOS lenses. Is there somebody on the list who already bought this adapter and is willing to post some frames of shots taken with his/her XL1(s) using this particular adapter ?
It will be highly appreciated !

Hans den Hertog, Lathum, the Netherlands -->>>

Hi Hans,
I should have some sample photos taken with the EOS to XL-1 lens adaptor posted on our website soon. I will let you and the community know when the photos are up.
please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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Old July 20th, 2003, 12:13 PM   #45
XL1 Solutions
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Recently National Georgraphic used our Nikon to XL-1 mount in a shoot in Africa. I am currently seeking permission from them for a sampling of out takes from their shoot, so that they can be posted on our website. We will keep you informed.

please visit our site at http://www.xl1solutions.com
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