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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old July 2nd, 2007, 11:35 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Portugal
Posts: 9
Greetings from Portugal

Hello from Portugal

This Is my first Post and I want to Thank the Board te let me participate in this great Forum.

Im lookink forward to buy a XLH1 and I think this the best place on the www to aqcuire good information.
For now the information e read here and the sample clips are more then enough to suport my decision in buying a XLH1.
I have a small edit studio with an oldie Fast 601 with full xtras and SDI input, I´m editor for 10 yeras know and love to put image in motion.
So for now only SD is suported and Im trying to achieve a low cost preview\edit card like BlackMagic to start the HDV adventure.
I have serious questions to know what is the best NLE to edit HDV.
FCP 6? Edius? others??
My budget is for the camera now and next year maybe ill go for FCP2 with a Power Mac 2 Quad.
What is the advise of You guys Here??

Best From Lisbon
Nuno Ribeiro

Last edited by Nuno Ribeiro; July 2nd, 2007 at 12:06 PM.
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Old July 3rd, 2007, 02:17 AM   #2
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Do It

I say buy it, I did a lot of research before buying mine and I'm not sorry.
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Old July 3rd, 2007, 06:38 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Wow. It is very hard to give advice when we don;t really know exactly the kind of material you plan to shoot. While specs of cameras and prices are important, sometimes what you are shooting is more important. I personally love my H1. It is big and meaty and feels like a tank to me. Others think it is too big and heavy and find this annoying. Some like the small form factor of the A1 better. I have a hard time with it as it feels too light. So many variables yet only you know for sure which ones will make or break it for you.

Can you give us any feedback on the material you plan to shoot with it?

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Old July 3rd, 2007, 07:30 AM   #4
New Boot
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Location: Portugal
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The plan is to shoot documental, comercial images and maybe some ENG.
I work in an advertising agency and Im trying to update the in-house formats.
I edit in BetaSP and DVCam for 6 years, dont have the budge to HDCAM series so HDV is the middle platform.
My fears for now are, things I´ve being read here, for focus control, FCP compatibility and a deck that reads and records 50i and 25i.
Im in Pal world so I guess I have less problems than Ntsc World.
Maybe You guys can advise on a NLE and HDV-Deck setup to work with XLH1.
By the way, my first test will be in indoors making a cooking show.
What kind of lights should I use and what camera setup\program is best for this conditions?? (H1 is the detail camera with some macros and hands working food, and another DVCam will shoot the wide plan and the sound in wireless mic.)
The job is to deliver in DVD SD (guess I shoot H1 in HDV and downconvert via SDI or firewire) and edit in Liquid Edition.

Best for all

Nuno Ribeiro
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Old July 3rd, 2007, 07:42 AM   #5
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Well others may not agree with me but I think the H1 will work well for you. If you are going to be doing ENG work and a lot of studio work I think it is a great camera. The only time I would prefer the A1 form factor is when trying to shoot on location and trying to not get extra attention. The A1 can be passed off as a "Home camera" whereas the H1.....not so much.

The HV10 or HV20 can be used as a deck to acquire the footage from and save some wear and tear on the H1.

Also, I'd probably recommend using the DVcam for closeups and the HDV camera for wider shots. I know it seems backwards but generally the DV format cameras resolve and look much better on mid to cloeup shots. They tend to not hold the details in wider shots as well. The H1 can do both but I think it will hold the detail of a wide shot much better. Still, experiment and see what works. Maybe you are okay with a slightly less resolved wide shot....that's cool too.

Good Luck.
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Old July 3rd, 2007, 08:13 PM   #6
New Boot
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Location: Portugal
Posts: 9
Sorry to ask here for this.

As You know I have a low Budget to this HDV format, and I was considering in 2nd place the Sony HVRZ1U.
By choosing this one I might strech a bit more the budget and go for a FCP6 setup with a power mac 5 also.
So I kill two rabits in one shot. Still I have a DSR 30P DVCAM deck and a Beta SP to hook on FCP6.
Is this a BIG MISTAKE in camera choice (V1 vs H1) or I´ll be confortable enough to work this format in sony camera in FCP6??
Is the image quality very distant for the H1 or its just the cinematography less adujstable??

Please, be patiente comigo

Nuno Ribeiro
So far so Good.
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