XL H1 footage played back on HV10 at DVinfo.net
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old March 8th, 2007, 09:54 AM   #1
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XL H1 footage played back on HV10

I had read that some folks were using the Canon HV10 to use as a cheap "playback deck" for footage recorded on the H1.

We're using a Convergence Connect box that takes the firewire output from the H1...and converts the video to HD-SDI and the timecode to RS422. It works great.

My question is:

Has anyone tried this with a HV10...and...does the timecode recorded from the H1 come along ?

Even if you're just going firewire out to your NLD...does that tc come thru ?

I heard that the HV10 will playback 24f and 30f...but doesn't record it.

Thanks in advance for the info....!
Kevin Martorana is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 9th, 2007, 07:55 AM   #2
Join Date: May 2004
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I have an H1, Sony FX1 and an HV10, and use the HV10 to view(playback) footage from the other two. It palys all 3 H1 frame rates. I also use it to capture anything HDV to our PC via fire wire.
In addition, It has a real nice image, especially if you have enough light and use a stabilizer.We used it as 3rd camera in an exercise video, which unfortunately we had to shoot (customer demand) in 4:3 sd.
Bruce Yarock
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 09:28 AM   #3
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Ohhhhh thank you thank you thank you

I was unaware there was such a beast, and so inexpensive too. I guess my only concern would be would it hold up well under heavy use. But my TWO BIG QUESTIONS:

(1) Does it display timecodes? (I didn't hear that answered clearly)

(2) Have you tried cutting it with the xl-h1? Is it close (not resolution, but color)..

I've got a huge amount of tapes to transcribe that I am farming out, and I don't want to lay out for a deck if I can help it.. in this case, there is no deck.. so what could be better than a dirt cheap solultion!

Also I went to Canons webpage and couldn't find any output jacks listed..
can this play out to an NTSC or HD Monitor? Or can you just playback via firewire and the cameras display?

Last edited by Brian Findlay; March 22nd, 2007 at 10:18 AM. Reason: Another Questions...
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 07:18 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Pembroke Pines, Fl.
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<(1) Does it display timecodes? (I didn't hear that answered clearly)

(2) Have you tried cutting it with the xl-h1? Is it close (not resolution, but color)..>

2-yes,if you white balance and are carefull with the exposure on the hv10.

The only outputs are,component (hdv), firewire, and dv out (rca -2 audio, 1 video).
Bruce yarock
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Old March 23rd, 2007, 09:57 AM   #5
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Got this from Canon Support

Thanks Bruce!
Dear Brian Findlay:

Thank you for your inquiry. We value you as a Canon customer and
appreciate the opportunity to assist you. I would be happy to assist
you with the HV10, HV20 and XL-H1 camcorders.

The time code does indeed get process through the firewire port as part
of the embedded video. The HV10 or HV20 could be used to transfer
from the XL-H1 since both systems use the same type of HDV processor.
All three camcorders can be connected to a TV to monitor video and have
the data code displayed.

We hope this information is helpful to you. Please let us know if we
can be of any further assistance with your HV10 and HV20.

Thank you for choosing Canon.


Technical Support Representative
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Old March 24th, 2007, 10:28 PM   #6
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Posts: 250
Thanks everyone for getting some great info!

Looks like I'm off to the store (or internet) for a HV10. !
Kevin Martorana is offline   Reply

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