Lit Pixel issue on my H1??? at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 25th, 2007, 10:00 PM   #1
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Lit Pixel issue on my H1???

OK. So I have my H1 now for 2 months....used, mind you. I have never seen any problems. Today I was shooting a live event that required a 4x3 SD 60i feed from the BNC connector to display on a 10'x10' screen.

My H1 was not on more than 5 minutes when I noticed a lit pixel in the viewfinder. It looked like a little blue spec. I was concerned this was not in the LCD but maybe on the CCD. I increased the gain and I could still see it. I could not see it on the Projector......possibly because the screen was a little dark. After a few minutes it disappeared.....hmm.

This evening I fired it up and hooked it to a 17" LCD via the composite connector (only connector I have here) and I tested. I could clearly see this "spec" however it looked like more than a pixel. I covered the lens and I could still see it. I was not happy. On the 17" LCD it did not look looked more a little star.

I wondered why I had never seen this before. I was still in 4x3 SD mode. I switched from 60i to 30F and it was gone. Nothing in 24F SD either. I switched to HD and tried 60i, 30F and 24F and no lit pixel. Then I switched back to SD 4x3 60i and it was gone there too!

What is the deal? Can Canon remap these type of things if I send it in for a service call? Also....any ideas what something like this costs for a camera that might be out of warranty? I was told this camera was purchased from Texas Tapeworks in June of 2006 but I never got the receipt.


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Old January 25th, 2007, 11:16 PM   #2
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Yes it's repairable by Canon USA factory service. Be sure to report the cost.

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Old January 25th, 2007, 11:33 PM   #3
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I had something similar

I got an XL-H1 (new).. but it was an import (Well okay..they all are..then lets say grey market). The first day I had it, I shot only about 1-2 minutes just so I could put it up in an editor to see what I had. No problem.. about a day later, I turned it on for a more thorough testing. Almost immedately a veritcal blue line appeared in the viewfinder.. depending on what I was shooting against, it would appear/or disappear.. Finally it just stayed on.. I was freaked.. The place I bought it from did take it back, I got a replacement about 2 weeks problems.

I guess the real point of interest for me was that the line wasn't there the first day. Having worked in the high tech and formerly test engineering, I know there is a sharp curve for infant mortalities. I.E. If your gear works (under reasonable use) in the first week or two, the chances of having a problem decrease dramatically after that.

I know there is alot of worry about head wear, and everyone babies their camaras.. but there is alot to be said to giving it alot of use early, its nice when you can send it back for an exchange, rather than a warrenty repair or worse.. out of pocket.

Just curious, did you log alot of hours on it in the first two months? Or did it spend alot of time in the closet? Anyway.. I know its depressing, sorry for your misfortune.

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Old January 26th, 2007, 10:19 AM   #4
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I have probably shot about 10 hours of footage on it. The interesting issue is that it only appeared to me in SD 4x3 60i. I never saw it on my HD footage which has been primarily shot in 24F. I just shot for 2 additional hours in 60i, 4x3, +6db gain and a 1/30 shutter speed and no sign of it. I gotta say if it doesn't present itself as a major repeat problem I am inclined not to send it in at my own expense. If I can get the original receipt and get it covered under warranty then maybe.

Thanks.....I will update this after I shoot the last 2 hours of this event. Hopefully I will have no bad news to report.

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Old January 26th, 2007, 11:57 AM   #5
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Hey marty this is the exact opposite of the issue I had, mine appeared in HD but not in SD. Does it show up in HD now? I would seriously check the rear element of the lens and just in front of the ccd. My lit pixel was not blue or green it was white and only showed up in dark areas.
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old January 26th, 2007, 01:16 PM   #6
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Hi Marty,
Doesn't sound like you have a typical stuck pixel, as it would appear in all modes, though it does depend upon temperature. That's why they are sometimes visible and sometimes not. You should let your camera warm up for an hour and then switch modes and look for it. If it is a bad pixel and it's under warranty, Canon can easily fix it. In fact, what they do is let a software program run a full diag. on it and if it's there, it will catch it and fix it. They have also told me (Canon Irvine) that you don't need to show them your invoice. I took my H1 down there and they never even asked for it. So, it's worth a call just to ask. As Nick said though, it could be something else. I had an XL2 that showed similar behaviour. I thought it was a bad pixel, sent it to Canon and they sent it back saying the pixels were fine but it needed a cleaning - problem was solved. BTW - under warranty, Canon ships your camera back to you express - for free!
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Old January 26th, 2007, 01:27 PM   #7
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I've had plenty of experience with Canon repair on cameras that were under warranty and they have been great. This one probably isn't under warranty but I do not have the original reeipt to prove one way or another.

I am about to edit some of the footage I shot this morning and I will look for this problem. In general are you guys saying a lit pixel will present itself more after the camera is warmed up? The 2 times I have seen it was immediately after powering on....then it went away.

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Old January 26th, 2007, 01:39 PM   #8
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Yeah, lit pixels "usually" show up more as the camera gets warmer, that's just due to the physics of sensor. That's why it sounds like if it shows up immediately upon a cold start and then disapppears it may be something else. Maybe just needs a sensor cleaning. With regard to sending it in to Canon, I think you can just call the tech center and give them your ser. # and then can tell you wether or not they will take care of it. THe XL2 I had a problem with was out of warranty and they cleaned it for free.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 04:08 PM   #9
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I can't speak to CCDs but

I've run into lots of temp related problems in an electronic manufacturing environment. The techs usually have both a heat gun and cold spray, some things work cold, and don't hot (more common). Some things the other way around.. there is no hard and fast rule.. so it could work either way.. good luck.

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Old January 29th, 2007, 01:17 PM   #10
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i have same problem

I have same bright pixel and camera out of waranty

took it to canon service today..i have to pay £60 p/h service plus parts..the canon guy said "we can either move the pixel(sounds strange) using software which would be less than an hours work..or replace the ccd which would cost around £500 all inclusive" ... this should take no more than 10 days

will post what happens

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Old January 29th, 2007, 02:34 PM   #11
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They can run the pixel mapping via software under 1 hour and there are no parts to buy. It works great - the only thing you'll ever notice is that the picture looks perfect. 60 pounds sounds like a no brainer.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 11:21 AM   #12
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ok so they said they could fix my bad pixel...went to pick it up today..the guy said "here you are clean screen"..i put on the peaking meter..MORE WHITE PIXELS than getting a new ccd..£120 plus £90 for work.

will keep you informed

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Old January 31st, 2007, 11:28 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Craig Maret
i put on the peaking meter..MORE WHITE PIXELS than before...horror..
Craig, what do you mean - Only when you turn peaking on you see what appears to be bad pixels?
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Old January 31st, 2007, 11:38 AM   #14
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yep..with lenscap on(and covered) if i put my peaking meter on i see where the pixels are and their position in viewfinder moves as i magnify(so its not just the viewfinder).i have exported a frame from premiere and i can see them on the bitmap..they are there but hard to see on a small viewfinder..only one you can actually see properly( on evf) is the one within the magnification view..yes its a dot and its white and its on my camera.
boo hoo
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Old February 6th, 2007, 11:48 AM   #15
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just a note to say i went to pick up the camera with new ccd and the guy at canon said he managed to sort it software wise.

so it all works again

£60 total ;-)
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