Presets and Flange back adjust question from new XL-H1 owner at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old October 6th, 2006, 04:16 PM   #1
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Presets and Flange back adjust question from new XL-H1 owner

A friend of mine who bought a XL-H1 last week in Portugal asked me if I could post the two following questions:

What happens if you change the pre-sets for a shoot and then turn off your XL-H1 without saving them as a custom pre-set. When you turn the camera back on, will the pre-sets return to default or remain as you last left them?

Is the Flange back adjustment the same as back-focus, and in what circumsatnce would you adjust it?

This is a great form and your comments/remarks swayed him to get the XL-H1.

warm regards
Kalunga Lima
PMW-350, PDW-F350, PDW-EX1, MacBookPro, MacPro 8-Core, Final Cut Studio 2, Canon 5D MkII
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Old October 6th, 2006, 04:53 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Welcome back, Kalunga -- we've missed you!
Originally Posted by Kalunga Lima
What happens if you change the pre-sets for a shoot and then turn off your XL-H1 without saving them as a custom pre-set.
Not possible. Presets are always saved automatically to the camera's internal memory. The only way to "not save" a preset is to intentionally wipe it out by clearing the setting within the presets menu.

Is the Flange back adjustment the same as back-focus, and in what circumsatnce would you adjust it?
Yes that's what it is, and you would want to use it anytime you're using a different type of lens that's never been on your camera before. Set it once, the first time, for each lens and you should be able to change back and forth without having to bother with it again. Hope this helps,

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