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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:19 PM   #106
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Is it an alarming sign that Canon not develop any major firmvare updates to H1? Is the H2 around the corner?
Jonas Nyström, DoP :: HOT SHOT® SWEDEN :: www.hotshot.nu :: RED #1567, RED 18-50mm T3 :: XL A1, Letus Extreme :: XL H1, 20X & 6X lens (for sale) :: www.vimeo.com/nystrom
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 02:11 PM   #107
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No, it isn't alarming.
Pete Bauer
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 03:53 PM   #108
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It is!

Of course not ;-), but it could be some development; it haven't been any major improvment in firmware. I would like to se flip possibility, alt framerates, development at the gain levels (+12 - +18 is useless IMHO).

And about the H2; someone in a neighbour forum had heard "release of the H2 in the coming months" from a sales rep. Maybe we will see something at NAB.
Jonas Nyström, DoP :: HOT SHOT® SWEDEN :: www.hotshot.nu :: RED #1567, RED 18-50mm T3 :: XL A1, Letus Extreme :: XL H1, 20X & 6X lens (for sale) :: www.vimeo.com/nystrom
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 06:02 PM   #109
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We're not too much on spreading rumors here; a little lighthearted stuff goes on in Area 51 but not the camera forums. I would think engineering timelines and marketing forces would be the main drivers for a new camera model. The next one will be out when Canon is ready to announce and market it.

That said, of course Canon has new cameras in development. All the companies are always working toward the next product. I doubt that how many times or how much they patch the firmware for a current camera has much bearing on future cameras.

I'm doubtful you'll see those big enhancements like flip (but would be nice for those who need it and ya never know). Canon hasn't done a lot of dramatic upgrades to the firmware of the XL cameras.
Pete Bauer
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Old April 4th, 2008, 04:01 AM   #110
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Tis said in this frum somewhere else that someone has received a firmware update - recently. It is alo newer than the version I have.

I have written to Canon service director (UK) and asked why Canon keep it so difficult to get hold of these updates. Clearly they are developed for a reason and clearly they are user installable and more than clearly they are highly portable (i.e downloadable).

Don't hold your breath. The three emails I received from support regarding the sending to me downloading of the file resulted in "Your equipment has to go to a centre" stock reply.

A major corporation stacked with enough intelligence to design and build these cameras, yet....
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Old April 4th, 2008, 08:54 AM   #111
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Done a fair bit of searching for the 1.06 new firmware and can find no info on it. Canon has set up this cam for firmware updates in a very smart way... just wish they would make the final step - availability - just as sweet.

Maybe there is a reason for not releasing it yet?

Since none of us know the specifics of what it does accomplish, it's more of a curiosity at this point.

Hope Chris can glean some info on this firmware for us.
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Old April 4th, 2008, 03:42 PM   #112
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I know it's not fair...

...or maybe even comparable; but this my question - why can't Canon improve and develop firmware in faster pace, when for example RED has done 15, soon 16 firmware updates in less of a year?

I love my XL H1, and my new XH A1, but, have Canon still the spirit...
Jonas Nyström, DoP :: HOT SHOT® SWEDEN :: www.hotshot.nu :: RED #1567, RED 18-50mm T3 :: XL A1, Letus Extreme :: XL H1, 20X & 6X lens (for sale) :: www.vimeo.com/nystrom
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Old April 4th, 2008, 05:22 PM   #113
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Jonas, I think that is an apples to oranges comparison. RED is a new and novel camera system that even as it is released in small numbers is under active development by an upstart camera company (albeit quite well funded!) and the XL is well established and at present is sold in much larger numbers to a much wider customer base.

I don't see much incentive for Canon to put a lot of effort into wringing new features out of firmware that is working well to do what it is supposed to do. But you never know; reps from ALL the manufacturers DO read DVinfo even if they don't post.
Pete Bauer
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Old April 5th, 2008, 02:15 AM   #114
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More confusing is the fact they don't seeem to need too much incentive to do the firmware updates as it would appear there is one floating around.

The tragedy here is not necessarily the regularity of the updates but the attitude toward their customers. Canon should be posting the availability of the update in as many places they can - not tucking it away - only to be applied to cameras being turned in for other more important service or repairs.

Frankly, this so called smaller upstart, with their under active development is getting greater and better acclaim not only due to the quality of their goods but their strikingly different attitude to their customers, it's an attitude I suspect Canon used to have when they were young, struggling and developing - back in the days when "if anyone could, Canon could" which mean't they probably would.

As has been said, the development of a new firmware update means Canon have identified aspects of the cameras behaviour that need or can be improved, but there's an air of "you can only have it if you give us work to install it for which we can legitimately charge you and which costs you to get it".

Maybe I will llook at the upstart company and it's product if they are going to mlook after me and value me as a customer.

Now then, RED, were are......

Last edited by Pete Bauer; April 5th, 2008 at 06:51 AM. Reason: excessive hyperbole to the negative!
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Old April 5th, 2008, 07:29 AM   #115
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Words like "alarming" and "tragedy" conjure up excessive emotion that is out of place in a discussion such is this, as are the negative nonsubstantive comments, some of which have been removed from recent posts.

Again, apples to oranges: RED is a really interesting new 4K system in a "ready to shoot" price point of $25,000+ and the XL-H1 is a 1080 camera that can be had for around $8,000 ready to shoot. The workflow is quite different, and the companies are quite different. The shooter should buy the one that matches his or her needs; if the frequency and ease of firmware updates is important to you, well, weigh that in.

If you want specific features that the XL H1 doesn't support, look elsewhere. Here's the RED forum. A couple of folks spouting unkind hyperbole in a public forum about a company is neither very productive nor allowed here on DVifno. That some customers want more and easier access to XL H1 firmware has been amply stated already. Stay on topic and stay factual. Thanks.
Pete Bauer
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Old April 6th, 2008, 02:20 AM   #116
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Apologies for my overzealous emotions, suppose I must get used to what I can't have and move on as I only bought in the 8,000 bracket.
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Old April 6th, 2008, 07:49 AM   #117
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Pete, I think Dave's main point was a valid one - not that there aren't more firmware updates, but that when there is one, it is almost like they don't care if we even know about it. I have felt the same frustration.

I couldn't care less whether they release many updates. If the camera never changes again, I would be satisfied with what I have purchased. It does exactly what it's supposed to do and it does it well. But if they do release updates, I would like to be able to enjoy the benefits of it, as a loyal consumer.

I have 4 XL-H1s, so I am heavily invested in this technology, and obviously I believe in the product. I do find it strange that it is all but impossible to find out about a firmware improvement, and then more inconvenient than need be to receive it. You can look higher on this thread to see my attempt almost a year ago to get the update that fixed timecode issues and almost doubled the f-stop increments.

It was like pulling teeth to find someone at Canon who, number one - knew there was an update, and number two - knew how I could get it.

Once I did get the update, it was so nice to just sit down for about 15 minutes and quickly and conveniently update all my cameras (At the time, I had three). Then, when I bought a fourth from another forum member, I was able to immediately update that one, since I still had the card in my possession. That is how it ought to work. This was a crucial update, in my opinion, and it should have been MUCH easier to learn about it and much easier to get it.
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Old April 6th, 2008, 09:55 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Vence Vida View Post
it is all but impossible to find out about a firmware improvement
Not if you're reading DV Info Net on a regular basis it isn't.

It was like pulling teeth to find someone at Canon who, number one - knew there was an update, and number two - knew how I could get it.
Here's the reason for that. The main Canon help line (1-800-OK-CANON) may be an outsourced facility for all I know, but their expertise lies primarily in the still camera and printer product lines. The XL H1 is a highly specialized item relative to everything else they make, and with regard to firmware updates there may be three or four Canon people in the U.S. that have any real, in-depth knowledge about the details of the upgrade... perhaps even fewer abroad. So yes it's a somewhat mysterious process and I'm only scratching the surface of it here, but one of the reasons why I started this site was to facilitate these exact types of issues between market and manufacturer.

RED and their fifteen builds is an apples to oranges comparison. For RED, it's all they do. Theirs is a product continuously undergoing changes so of course there will be build after build. That's entirely different in a wide variety of ways from how the XL H1 is developed. Not saying one way is better than the other, just saying that's how it is... for now at least.

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Old April 7th, 2008, 05:36 AM   #119
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Hi Guys
I could not agree more. Thank you for bringing this facility to bring market and manufacturer together which for you in the USA appears to be working.
In the UK, this manufacturer needs to pay more attention to its market. We don't have to my knowledge a registered owners club where we can get firmware updates free like you do in the USA.

The USA Canon store is full of accessories - easily accessible for the XL-H1. The Canon UK store mixes XL-H1 accessories with everything else Canon do so they are not easy to identify in fact it even links direct to eBay so you can buy third party non Canon accessories that don't carry Canon warranties. Try the Canon UK store for an XL-H1 cleaning kit right now by choosing accessories, selecting cleaning equipment and their cart brings up a scart to three phonos! LOL....That's how much care and attention XL-H1 owners get in the UK. Think its funny or unlikely? Check it out here: https://store.canon-europe.com/DRHM/...oryID=11012600. This is not a great example of manufacturer coming together with market.

Yes I do love the camera but would I go buy another three like Vence has done - right now - probably not. This manufacturer has a lot to do to come together with its market here in the UK and it is having a detrimental effect on their sales - who knows they don't know if I was sold on buying three or four XL-H2's?

Last edited by Dave Gosley; April 7th, 2008 at 05:38 AM. Reason: speeling
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Old April 7th, 2008, 08:48 AM   #120
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Chris - any chance of your sources providing specifics on what the latest firmware accomplishes?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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