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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old July 29th, 2006, 01:56 PM   #1
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An Interesting Idea

I was about to plunk down some cash for what I call a "glove compartment camera", I was going to get one of the Sonys as a 60i backup and something to use in tight places, like cars.. Then I learned about Canon's soon to be available XH G1 and A1 - so needless to say, I will wait a few months and get the A1 (I don't need the Jack Pack for my work)...

And a thought suddenly struck me...

The A1 is 4 grand and, as I understand it, it records and plays 24f as well as 60i.. it's a DECK - with the added advantage of being small and having a 20x lens so it can serve as a backup camera... Hmmm... This could work...
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Old July 29th, 2006, 02:01 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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At $4K it's an expensive deck, but it will definitely free up your XL H1.

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Old July 29th, 2006, 02:12 PM   #3
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It's an expensive deck to be sure, but the Sony decks are almost as much or more, and I was going to buy another camera anyway.. because I always feel more comfortable when I have something in the car if the H1 fails, which it has once (audio section went out - so I bought a Tascam HD P2 several months ago)...

Thing is, it could make 24f viable for people like me who don't want to use their cameras for playback..
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Old July 29th, 2006, 10:16 PM   #4
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I've been considering this as well, but is this an expensive deck? I mean, the m1u is 2.5k so youadd 1500 more and you get a cmaera and 24F support, (heh, you add 3500 more you get camera, 24F, and HD-sdi support)
I have a dream that one day canon will release a 35mm ef to xl adapter and I'll have iris control and a 35mm dof of all my ef lenses, and it will be awesome...
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Old July 30th, 2006, 07:54 AM   #5
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Nick, yeah, that's my point too - although I do realize that a camera isn't going to shuttle as well and will probably be painfully slow to fast forward or rewind - still, it's a deck with a built in screen that plays 24f...

PLUS it has a 20x lens with what they are describing as "improved" autofocus and identical chips as the H1, which could make it an ideal "B" camera...

PLUS, if I didn't already have the Tascam, it could be used as an audio recorder (there are many times when it's nice to be able to record audio without constantly rolling the camera)...

The G1 with the HD-SDI out would be nice if --- a) I did production work (I make documentaries) --- b) there was something affordable to output it to --- c) I didn't already own an H1 (I know, the SDI out doesn't have audio or TC, but I've shot film double system with no TC for years and that doesn't bother me at all)...
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