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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old July 20th, 2006, 09:27 AM   #1
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Firestore work yet?

I realise that there's another place for this topic, but I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck with tapeless acquisition specifically from the H1. I have a job coming up that would be made much easier if I could use one of these devices (tape backup, of course)...

I'm concerned about reliability and ease of use - has it gotten any better?... battery doesn't bother me because I use Anton Bauers and they make a power tap for the Firestore.
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Old July 20th, 2006, 09:37 AM   #2
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I've got 3 FS4-Pros and 3 XLH1s and haven't really had significant problems. In may, I did a three week period of shooting every day, about 800 clips total, and overall was satisfied.

I was recording in syncroslave, and the only real issue I ran into was that occasionally the FS4Pro wouldn't actually roll when I hit record on the camera after being hooked up. If it worked once, it would work fine for as long as the camera and FS4 stayed on. When it wasn't working, powering both off, unplugging the firewire from both devices, then hooking everything back up usually solved it.

Anyways, yes, it works well enough. Just get in the habit of doublechecking that the counter on the FS4 is actually rolling after you hit record and you'll be fine.

Matt from Focus posted that the update to support Quicktime HDV is still in the pipeline as well, which will make my workflow a lot easier.
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Old July 24th, 2006, 04:20 PM   #3
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Focus makes the FS-C for the XL-H1. They said the quicktime HDV compatability should be available within the month.
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Old July 25th, 2006, 05:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Brian Critchlow
Focus makes the FS-C for the XL-H1. They said the quicktime HDV compatability should be available within the month.
Does this mean you could dump files recorded on the firestore directly into a fcp timeline, without having to go through the conversion software mt2 files require?
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Old July 25th, 2006, 06:32 AM   #5
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I've used the CitiDisk HDV for about half a year. Have not had problems, but the device does not play back the footage(s) to the EVF. Neither time code is stored.

The m2t files can be directly transferred to PPro 2.0 timeline assuming one has installed the Canon update from, but the first frame is not shown properly. Still, I convert the m2t files to to Cineform HD files for editing.
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Old July 25th, 2006, 10:19 AM   #6
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HDisk recording and Monitor with a Laptop

Along these lines,
Now that Console is available from Canon - Either a PC or an IntelMacbook can run it -
So you could visibly tweak the image to purfection, while capturing it into your laptop,
would 24f work with this?
I do this now with HDVxDV but I cant monitor the footage in real time (which I need for critical focus from the 35mm adapter)

I know it is a bit off topic,
but the Firestore 80g and a Macbook with an 80g hard drive are the same price
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Old July 25th, 2006, 12:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Josh Dahlberg
Does this mean you could dump files recorded on the firestore directly into a fcp timeline, without having to go through the conversion software mt2 files require?
Yep, straight to FCP.

Originally Posted by John Benton
So you could visibly tweak the image to purfection, while capturing it into your laptop, would 24f work with this?
I would expect the console software would support 24/30p, but FCP still has no native support for progressive. So unless you run to another NLE, I think your stuck with 60i
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Old July 25th, 2006, 12:48 PM   #8
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You can't dump 24f off the firestore right into FCP,
can you?

I know 24f isn't supported yet in FCP (hopefully after the 7th of August)
that's why i was hoping the Console would alllow somekind of 24f capture (to Qt)
.m2t files can be converted with mPegstreamclip = but that's an extra step in what's already a pain in theass
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Old July 25th, 2006, 03:36 PM   #9
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No, 60i is the only frame rate supported by Apple right now. So thats your only option until the next release. Since Firestore would be using apples HDV codec, I dont expect it would even record those frame rates until the next version.

but 60i will drop right into FCP like a charm (when its released).

Even if you recorded 24f in console, you would be stuck once you got to FCP. If you use programs like Lumiere, it just converts it to 60i anyway, so it pretty much defeats the purpose.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 12:36 PM   #10
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I can not get my FS4-ProHD that I got as the NAB Package deal to record from our H1.
We followed the Upgrade Instructions using the fs4.bin file for the upgrade and it appeared to install per the instructions.

Set up the Firestore to HD Recorder and have the H1 in HDV 60i mode with a tape in the transport. No matter if the Firestore is in SynchroSlave or Manual mode I can not get the Firestore to record anything as indicated by the counter not moving.

It's as if the Firestore and the H1 are not communicating. I even tried a different firewire cable and still no go.

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Old July 27th, 2006, 12:41 PM   #11
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You've got the camera set with DV control enabled right? Try doing a tapeless record - make sure the FS4pro is in tapeless mode, hit record on the camera, and see if anything changes on the FS4pro screen. If it looks like it's gone into record, but the counter isn't moving, try shutting everything off, pulling the firewire cable off both the camera and the FS4, hooking everything back up, powering on the camera, then the FS4pro, and try again. That's what it takes for mine to record properly every now and again. Otherwise, you may need to talk to Focus about it.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 01:08 PM   #12
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Thanks Colin:

Enabled DV Control, shut both units off and removed firewire, reinstalled firewire, turned camera on, turned firestore on - same thing - no recording to the firestore.

Then tried "Tapeless" recording and still nothing.

Really frustrating.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #13
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Isnt the FS-C Designed for the H1 specially?

Have you tried manually recording with the record button on the firestore?

At least if that records you can narrow down where your problem lies.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 01:14 PM   #14
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The FS-C, at least from what I was told at the NAB booth, is just an FS4Pro with a bigger drive and a mounting kit designed for the XL-H1.

John - You might could try setting everything to SD (the camera and the FS4) to see if it works that way, at least to narrow it down. Otherwise, it sounds like you might need to give Focus a call.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 02:36 PM   #15
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Brian - Yes, tried just recording in the Manual mode using the Firestore button controls - it was still a no go.

Colin - I will try setting the H1 and the Firestore for DV recording (vs. HDV) and see if anything changes.

It seems like there is some setting on the H1 or the Firestore that I am missing or my upgrade process did not work.

Thanks to both of you for trying to help
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