Chromatic Aberation (CA) problems - Are there any GOOD lenses for the XL-H1? - Page 2 at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old June 14th, 2006, 06:42 PM   #16
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Yep the XL-H1 is modular but they don't have any lenses to replace the 20x lens with yet.

I went to Canon's XL-H1 presentation in Studio 19 at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood yesterday. The good news is that Canon people admitted that the lens had some problems and that they need other lenses. They justified the CA by saying that the system very cost effective (Canon's euphemism for cheap).

The second sentence in their presentation was that they do indeed have a new manual 6x lens in the works that will be released in October. Interesting how that was the first fact mentioned in the presentation. Must be a lot of other people like me complaining about the lens.

Many other people at the show asked about a new lens after the presentation was over.

The show was interesting. There were about 100 people at the show. The food was great and FREE!

After the presentation, there was a 40 minute hands-on session where we could play with all the goodies and meet with representatives from Avid, Apple, Birns & Sawyer, etc. Each manufacturer had a small booth where they showed their wares.

There was also an area where they were demonstrating their HD SDI. Each of the cameras set up for us to play with, (5 or 6) was wired to an HD SDI display system.

In any case. The show was interesting to me and would probably be worth attending in your area.

The DVD they gave out was ok but was all SD. They also included some raw footage of the Watchmaker, 3 or 4 .mov files to play with, Avid and FCP.

We had a good time.

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Old June 14th, 2006, 06:51 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Harry Bromley-Davenport
The word "Aberration" is spelled like that - not "aberation". This might be the root of your problems.


Thanks for the correction. It looks just as bad no matter how you spell it.

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Old June 15th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #18
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Location: LA CA
Posts: 317
I find that spelling it with three "r"s usually solved any CA problems. It just gets scared and runs away.


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