Scneider Optics Century .8x Wide Angle w XLH1 at
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old May 4th, 2006, 04:47 PM   #1
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Schneider Optics Century .8x Wide Angle w XLH1

Just to let everybody know the Schneider Optics Century Century division .8x HD Wide/Angle Converter Lens 72MM can now be used on the XLH1 if you get the little adapter ring required to keep it from damaging the XLH1 20x Lens. Century is planning on including them with the adapters but if you didn't or don't get one with it you can get them to send you one.
I took delivery on one today and received my ring and immediately put it on my XLH1. Quality seems good. I don't have a hi def monitor to really check it out on here at the office but it seems to work well on the camera in SD and the HD downconvert looks on par with what I have seen without it. Haven't seen any focus issues on the edges or much more CA than the Standard lens. The lens shade which comes with it is not very flexible but they are throwing it in for the time being.
I don't have much time to test it out for a while since I have a few shoots scheduled including an HDCAM shoot tomorrow.
Doesn't sound like Schneider Century is rushing to get out the .7x equivalent to the one they made for the HVX-200 and this one is about half the price. As far as angle of view goes the Canon Lens in 4x3 w adapter is still not as wide as the DVX-100A lens w out adapter (which it will fit on by the way) but every little bit helps while we wait for a HD manual lens.

Last edited by Daniel Epstein; May 4th, 2006 at 07:20 PM.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 01:16 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Product line looks like this... more to follow... thanks Daniel!
Attached Thumbnails
Scneider Optics Century .8x Wide Angle w XLH1-schneider26.jpg  

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Old May 5th, 2006, 03:51 PM   #3
Planck Studios
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I've got a close quarters shoot coming up where I'd love to use a Wide Angle adapter like the .8 from Century on my H1. The reality is I'd really have no shot w/out some kind of adapter given the tight area.

All the footage I've seen w/ the 3x and other lenses hasn't impressed me (fuzzy edges and CA). I'm stoked to see a few test shots comparing the adapter and the stock lens - even a few stills would be great, just to compare coverage area.

So the $595 package below has everthing included to work w/ the H1?

Thanks a ton Daniel.
"kill the body and the head will die" - HST

Last edited by Jonathan Johnson; May 5th, 2006 at 05:43 PM.
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Old May 6th, 2006, 08:14 AM   #4
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So the $595 package below has everthing included to work w/ the H1?

You just have to make sure they send you the XLH1 lens adapter ring to go with it. They might still have some boxes without the adapter ring in the supply chain. Give them a call if you have any questions. Street price ranges from $450 to $500.

As for optical quality it seems better than the 16x9 adapter but it is not quite as wide. The Canon 20x lens has issues which adding a wide angle adapter to doesn't help but there are very few good options if you want to go wider.
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