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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old March 25th, 2006, 07:58 PM   #1
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FCP Workaround?

I'm trying to input some 24F HDV footage into FCP, any thoughts on how to set the project up so it plays unrendered? I know there are two thrid party applications for capture, Lumiere and HDVxDV. Any thoughts on those?
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Old March 25th, 2006, 10:45 PM   #2
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Are you needing to go back to HDV in the end? You can capture footage with HDVxDV and then convert to a different format like DVCproHD or Photojpeg, with MPEG Streamclip (free utility) and still retain good quality. Both codecs are much easier for the computer to deal with and will downconvert to SD extremely well. They are both good quality Intra frame codecs, so there's no conform and render process for even simple cuts.

You could also demux your 24F material in MPEG Streamclip and edit in an HDV timeline set to 24p, but you'll still have to render more than you'd like.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 08:32 AM   #3
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Barlow, I tried capturing with HDVxDV and converting it to Photojpeg and DVCproHD with Streamclip and everything looks good until it renders in FCP -- then it looks horrible, like bad High-8.

I've tried many different capture/sequence settings to find the right combination, but there are so many, maybe I'm missing it.

I replied to another post of yours that listed a Cinema Tools workflow, but it doesn't get me to your starting point (ie: I don't think I've got the capture/sequence settings right -- tried: 720p, HDV and DVCPro HD 50 and 60i, AIC, etc -- because it doesn't work for me).

I'm on a G5Dual Mac. I've got a whole movie of beautiful footage and no way to edit it yet. I'm waiting for NAB but I need to get something out ASAP, and NAB might not answer our prayers either.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 11:52 AM   #4
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Harry Bromley-Davenport

With Barlow's irreplaceable help, I managed to digitise 24f footage via a Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro card using the easy setup: "Blackmagic HDTV 1080i 59.94 - DVCProHD." You have to capture the sound using the plinky little Mac minijack input - but that too works fine.

Maybe this helps?


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Old April 20th, 2006, 12:26 PM   #5
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Harry, how do you get FCP to input sound from the mini jack input? On FCP 5 with Decklink HD card, it assumes all sound comes in over SDI or SPDIF. Maybe it is a setting right in front of my eyes. Clarification would certainly help me a lot.

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Old April 20th, 2006, 12:52 PM   #6
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Nick, have you tried change the settings under System Preferences/Sound/Input?
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Old April 20th, 2006, 12:55 PM   #7
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Harry Bromley-Davenport

OK. Now the deal is that I am NOT the expert around here on this trick - I got all this from Barlow Elton (may his name be praised).

Take analogue outputs from Canon and plug into minijack on Mac.

Go to Mac Preferences and turn everything you can in the SOUND settings to INTERNAL.

Then, in FCP, make a new sequence / easy setup using Blackmagic HDTV 1080i 59.94 - DCV Pro HD. If you have a Blackmagic card and have downloaded the latest settings from the Blackmagic site it will be there. But remember that in order to install the new Blackmagic settings you must first REMOVE the olds ones.

In FCP now go to your capture settings in the Audio Video menu/box. Make sure the above Blackmagic setting is ticked. Then hit "EDIT" and go to the sound setting and change it to INTERNAL.

I don't actually have the software in front of me because I'm doing a 4 hour render (!) and don't want to interrupt it, so please excuse any inaccuracies.

Now you go to the CAPTURE WINDOW.

Go to the Control device thingy and switch it to UNCONTROLLABLE DEVICE or whatever it is. Also, better check that your B/M setup is still in the other box, to be sure.

You should now be able to see your tape in the viewer and hear it over audio. You will, at minimum be able to see video and SEE the audio playing on the meters, even if you can't hear it yet.

Have a look under the VIEW menu and make sure audio is set to INTERNAL and video is playing ALL FRAMES.


Again, apologies if there is some inaccuracy here because I don't have the program open.

You will probably find that the sound level is kinda low and you may want to put it through a preamp before capturing.

Barlow is really the big shot on this one and he has even got me to learn how to get true 24p out of the Canon 24f stuff. True 24p looks much better, to my eye.

Anyway, see how it goes.

Still rendering here.


Harry Bromley-Davenport is offline   Reply

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