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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old February 28th, 2006, 09:05 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Andrew Todd
the new two dont work for me

my mistake, I edited the post, so try again, it will work now.
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Old February 28th, 2006, 10:04 AM   #17
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ok, and one more

there also is one more file on the way, but I will upload it tomorrow
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Old March 1st, 2006, 01:23 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia
OK. Then I will have h.264, that is easy, but when I convert I see that colors are changed in someway and the overall picture get more bright than it is with DVCPRO HD.

And you know, I was kind of surprised when I found out that DVCPRO HD is not supported by PC. Why? Or am I wrong here?
See this about h.264

IMHO m2t is better than any other format. As I posted, see the Nick clips or kaku's. And with the same XL-H1. I didn't see yet your recent footage because I'm out from the office but if you will convert any other clip to PC viewers try first m2t, please. And only if it isn't possible, we will handle with the h.264. Also in the past I noticed the noise problem too. And with m2t the footage seems clean. I don't know why but this one performs it better. If possible test it to prove. I know that our major main is the acquisition but the delivery format is so much important, specially if we want evaluate the acquisition properties. For not to mention when there's a judgement involved.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 04:59 AM   #19
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OK, but how can I convert from DVCPRO HD to m2t? If you tell me this, I will try to convert to m2t and upload one of the clips in m2t too, so that you could compare.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:59 AM   #20
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I see that there have been 500 new viewing of this post, for the last two days, but no one has commented. Is there a problem with file server, was anybody yet able to download the clips and view them?
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Old March 1st, 2006, 01:27 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia
I see that there have been 500 new viewing of this post, for the last two days, but no one has commented. Is there a problem with file server, was anybody yet able to download the clips and view them?
I had the same problem with my Idisk. The problem is how much you allocate to your .mac mail account. It defaults to half of your disk space. It will show you have a lot of free space but you won't be able to upload the file. You need to access your .mac account and change the allocation.

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Old March 1st, 2006, 01:44 PM   #22
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Hi Levan

Encoding with h.264 from Quicktime using a PC does change the overall brightness and colour. Apparently its a gamma issue with the way images are displayed on a MAC vs a PC. This happens when I encode any Quicktime on my PC and there appears to be no way to change the default gamma setting within Quicktime.

When encoding h.264 I now use the Main Concept encoder which does not present the problem.

Strangely when I play your Quicktimes on my PC in a window they are all appear washed out but playing in Quicktime full screen mode(on a 1920x1200 LCD) the colours appear fine.

The clips are nice however and there is no problem downloading all of them, fast connection at Rapidshare only took 8 mins for clips 3 & 4 to come down the pipe.

The depth of field really shows up in the clip looking through the horses legs, nice!

Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia
OK. Then I will have h.264, that is easy, but when I convert I see that colors are changed in someway and the overall picture get more bright than it is with DVCPRO HD.

And you know, I was kind of surprised when I found out that DVCPRO HD is not supported by PC. Why? Or am I wrong here?
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Old March 1st, 2006, 02:20 PM   #23
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Hi Levan. I just checked out the clips. Any chance we could get a snippet of raw .m2t file, or whatever format you originally captured to? This combo (h1 and mini35) is something I'm quite interested in.

For the most part, I feel like focus either drifts or is soft on the main subject in much of this footage. Perhaps the conversion to h.264 created some of this? An exception was the push into the man by the car in That looks fantastic. Across all of the clips I found color, composition, and camera work to be really well done it looks very filmic.

But a great deal of the footage seems to have either soft focus or focus drift problems. What are your thoughts on that given that you're looking at the original footage?

Thanks so much for putting the clips up.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 02:58 PM   #24
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Sorry, but I would appreciate if you explain what does DRIFT FOCUS mean. (english is not my native language). Well, focus is softer with mini35, there are several reasons for that, main thing is that we do not have HD video assitant monitor, which makes it harder to focus with just SD monitor or the thru camera viewfinder, but again that is only to some point, because mini35 itself introduces some softness with focus, but in general, for filmic look, softness is something that I don't mind at all, but to a certain point of course.

also, the biggest problem with mini35 was the visible ground glass grain, because of high resolution of the H1, but this footage is clean of any hard grain issues, I think. What do you think?
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Old March 1st, 2006, 03:15 PM   #25
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No problem: by "focus drift" I meant that it seems like objects move slightly into and out of focus from one moment to the next. Almost as if someone were very slightly moving the focus ring back and forth.

Having looked through everything a second and third time, maybe all I'm seeing is a little wobble on some of the focus racks. For example, in, the tracking shot with a rack from a near car to a far car -- the far car comes into sharp focus and then gets a bit softer again. Another thing that might have really caused my comment was the shot in looking from the front of the moving car. Upon review it's pretty clear that the small focus changes are likely due to road vibration.
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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:33 PM   #26
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So, I understand now. Well, for example in the situation with focus pull from near car to far car, I suspect what could be the problem there. Since the far car is far enough to set the lens focus to infinity, then I couldn't say that it is we couldn't detect the right focus on SD monitor, basicly the only thing we had to do is to rotate the focus all the way to infinity, and as you can see we do that, and at some moment it gets sharp and gets a bit unsharp again. could that be cause by follow focus system? I mean, the focus assitant pull the focus with his hand all the way to infinity and when he let go the hand to follow focus, it turned the focus back a bit. Maybe I am wrong but I can't find any other explanaition, but it could be totally stupid suggestion.

Same story with the car.

Also, you have to remember that with mini35, you can not close the lens to more than 4, because if you do then you start to see grain, so you have realy limited DOF, even when you don't need it.

Today, I will finish the job, and upload the finished commercial, with mini35, within the next week I am going to blowout to 35mm film, since this commercial is going to be shown in cinemas. The biggest screen here is 35 meters in diagonal, and it is pretty big to see if there are any problems with footage. I will let you know.

And back to the focus thing, if anybody has suggestions with what could be causing the "focus drift", please let me know.
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Old March 2nd, 2006, 09:11 AM   #27
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That site only lets me download 1 a day, so I've down loaded 1 and 4. Footage looks really good. Excellent color and contrast! I'll see 2 and 3 in the next couple of days.

<edit> Seems to want you to wait an hour between, I'll have the rest today :) It's like eating and swimming, you need time to digest :) </edit>

Last edited by Cole McDonald; March 2nd, 2006 at 09:56 AM.
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 05:23 AM   #28
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As I know it doesn't need an hour between download, it is just that you can not download several at the same time, only one by one.
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 10:59 AM   #29
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the clip "" crashes my quicktime player, VLC and iMovie. The rest work just fine and look phenomenal!
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 11:40 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia
As I know it doesn't need an hour between download, it is just that you can not download several at the same time, only one by one.
Levan! How do I download? I get to the RAPID share site and I can't SEE your file to download? . .What do I do???

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