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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old February 1st, 2006, 06:59 PM   #16
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It's definitely not as smooth as a manual, it steps slightly, but I don't think it's all that abrupt.

btw, here are a few more m2t's for you, Shawn. One is to show eyeball focusing where I was in manual mode and did nothing auto. The peaking function is how I was able to achieve critical focus with the supposedly terrible EVF.

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Old February 1st, 2006, 08:37 PM   #17
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Hey.. nice footage. it was nice to see focus snap in on that shot. I really like the quality of the image. I have a HD100 that i love but more and more I am digging whats coming out of the canon..

How much CC was done to those clips?
Panasonic HVX200, JVC HD-100U, Canon GL-2, Dual 2.7 G5, MBP 2.2, FCP Studio 2
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Old February 1st, 2006, 08:52 PM   #18
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Thanks very much Barlow. These are great clips...

I've gotta assume that they're 1440x1080 24F?

I tried to order one today for a Friday delivery, but they sold out yesterday. Was going to pick up another HD100 as well - this is giving me pause.

There are logistical things I don't care for on the Canon, but the images really seem to hold their own. I'm very anxious to stick this on the mini35 as well... I got decent results with a Z1 on the mini, so I'm just assuming that the H1 will rock on it...

Do you have any 60i .m2t's to look at (again, assuming these are 24F).

Any details to share on the camera settings as well (iris open, sharp settings, etc)?

Thanks again so much - I think I'm sold... ;)
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Old February 1st, 2006, 08:53 PM   #19
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No color correction in post at all, just straight from the camera m2t's. -3db, 24F, Cinegamma2
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:00 PM   #20
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Infinity (even interlaced) vs. 1/3" camcorder (interlaced or progressive one)

Originally Posted by Shawn Alyasiri
I have the Z1 & the HD100 - both of which I like - and sometimes dislike, based on capabilities in certain environments. It appears that the H1 can fill in gaps between, and maybe facilitate a tool for more event work, hopefully in environements that aren't as 'controlled'. All footage so far suggests this can be the case.
I think I've come to terms with the reality that I'll probably have to buy a bigger camera later this year - probably the Grass Valley Infinity - to do everything I want. The H1 is to fill in that gap in time, and be an awesome tool in the inventory as well.
I'm prepping my HD investment and a Infinity 1080i shooting -> 24p at post it is a possibility over other two that I have: HD100 or Z1 (despite another HVX one).

Being you, Shawn, the owner of two of these cams and thinking to a Infinity purchase too, what's your thoughts about these different ways concerning to 35mm film-out?

A 2/3" CCD camera even interlaced it will be quite different than a 1/3" camcorder?

Considering also JPEG2000 10-bit & 110 megabits codec rather 8-bit 25 or 19 megabits HDV codec?

Even if the progressive is only possible to get at post? (and there with resolution losses or not?)

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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:05 PM   #21
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It was pretty bright inside the Sundance Resort lodge, and I'm fairly sure I was stopped down quite a bit w/ND32.

I've shot very little 60i thus far. Have you seen my SLC nightime shots? I've got a few that are 60i. I'll see if I can locate one.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:32 PM   #22
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I'm right in the middle with you brother... I'm kind of buying these things to figure out what my final HD workflow and path are going to be - at least to start... Expensive testing, but I've always been that way.

Can't answer much about the Infinity, but from what I've seen on paper, and in talking to the rep, it sounds pretty darn good. Only thing missing is 24p, but it may be addressed based on demand. I was most attracted to the true manual HD lens, and 2/3" structure, assuming/anticipating that there would/could be decent light sensitivity for events - plus all of the USB/Firewire outs for transfer, live HD recording, etc. I've got $20K into a hog of an Edius SP machine as well - so their purchase of Canopus may suggest a nice integration. Don't know much about the JPEG2000 format, other than the toted 4:2:2 HD capability. NAB is only months away - lots of questions...

Sorry - no film outs for me - I do event work and corporate rentals - and anything else that pays for this stuff.

I'm starting to think that the ideal toolkit by end of year for event work is going 1080 - with an Infinity (or big 1080i cam), an H1 and a Z1... It's like the story of the three bears...

We'll just have to see...

Thanks again Barlow for the clips. I had some bad experiences with my XL1 & service way back and haven't looked at Canon since - wouldn't even stop at the booth. Can't believe I'm looking again - you should work for them...

Gave all my money to JVC instead - bought 12 cameras actually. They have been wonderful to deal with.

Exciting times...
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:49 PM   #23
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Exciting times, indeed! I've said this before, but I believe this "affordable" HD realm is an embarrassment of riches. It's hard to go wrong with any of these cameras, particularly if you know what you're doing.

>>>Do you have any 60i .m2t's to look at (again, assuming these are 24F).<<<

In a way, there is no such thing as 60i 24F. It's a progressive encoding within a 60i stream, a lot like the XL2 and DVX trick with NTSC. 24F is a flagged 24p stream within 60i. If you'd like to look at a regular 60i clip, I'll see what I can do.

I'm not out to convince anyone that the Canon XL-H1 is the only choice, just trying to help by showing some decent examples of what it's capable of.

It's funny, the more I see from the JVC, the more I dig it too. It'll be a tough choice between it and the HVX when I'm ready for another camera.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:50 PM   #24
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Sorry, accidental double post

Last edited by Barlow Elton; February 1st, 2006 at 11:33 PM.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:55 PM   #25
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Dude - I literally change my mind every night now!

These are all incredible tools.

The HD100 is great - it was recently used on a national insurance campaign as B-roll to a Varicam - client really liked it. The ROI is already there, 3 months...

The Z1 is just a cool little pocket knife - you can whittle with it, and you can full-on stab - amazing.

I'm floored by the H1 - looks incredible, and will probably have one within days.

I have two mini35's with a set of Zeiss super lenses as well - anxious to test the H1 on that, so that I can offer that as additional production and rental as well.

All incredible tools, but I'm running out of money too...

Would love to have a couple dozen beers with you guys at NAB if you're going. Funny - I used to look forward to Christmas - now it's NAB!

PS - I downloaded the 60i city clips before - I've been testing with those too brother - thanks!
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Old February 1st, 2006, 10:09 PM   #26
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BTW - we got caught in internet lingo on the previous post.

I should have said, do you have any clips of the same venue in 60i setting, as I was assuming the current were 24F (which you confirmed).

The day the specs came out, a friend and I were laughing about the 24F spec - thinking it was going to be along the lines of the Z1's 24 emulation.

It's pretty cool. Still have to play with it and test, as I expect I'll be using a 60i timeline a lot, trying to drop 24F clips in there as well. So far, Edius chunks right through them. Will have to see more clips with faster pans, etc (or create them myself soon).
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Old February 1st, 2006, 11:01 PM   #27
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Shawn, I have a 60i clip online called "Toobin'1". It's faster action. Sorry, no 60i in the same venue, but 60i is definitely more sensitive and it's very clean too.

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Old February 1st, 2006, 11:42 PM   #28
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Thanks again Barlow - I remember this little cutie from the 'fountain' footage. Those are my favorite clips - and she's adorable...

This is a great clip as well. Powerful cam - that's for sure.

Thanks again as always - you've been of tremendous help.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 11:49 PM   #29
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Thanks Shawn,

There are two others up. Toobin3 has a whip pan.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 12:16 AM   #30
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Awesome - I'm downloading them now - you're the king...

Meanwhile, I'm playing around with some of the Carlos .m2t's on the timeline, applying YUV curves, some color, contrast, etc, just to play around - very compelling clips and capabilities.

I'm also putting these clips in various editor projects/frame rates (1440x1080 24p, 30p, 60i projects, and 1280x720 24p, 30p, 60p projects), just to see how they look, react in realtime in Edius, etc. Might have to combine HD100 24p/30p clips with H1 24F/60i clips some day on the same timeline, so I'm trying to learn what would be the best global timeline to combine, or find transcoding options to scale certain clips up/down to match certain timelines, etc.

Thanks again,
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