A Buyers/Sellers Market for Slightly Used XL H1? at DVinfo.net
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 28th, 2006, 02:36 AM   #1
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A Buyers/Sellers Market for Slightly Used XL H1?

I honestly don't know how to ask this without being scoffed at. I'm new here, so please forgive any newbieness or simple weirdness that I may or may not present:

I have access to an XL-2. But I want to use an XL H1 for a 5 to 6 day shoot. Possibly more. Maybe 7-10 days (the extra days would be used for filler or stock, personally)...

But my idea was that I would purchase an XL H1, stock, at its MSRP of about $9,000. I'd keep it for about a month, maybe two (at max), and then I would sell it (as I don't need it AFTER the feature I'm working on)...

I personally pamper and baby my electronics, but you certainly can't take ones word for it.

I've been having trouble finding places to rent it from (none, so far-- Called many places in L.A.)-- I am in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I can either rent (if I can find a place) or buy it and sell it. BUT is there even a market out there: IS IT POSSIBLE to find someone who would want to buy a 1-2 month used XL H1? Granted, I am willing to sell at a loss... Any ideas?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

AIM: Microsssoft
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Old January 28th, 2006, 05:20 AM   #2
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Hi Joe, and welcome to DVinfo.

It's been done at least once already:


It'll vary by market, but I'd guess that the typical day rate for an XL-H1 is around $300. I'd be surprised if a pristine, slightly-used camera couldn't fetch near $8000 with fairly little effort. So it seems to me that if you need the H1 for more than a few days, it is worth buying and re-selling.

The fly in the ointment: once you start shooting HD, you'll probably decide to sell the XL2 instead of the H1.

After going to the H1, I haven't gotten around to selling my XL2 yet, but the only time I've touched the XL2 since is to do a couple of rez tests vs the H1. The XL2 is a fantastic SD camera, but I just can't go back to SD only now.

PS: When you get a spare moment, please fill in the rest of your profile. Location is required, while other info such as your video gear and occupation are optional but very helpful.
Pete Bauer
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Old January 28th, 2006, 04:33 PM   #3
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That is music to my ears. Really good to hear.

Where would I post in this forum to look out for potential buyers?
(BTW, I've read that thread you linked too, but it isn't clear if the poster/seller found a buyer HERE or elsewhere... I'd prefer someone here as I've been reading a long time... Just the problem that I've only joined now and have no credibility.)...

How do most people sell here? Ship or meet and greet face to face?

Anyways, thanks again. If you could direct me to a better place to ask this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks again.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 04:47 PM   #4
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When it comes time to sell, the way to advertise here on DVi is to start a new thread in the Private Classifieds forum, rather than in a user forum like this. I'll be interested to see which camera you end up selling! ;-)

I haven't (yet) personally sold any gear here or elsewhere in the last couple years, so not the best to give any specific advice about that...but I'll be checking up on that myself, as I have an XL2 and a GL2 that I OUGHT to get around to selling soon.

Thanks for filling in your profile, too. ..I really wish everyone who hasn't yet would take a moment and do that. Even just that little bit of info really does help build a sense of community here, and makes it easier for all of us to help each other.
Pete Bauer
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