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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 6th, 2006, 03:26 PM   #16
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Sorry it took so long, Iīm in the middle of a production editing all day long.
I did a quick try on a portrait today. Itīs definitely not pro lit, but anyway.
0 gain, 25 shutter, open iris. Camera default colors. Shot in photo-mode, uploaded straight from the card.

I also pointed the camera at my aquarium. Aquarium picīs are random grabs from tape and have been tweaked a little in photoshop and uploaded at 50%.

So far I have found no bugs with this camera. It feels solid and the lens is beautiful. The weak link is the VF as I see it. The colors are wrong and itīs hard to focus. That said, itīs so bright you can use it as LDC display in broad daylight :) And there is a BW pro VF for those with the doll. I think this camera is great for itīs intended use, and itīs perfect for carrying around. The SDI out gives the camera an edge against the competition, and weīll probably see some clever ways of putting it to use in the future.

Last edited by Kristian Indrehus; January 6th, 2006 at 06:38 PM. Reason: mrk. portait=photo mode aquarium=frame grabs
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Old January 6th, 2006, 04:33 PM   #17
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Nice frame grabs. The close-up of the girl's eyes shows good image detail - the sort of image detail I've been looking for in a single video frame.

Thanks for showing them, Per.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 04:39 PM   #18
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amazing !
beautifull images.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 06:41 PM   #19
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Thanks Kristian, looks like a very promising camera, nice work!
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Old January 6th, 2006, 07:00 PM   #20
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You didn't shoot to HDV first, then copy to SD card.

If you shot straight from ccd to SD card avoiding the HDV codec engine than this test in absolute invalid for filmmakers.

That would be a test for digital still photography. My GL2 pics on DVinfo, shot direct to memory card look very good, but that is not how the GL2 video looked. Same thing applies here.

Can you confirm please; since this could mislead people to the quality of the H1. Not that I have an issue with the H1, but it's imperative to keep facts and tests as pure as possible.

My shots came from the HDV material then to SD card. This gives you an idea of the recorded image to HDV tape.

XLH1 and HVX200 frame grabs and news here:

Michael Pappas
PappasArts & Arrfilms Main site

XLH1 and HVX200 frame grabs and news here:

Originally Posted by Per Kristian Indrehus
Sorry it took so long, I´m in the middle of a production editing all day long.
I did a quick try on a portrait today. It´s definitely not pro lit, but anyway.
0 gain, 25 shutter, open iris. Camera default colors. Shot in photo-mode, uploaded straight from the card.

I also pointed the camera at my aquarium. Aquarium pic´s are random grabs from tape and have been tweaked a little in photoshop and uploaded at 50%.

So far I have found no bugs with this camera. It feels solid and the lens is beautiful. The weak link is the VF as I see it. The colors are wrong and it´s hard to focus. That said, it´s so bright you can use it as LDC display in broad daylight :) And there is a BW pro VF for those with the doll. I think this camera is great for it´s intended use, and it´s perfect for carrying around. The SDI out gives the camera an edge against the competition, and we´ll probably see some clever ways of putting it to use in the future.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 07:31 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Michael Pappas
You didn't shoot to HDV first, then copy to SD card.
Can you confirm please; since this could mislead people to the quality of the H1. Not that I have an issue with the H1, but it's imperative to keep facts and tests as pure as possible.
I agree, it could be misleading. The portraits - as stated - are shot in PHOTO-MOOD. They are NOT frame grabs. They have never gone through the HDV kodec.

This initially posted one however, is definitely a random grab from HDV tape.
Captured to memory card while the camera was playing. It shows some detail too.

Next time I will do a comparison. Or how about some moving ones.
Isnīt that what weīre doing?
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Old January 6th, 2006, 07:43 PM   #22
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Oh yes your the one that filmed the cat. I didn't make the connection.

Kristian, could you film the young lady just as you did for the still; but this time in HDV?

Those shot's would be valuable to analyze if you could in HDV mode then make SD pics from tape. The fish tank to if you have the chance.

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Old January 6th, 2006, 08:33 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Michael Pappas
Kristian, could you film the young lady just as you did for the still; but this time in HDV?

Those shot's would be valuable to analyze if you could in HDV mode then make SD pics from tape. The fish tank to if you have the chance.
I will, and the fish tank picīs is random grabs 25f from HDV tape by the way.

I didnīt upload them in full size simply because itīs so darn hard to grab some sharp ones pressing the photo button on the camera watching the tape play in the VF.

They serve the purpose as some eye-candy with nice colors, and I donīt think itīs fair to use them as resolution test picīs. First theyīre distorted by going through the glass of the tank.(rounded glass) In the tank everything is moving constantly including the water. The DOF feels like 10-mm, and of course the fishes themselves wonīt keep still a single second. I tried to teach them, but they wouldnīt listen :(

At 25f there obviously isnīt much room for movment unless you want to study the nice motion blur the H1 does. What seems dead sharp playing the tape at this shutter speed, can look pretty blurred watching a still.

Now, if I could only find a way of getting the footage into FCP iīd be delighted to pick some nice frames from the timeline. Seems like I will have to get the HD-deck-link right away. Yeah, I think I will. :)
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Old January 7th, 2006, 06:42 PM   #24
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Looks like I didn´t need the HD deck-link after all. Not for now anyway.
HDV capturing through firewire is no big deal at all. ( Thanks to Jonas at this thread )

Instead of up-loading more grabs, here´s the original clip of the cat.
It´s a quick-time mov. export from the timeline. 30-sec, 300MB
I´ve also uploaded a smaller H.264 compressed 1280x720 42 MB. version.

Here´s the link:

Last edited by Kristian Indrehus; January 8th, 2006 at 05:24 AM.
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Old January 24th, 2006, 05:27 AM   #25
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Still pictures out from H1 SD card to computer - how?

Hello folks,
Can we get the still photo on the SD card in the XL H1 out on its Firewire to a computer or is it mandatory to carry a separate card reader?
I tried to connect the H1 to my Apple but it was not able to recognize it in any tried program.
Is there any special setting for this or do we have to remove the card from the camera in order to get the pictures out? Maybe I am missing a menu setting I havn't found yet. (The still photos are visible in the camera viewfinder.)
I don't find any advice in the manual.
Thankful if you know how to do.
Johan Forssblad is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 24th, 2006, 09:07 AM   #26
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John, you will need a reader. The camera does not show up as a hard drive on any computer.

Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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