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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old December 27th, 2005, 12:14 PM   #1
Sponsor: divergent media
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Location: St. Paul, MN
Posts: 201
Usable Decks?

Is there any updated word on usable decks for tapes shot in the XL-H1? There hasn't been much discussion of this in the last month or so..

The status of HDV decks is really bumming me out - Anybody think that we'll see serious (at least DSR-45 style, if not DSR-1800 style) decks at NAB this year? I'm in an educational environment, where I'd like to have our edit suites ready to accept tapes shot in an assortment of cameras - right now it's just ridiculous.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 02:16 PM   #2
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Amen - I just had to spend 3 grand on a Sony deck that I will have to replace when something more universal hits the market, something that will hopefully play and record 24F..

It would have been nice if the folks at Canon had planned for a deck with the release of their camera the way Sony did, but "they don't make decks". They make an HDV camera that works like a deck don't they? Pull the guts, put it in a pro box with nice controls that doesn't have a lens or viewfinder and call it a deck.. how difficult could that be? Get a little more sophisticated, add 720p, and it would play everything and they'd sell a bunch of them.

I think this is the "wall" with prosumer marketing. The powers-that-be assume everyone want to use their camera to play back their footage...
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Old December 27th, 2005, 02:28 PM   #3
Sponsor: divergent media
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Location: St. Paul, MN
Posts: 201
I wonder what's different now versus when DV came out in terms of manufacturers' thinking. e.g., does Sony really fear that people will choose HDV over HDCam, if they have the choice? Or is it that it's just harder to make a usable deck when you've got a GOP format on tape (no ability to do inserts and whatnot). Frankly, I agree - put the guts of an XLH1 in a box and I'll be happy. Give it HDSDI in and out, plus AES/EBU and RS-422 and I'll be in heaven.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 03:05 PM   #4
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Exactly! And I believe it was Barry Green who posted in the DVX forum when this camera was announced that, because of the price, Canon is apparently targeting small TV stations and independent producers that want an affordable but professional entry into the HD marketplace.

If that's true, none of those entities will want to use a camera to play back footage. I know I don't. I haven't received my Sony deck yet and it bothers me to even waste the few drum hours on the camera for the digitizing I'm having to do now until it arrives.

Well, maybe NAB will have some surprises. But Canon hasn't leaked any preliminary plans for a deck, and you'd think they would if only to promote sales of the H1 before the HVX200 hits the market. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though...
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