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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 11th, 2006, 07:44 AM   #31
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Wilmington NC
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Well, I don't know about you, but I am recording DOUBLE audio on the feature that I am shooting...why? because the risk of haveing bad audio because the cables from the dat deck get stuck on under the dolly wheels, or warpped around the a/c cords etc is not worth the risk, not to mention the sound guy needs to listen to his own levels all the time...but then again this is a feature film, not a commercial or doc video...

We sure can't do VFX work on dvcproHD and lets not mention HDV! so again do you need HD-SDI for vfx feature work? yes. You must have it.

HDV is about 3MB/sec
HD-SDI 24p 1080 is aorund 75MB/sec

it's not dead pixels taking all that room, it's image information.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 07:48 AM   #32
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The only option for HD-SDI capture as I know it is a bulky computer...if you know of anything let me know.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 08:27 AM   #33
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Obin, my man....you're missing what I'm saying.

Double sound is cool....But if you can't sync it in post....EASILY, then trying to save time in one area is just creating work in another. For narrartive film making, creating audio tracks that are tottaly out of sync with your video is just crazy. You really want to have those two married somehow, and timecode is what does it.

Now if you have no audio concerns and no script supervisor's notes to go by, then yes, a 'video only' hd-sdi solution is just fine.

And Obin, let's be real here. You DO NOT 'have to have' hd-sdi to do Visual Effect bro. Canon comes out 4 months ago with a sub$10k camera that has HD-SDI and now all of a sudden we MUST have it to do stuff. LOLOLOL So what did we do before then for low budget projects that needed visual effects? *smile* I know you're excited about your new product, I'm just telling you its limitations and how it won't work for everybody.

NOW....if you can somehow get that puppy to record timecode and audio info.... you just created yourself a new product that breaks all world records!! and I will be happy to pay for it.

- ShannonRawls.com
Shannon W. Rawls ~ Motion Picture Producer & huge advocate of Digital Acquisition.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 08:44 AM   #34
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If it would record time code and picture with matching timecode being fed to the audio guy, that woud be just as good as what Shannon suggested in my opinion. I don't think the audio needs to be embedded as long as it is easily sync-able. It also allows for more flexibilty with sound for different recording mediums.

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Old January 12th, 2006, 07:53 AM   #35
Join Date: Jan 2003
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THX for the feeds on the unit design, we are listening!

BTW Shannon, to answer your Q about "how we did it before canon"??

Well we did it with 2k fim scans and 1080p 4:2:2 un-compressed from cams like the f900 bro, never with a consumer cam...ever!

the canon takes "consumer" to a new level, and we can get 4:2:2 out the side now! Why not use it? ;)
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