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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old November 21st, 2005, 08:08 AM   #16
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SDI what u like.

From all the lurking I've been doing lately, I was mighty confused about the whole SDI thing. On minute I'd decide "I'd be better off getting a HVX to have a codec with less compression" The next I'd be "XLH1 uncommpressed! Compositing will be a blast. (apart from capturing it$$)" This has been plaguing me for weeks now. I've been trying to weigh up which would be best. I think I've been caught up in the whole marketing machine and spat out. Codecs and colour space ringing in my ears. However It never occured to me that I can capture to what ever codec I want from the SDI out! Like you said I probably would't need raw uncommpressed all the time only for certain jobs and the others I can choose what suits the situation.

Thanks for unscrambling my mind. At least I know what cam to get now!
Martin Costa is offline   Reply

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