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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 07:46 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Nick Hiltgen
SWEET! FInally an Official Rumor from Mr. Hurd himself. You heard it here first on, the Canon announcement in the middle of the month will be for an Ultra-HD camera WITH built in ice-maker. But, just to upset those who want everything the cupholder will be an add-on accesory (model# CUP-300) and everyone can complain about how it's not included with the base model, but panasonic's HVX-200A will include the cupholder and a martini shaker and be a Canon UHD killer.

mmm.... Martini...
I just hope that the ice chips are greater than 1/3" and that they go with a martini STIRRER rather than a shaker. The shaker technology has been discounted for decades now. ;-)

--Ralph Roberts, CEO
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Old September 5th, 2005, 09:30 AM   #62
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Man, Richard,LOL! I nearly missed it!
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Old September 5th, 2005, 09:55 AM   #63
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Right... Like they'll ever make camera's like that....
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Old September 8th, 2005, 10:36 PM   #64
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This Canon Camera thing just might be for real boys!

Hey Guys,
Well I guess you have to leave it to a girl to get some interesting information besides cup holders. Check this out: Well upon reading the first post, then all others thereafter (watching it spiral totally out of control. Although there are some great informative, inspirational, and downright interesting information being passed around you totally missed the opportunity of a lifetime! Someone named names…. the Directors name is right there in front of you. **Neil Moreno** Who is he? I said, well at least let me follow this lead.

1- Google’ed his name, got a bunch of this Canon Stuff, found some heading out there.
He directed a commercial for A&E Television (was nominated for an Emmy for it) Ok…at least he’s for real. He has some documentary films out. And found a company in LA that manages him.

2- Went to the LA company link. They have Neil Moreno listed with other “creative people” as someone they work closely with…. Clicked his name for a bio. OK THIS GUY IS FOR REAL. His bio is impressive to say the least. A bunch of who’s who as clients. He is a director and a cinematographer.

3- AH- HA! Found him! He works for a Production company called Blizzard Productions. Checked out the site. Ok first off he is a documentary filmmaker, hi-end commercial director, and television show producer.
So in my mind his connection alone brings legitimacy to this Canon rumor. A quick side note.. He is so cute! (There is a picture of him with a bio) Now I am really digging deep. Seriously for a moment, I think for Canon to align themselves with somebody like Neil Moreno who clearly is a film guy says something to me… They are not going to use him for a little DVD handy cam, or crappy recorder, they have clearly brought the big guns of independent and successful filmmakers to the table. My mind tells me a new professional camera for the documentary filmmaker or maybe a hi-end pro-sumer camera with broadcast quality images…. Did I Mention that he was hot? Ok so he’s talented and good looking, is there anything wrong with that?

4- Clicked the contact page, sent him an e-mail and simply asked if the rumor was true. Hey, maybe we can put this thing to rest after all or at least we can meet for drinks………

Now put that in your cup holder and drink! =)
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Old September 9th, 2005, 05:52 AM   #65
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Hey, that's some great intelligence work, Krys! ;-)


--Ralph Roberts, CEO
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Old September 9th, 2005, 06:04 AM   #66
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Okay... It took a lady detective sleuthing after a 'hot' director to shame a bunch of guys obsessed with beer....

So I should be surprised by this?

Seriously, good on you for doing the legwork. How 'bout posting a pic of you that we can send to Neil???
Richard Alvarez is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 9th, 2005, 06:12 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Krys Athens
Hey Guys,
Well I guess you have to leave it to a girl to get some interesting information besides cup holders. Check this out: Well upon reading the first post, then all others thereafter (watching it spiral totally out of control. Although there are some great informative, inspirational, and downright interesting information being passed around you totally missed the opportunity of a lifetime! Someone named names…. the Directors name is right there in front of you. **Neil Moreno** Who is he? I said, well at least let me follow this lead.

1- Google’ed his name, got a bunch of this Canon Stuff, found some heading out there.
He directed a commercial for A&E Television (was nominated for an Emmy for it) Ok…at least he’s for real. He has some documentary films out. And found a company in LA that manages him.

2- Went to the LA company link. They have Neil Moreno listed with other “creative people” as someone they work closely with…. Clicked his name for a bio. OK THIS GUY IS FOR REAL. His bio is impressive to say the least. A bunch of who’s who as clients. He is a director and a cinematographer.

3- AH- HA! Found him! He works for a Production company called Blizzard Productions. Checked out the site. Ok first off he is a documentary filmmaker, hi-end commercial director, and television show producer.
So in my mind his connection alone brings legitimacy to this Canon rumor. A quick side note.. He is so cute! (There is a picture of him with a bio) Now I am really digging deep. Seriously for a moment, I think for Canon to align themselves with somebody like Neil Moreno who clearly is a film guy says something to me… They are not going to use him for a little DVD handy cam, or crappy recorder, they have clearly brought the big guns of independent and successful filmmakers to the table. My mind tells me a new professional camera for the documentary filmmaker or maybe a hi-end pro-sumer camera with broadcast quality images…. Did I Mention that he was hot? Ok so he’s talented and good looking, is there anything wrong with that?

4- Clicked the contact page, sent him an e-mail and simply asked if the rumor was true. Hey, maybe we can put this thing to rest after all or at least we can meet for drinks………

Now put that in your cup holder and drink! =)
Hi Krys,

Welcome to DV-INFO. You are quite right. Us 'guys' usually leave it to the girls to notice how 'cute' or how 'hot' some other guy is. ;-) We're more interested in cup holders so we can have a cool drink while we film alll the 'cute, hot' girls. :-b

Seriously though, it's good that you went to the trouble to dig out that info. I see investigative reporter in your future.

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Old September 9th, 2005, 06:41 AM   #68
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Hey Krys; about the whole cupholder and beer thing.... The point is that rumors about features on non-existent cameras are worth just about as much as rumors of cupholders on non-existent cameras. People who really know about upcoming cameras (regardless of how "cute" they are) will have signed non disclosure agreements which forbid them from discussing the features in public.

In the past any threads about unannounced cameras would simply be deleted from our forums since this is and not But since people seem to have a need to talk about these things, Chris created the "Area 51" forum. But just like its namesake, many of us don't take it too seriously....
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Old September 9th, 2005, 06:45 AM   #69
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I can't believe I'm a reporter and it never occurred to me to just send the guy an e-mail. Good work.
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Old September 9th, 2005, 07:42 AM   #70
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Welcome Krys! My Area 51 prediction is as it has been since at least May: Canon WunderKam this autumn...and your initiative lends support to the idea of Canon Expo being the perfect time for a WunderKam announcement. Fingers crossed!

BTW, I am one of the few guys opposed to the cupholder because I'd rather counterbalance the camera that's resting on my right shoulder with a Camelback full of beer on my left shoulder!
Pete Bauer
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Old September 9th, 2005, 07:55 AM   #71
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I also wunder whether Canon will introduce a new kam.

Glad that we finally know where you stand on the cupholder issue!
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Old September 9th, 2005, 07:56 AM   #72
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I'm hoping what someone told me is true.

That the camera is coming or will talked about on the 15th. And if what I've read about Canon in the past. When they announce a camera its ready to go in a few weeks.

But we'll have to wait and see.

Isn't life fun. Just waiting for a new toy. Actually not a toy. But it'd be nice if I could shoot HD on a low budget feature project instead of my DVX, which is a great little camera.

Actually I'd be nice if I could afford 35mm stock. I can get an Arri BL4 for free but it's the stock that kills me.

Unless an angel investor magically shows up that ain't gonna happen. That can refer to shooting 35mm and the angel investor.
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Old September 9th, 2005, 08:07 AM   #73
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That had better be Shiner Bock in that Camelback, Pete!

We'll be, er, " inspecting" those at the front door.

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Old September 9th, 2005, 08:27 AM   #74
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Since I live in TX presently, I'd never diss Shiner, but I did develop quite a taste for the fine products of Europe when I lived in Germany. Nothing like eines gutes Dunkelweissen or a Belgian Duval to top off a long work week!

A Camelback full of dark beer and one's artistic creativity would be boundless. But I'll stay sharp watching for any announcements out of Canon Expo!
Pete Bauer
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Old September 9th, 2005, 08:45 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
That had better be Shiner Bock in that Camelback, Pete!

We'll be, er, " inspecting" those at the front door.
I wanna be an inspector too....can I, can I,....huh, can I. Oh pretty please.

Shiner Bock....ummmmmmm.

BTW, just had a fish fry last night with my folks up here near Little Rock, AR. Of course I always use 'beer batter' and would you like to guess what kind of beer ends up in that batter? Sand bass that dissolve in your mouth...

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