XLH1 (original) HDV and Compact Flash recording device at DVinfo.net
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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old July 26th, 2010, 07:17 PM   #1
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XLH1 (original) HDV and Compact Flash recording device

I recently purchased a solid state recording solution which I was hoping would help me transition to a full HDV workflow in my School. The device is called a CitiDISK CFR and I have a 32GB CF card in it. It attaches via Firewire and claims to record both DV and HDV footage (the later in M2T).

While the device works as expected in DV Mode (with the camera set to SD 16:9), HDV mode is a bit different. First, the counters on the devive's small LCD display don't count up during recording (depsite the device indicating with a symbol that it is in fact recording). Second, when the resulting M2T files are dropped into Premiere (both CS3 and CS5), the application instantly crashes, which I assume means the files are corrupt in some way. The device is running the latest firmware (18 May 2010).

I have lodged a support ticket with the company and sent a sample file, but I thought I would post on this forum in case there is anything I can change IN CAMERA which may alter the HDV stream being sent to the firewire port while recording.

Any clues?

Matthew P
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Old August 20th, 2010, 01:27 PM   #2
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When using my FS-4 and CS4 I ran into that problem, but since upgrading to CS5 I haven't run into it. Can you import it into After Effects?
Motion Blur Studios - Canon XL H1, XL2, nanoFlash, 2xFS-4 HDs, Custom 9TB RAID 10 Array HPT RocketRaid 4320, GeForce GTX 480, Adobe CS5 Production Suite
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