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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old January 20th, 2010, 05:03 PM   #16
Convergent Design
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 869
Originally Posted by Tim Bickford View Post
It looks like the audio and time code will not be an issue. However, my last hurdle appears to be my NLE software. I edit on an I7 PC with Premiere Pro CS4. I have read that CS4 will not recognize the high bit rate video from the Nanoflash. Perhaps I have just fallen behind in my homework and there is a work around or update that I have missed. Can you shed some light on this? Please note that I currently use Cineform Prospect HD to convert the MPEG-2 files to Cineform AVI.

Finally, can you definitively confirm that shooting with the Nanoflash, off the HDMI on a Canon HV40, uses the signal before MPEG-2 encoding and that the signal connection to the Nanoflash is raw from the HV40?

Thanks a lot.

Tim Bickford
Hi Tim-
Currently, you need to purchase the Main Concept Plugin for compatibility with CS3/4. We have a special $199 price for this plugin for nanoFlash customers. (The coupon is on the last page of the nanoFlash FAQs). The plugin will allow CS3/4 users to work with all the various bit-rates and CODECs on the nanoFlash, but I don't know about compatibility with Cineform. Maybe someone else on the forum can comment?

Yes, we can definitively confirm that the live HDMI output from the HV40 is prior to compression. We test daily with an HV20 and can attest that the picture quality is quite excellent - given the low price of the camera.

Mike Schell
Convergent Design
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