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Canon XL H Series HDV Camcorders
Canon XL H1S (with SDI), Canon XL H1A (without SDI). Also XL H1.

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Old May 3rd, 2009, 02:17 PM   #16
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Its always possible to run out to a color monitor while you're shooting with the FU-1000.
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Old May 4th, 2009, 12:44 AM   #17
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sure sure..

no... what i meant is letting the stock VWF connected as it is.. and also connecting the FU-1000 to the port below, where the stock VWF is connected.. letting both of them run at the same time..

and than also having a little monitor connected to the BNC port.. :)

is that possible?
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Old May 4th, 2009, 08:12 AM   #18
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Philip, I've wondered this too, especially if you external monitor could draw power from that tap. That would be awesome.
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Old May 5th, 2009, 10:52 PM   #19
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FU-1000 Weaknesses

Aloha friends—

After spending some time on a big ENG-type project, I have learned a few things about the FU-1000. First, as was stated elsewhere here, once you have the viewfinder setup, TAPE THE DIALS! They move far too easily. I overexposed several scenes because of this. Bummer.

And, the biggest drawback, for me, is that the RECORD indicator is within the frame, in the picture. So, in B&W, it's hard to tell if you're recording— the indicator is in B&W. My Sony DSR-570 had a red LED below the viewfinder screen, so you always knew when you were rolling. Unless, my finder isn't working right... does anyone have one that DOES have an LED below the frame? It's not like Ikegami couldn't have built it this way; they do have LED tally lights at the front of the viewfinder.

And, sheesh, if only there was a way to selectively turn off more of the in-finder display info. There's waaay too much going on in there.

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Old May 6th, 2009, 06:24 AM   #20
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Philip -I shoot with an XL-2, but the bodies are similar. The FU-1000 connector COVERS the other port when it is in place, so physically I don't think you can connect the two viewfinders simultaneously - so no. Aside from that, I doubt the camera's internal fuse would power the both of them, and you DON'T want to blow an internal fuse. Trust me. And I don't know how you would mount the two viewfinders on the body.

You CAN mount the fu-1000 and any number of various small color lcd's on top. But they are not powered from the side ports.

Jeff - You can go into the camera menu - select display, and toggle through various settings to add/subtact a couple of elements from the display screen. Additionally (on the XL-2 anyway) There is an EVF button on the body, that will toggle through three settings of the display, subtracting various elements until the screen is completely clear of information.

The only indication that the camera is running is the REC/PAUSE words above the timecode. These can be toggled OFF in the selection process - so be carefull. I just make it a point of procedure - to look for running timecode in my viewfinder when I'm shooting.

I use the old acronym F.A.S.T. before I roll tape. FOCUS - APERTURE - SHUTTER - TIMECODE. -Helps me to remember to check everything.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 08:55 AM   #21
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The xlh1 comes with a cord to plug into the unused port to drive a small monitor.

Wonder if the xl2 could use the same cord, my xl2 is out with another cameraman or I would check it out. Don't know if I have the guts to turn it on though as the last blown fuse cost me 410 dollars!!!

It would seem safest to use a small external monitor.

Check out the new smallHD monitor

SmallHD.com - 8.9" High Definition - the DP1
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old May 6th, 2009, 09:29 AM   #22
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Ah, could be there is a different level of power distribution with the XLH-1 if they ship an 'extension cord' with it.

Yup, I suppose it could work with the XL2.... "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
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Old May 7th, 2009, 04:19 AM   #23
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Yeah..youre right.. i just figured this out Yesterday during my first official shoot with the FU-1000..it completely covers the second port..

@ Dale
And about this Cord Plug..I got the H1 used and i didnt get it..
Well... But is this Cord Plug there to power this Device..

Canon | FU2000 Remote Viewfinder | 0974B002 | B&H Photo Video

Would you recommend it?

Probably pretty expensive for what it can do i guess...

Yeah i missed the Record light too Yesterday.. So i also have no Rec lights on in the viewer..


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Old May 7th, 2009, 07:36 AM   #24
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I am going to make an educated guess and say that the fu2000 remote viewfinder is quite simply the regular viewfinder in a different package that allows you to extend away from camera. It probably plugs into the same port as the color viewfinder and draws the same amount of current. I would avoid hooking up the FU1000 and anything in the 2nd port at the same time. You are just asking for trouble. If you commit to the FU1000 and cannot live without a color reference then an external monitor tied into the component out is probably your best bet.

When I use the FU1000 I have a portable DVD player that allows input via composite out that I can reference colors on quickly. Most of the time on run and gun shoots I actually use auto (gasp) color balance. It works out "most" of the time. On scripted shoots I use an external monitor for color reference and set it manually.

I will say this. With the FU1000 I have a lot less shots that are "slightly" out of focus. It just helps so much. Plus I think there is less delay to the viewfinder or less lag....maybe I am imagining that but it seems more reponsive and definitely does not slow down in the cold.

Originally Posted by Philipp Steiner View Post
Yeah..youre right.. i just figured this out Yesterday during my first official shoot with the FU-1000..it completely covers the second port..

@ Dale
And about this Cord Plug..I got the H1 used and i didnt get it..
Well... But is this Cord Plug there to power this Device..

Canon | FU2000 Remote Viewfinder | 0974B002 | B&H Photo Video

Would you recommend it?

Probably pretty expensive for what it can do i guess...

Yeah i missed the Record light too Yesterday.. So i also have no Rec lights on in the viewer..


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Old May 7th, 2009, 01:48 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Richard Alvarez View Post
Jeff - You can go into the camera menu - select display, and toggle through various settings to add/subtact a couple of elements from the display screen. Additionally (on the XL-2 anyway) There is an EVF button on the body, that will toggle through three settings of the display, subtracting various elements until the screen is completely clear of information.

I guess my beef is that, correct me if I'm wrong, items displayed in the viewfinder are grouped, and certain items cannot be removed from their group. So, we are faced with TMIOWYS— Too Much Information Obstructing What You're Shooting.


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Old May 7th, 2009, 05:59 PM   #26
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Totally agree with you Jeff. There's way too much crap in the display that you can't turn off selectively. All I really want to see is the audio meter and whether the tape is rolling. And why in the hell didn't they put all that stuff in the letterboxed area when you shoot widescreen? For that matter, why can't I see the anamorphic stretched view? It would be way easier to focus if a third of the vertical resolutions wasn't thrown away in the viewfinder.
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Old May 7th, 2009, 07:12 PM   #27
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It's difficult to be critical of the fu1000 when it is a 8-9 year old product that was designed in the standard-def non widescreen world. The fact that canon was able to design the h1 series to utilize it at all is a huge plus in my mind. Had the fu1000 been designed recently that would be a valid criticism of not using the letterbox area. Kind of like the xl2 did! Now that deserved that criticism.
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Old May 7th, 2009, 07:40 PM   #28
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Ah, you know I really had the XL2 in mind.
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Old May 8th, 2009, 01:49 AM   #29
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Yeah.. I will not buy the fu-2000... It really looks like the regular VWF of the H1..
Secondly.. No.. I will not use the second port..

External Monitor connected to the BNC Port.. thats it..

It was just very unusual for me not having the color information...

Now i also shot yesterday and must say.. I am getting used to the lack of color.. And Focusing is definitly something you cant fix in Post... So i will stick with the fu-1000...
happily ;)

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